tree: 763721741725aa33cc53137fa249ad6e59c4a4a3 [path history] [tgz]
  1. accessibility/
  2. android/
  3. animations/
  4. app_banner/
  5. bindings/
  6. clipboard/
  7. compositing/
  8. crypto/
  9. css-parser/
  10. css1/
  11. css2.1/
  12. css3/
  13. cssom/
  14. custom-elements/
  15. custom-properties/
  16. dark-mode/
  17. dom/
  18. editing/
  19. external/
  20. fast/
  21. flag-specific/
  22. FlagExpectations/
  23. fonts/
  24. fragmentation/
  25. fullscreen/
  26. gamepad/
  27. handwriting/
  28. harness-tests/
  29. hittesting/
  30. html/
  31. html5lib/
  32. http/
  33. idle-callback/
  34. ietestcenter/
  35. images/
  36. inspector-protocol/
  37. intersection-observer/
  38. jquery/
  39. js/
  40. loader/
  41. media/
  42. media_capabilities/
  43. mhtml/
  44. navigator_language/
  45. navigator_webdriver/
  46. netinfo/
  47. overflow/
  48. paint/
  49. payments/
  50. performance_timeline/
  51. permissionclient/
  52. platform/
  53. plugins/
  54. pointer-lock/
  55. ppapi/
  56. print_testharness/
  57. printing/
  58. register-protocol-handler/
  59. regress/
  60. resize-observer/
  61. resources/
  62. rootscroller/
  63. screen_orientation/
  64. scrollbars/
  65. scrollingcoordinator/
  66. security/
  67. shadow-dom/
  68. storage/
  69. svg/
  70. synthetic_gestures/
  71. tables/
  72. test_runner/
  73. TestLists/
  74. third_party/
  75. timezonechange/
  76. touchadjustment/
  77. transforms/
  78. transitions/
  79. traversal/
  80. typedcssom/
  81. vibration/
  82. view-transition/
  83. virtual/
  84. virtualkeyboard/
  85. wasm/
  86. webaudio/
  87. webexposed/
  88. webgpu/
  89. wpt_internal/
  90. xmlviewer/
  91. .clang-format
  92. .gitattributes
  93. .gitignore
  94. ASANExpectations
  95. ChromeTestExpectations
  96. FlagSpecificConfig
  97. IOSTestExpectations
  98. LeakExpectations
  99. MobileTestExpectations
  100. MSANExpectations
  101. NeverFixTests
  102. OWNERS
  106. SlowTests
  107. StaleTestExpectations
  108. TestExpectations
  110. VirtualTestSuites
  111. W3CImportExpectations
  112. WebGPUExpectations
  113. whitespace.txt
  114. wptrunner.blink.ini

The documentation for this directory is at:

WPT Configuration

There are some special files under this directory for adapting web platform tests for Blink:

  • web_tests/external/wpt/config.json: wptserve configuration file for overriding default routes and ports. Note that filesystem paths are relative to blink/web_tests, where wptserve runs. When changing the ports (HTTP/S, WS/S), make sure to also:
    • Update WPT_HOST_AND_PORTS in //third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/web_tests/port/
    • Update WebTestContentBrowserClient::GetOriginsRequiringDedicatedProcess
  • web_tests/wptrunner.blink.ini: Describes WPT tests other than external/wpt, which is automatically mapped to the document root http://web-platform.test/. Note that this config is only ingested by wptrunner; automatically recognizes all tests under web_tests/.