Remove unnecessary base::Passed() with base::BindOnce()

The documentation on base::Callback<...> (src/docs/
recommends against using base::Passed(...) with base::BindOnce.

> Avoid using `base::Passed()` with `base::BindOnce()`, as `std::move()`
> does the same thing and is more familiar.

Also convert uses of base::Bind() that can be trivially converted to
use base::BindOnce() so that the base::Passed() can be removed from
the binding.

This CL was uploaded by git cl split.

Bug: 812523
Change-Id: I575592bb0d3d316f47c4e654f800ee51f66f2538
Commit-Queue: Satoru Takabayashi <>
Reviewed-by: Satoru Takabayashi <>
Auto-Submit: Sylvain Defresne <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#660735}
4 files changed