[TaskScheduler]: Migrate off of AssertBlockingAllowedDeprecated in /sql

base::AssertBlockingAllowedDeprecated is deprecated in favor of
ScopedBlockingCall, which serves as a precise annotation of
the scope that may/will block.

Please make sure of the following:
  - ScopedBlockingCall is instantiated in a scope with minimal CPU usage.
    If this is not the case, ScopedBlockingCall should be instantiated
    closer to the blocking call. See scoped_blocking_call.h for more
    info. Please let me know when/where the blocking call happens if this needs
    to be changed.
  - Parameter |blocking_type| matches expectation:
      MAY_BLOCK: The call might block (e.g. file I/O that might hit in memory cache).
      WILL_BLOCK: The call will definitely block (e.g. cache already checked and now pinging
        server synchronously).
    See BlockingType for more info. While I assumed MAY_BLOCK by default, that might
    not be the best fit if we know that this callsite is guaranteed to block.
  - The ScopedBlockingCall's scope covers the entirety of the blocking operation
    previously asserted against by the AssertBlockingAllowed().
  - Calls to blocking //base APIs don't need to be annotated
    with ScopedBlockingCall. All blocking //base APIs (e.g. base::ReadFileToString, base::File::Read,
    base::SysInfo::AmountOfFreeDiskSpace, base::WaitableEvent::Wait, etc.) have their
    own internal annotations.

Refer to the top-level CL if necessary :

Please CQ if LGTY!

This CL was uploaded by git cl split.


Bug: 903957
Change-Id: Ia7d71b3bc2536dad0e6adc669aebe36addfd7fd0
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1365805
Commit-Queue: Victor Costan <pwnall@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Victor Costan <pwnall@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Chris Mumford <cmumford@google.com>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#629836}
3 files changed