blob: e0f5edd09eb0a2e07269f0d7c82cb23dd670bb50 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: global=worker,jsshell
// META: script=../resources/constructor-ordering.js
'use strict';
const operations = [
op('get', 'size'),
op('get', 'highWaterMark'),
op('get', 'type'),
op('validate', 'type'),
op('validate', 'size'),
op('tonumber', 'highWaterMark'),
op('validate', 'highWaterMark'),
op('get', 'pull'),
op('validate', 'pull'),
op('get', 'cancel'),
op('validate', 'cancel'),
op('get', 'start'),
op('validate', 'start')
for (const failureOp of operations) {
test(() => {
const record = new OpRecorder(failureOp);
const underlyingSource = createRecordingObjectWithProperties(record, ['type', 'start', 'pull', 'cancel']);
const strategy = createRecordingStrategy(record);
try {
new ReadableStream(underlyingSource, strategy);
assert_unreached('constructor should throw');
} catch (e) {
assert_equals(typeof e, 'object', 'e should be an object');
assert_equals(record.actual(), expectedAsString(operations, failureOp),
'operations should be performed in the right order');
}, `ReadableStream constructor should stop after ${failureOp} fails`);