blob: 723e0a141d55b6d98a3e36ca7c9a3d841e7746ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* Interface abstracting the Application functionality.
'use strict';
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
* @type {base.EventSourceImpl} An event source object for handling global
* events. This is an interim hack. Eventually, we should move
* functionalities away from the remoting namespace and into smaller objects.
* @constructor
* @implements {base.Disposable}
remoting.Application = function() {
// Create global factories.
remoting.ClientPlugin.factory = new remoting.DefaultClientPluginFactory();
/** @protected {base.WindowMessageDispatcher} */
this.windowMessageDispatcher_ = new base.WindowMessageDispatcher();
remoting.Application.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.windowMessageDispatcher_ = null;
/* Public method to exit the application. */
remoting.Application.prototype.quit = function() {
* Close the main window when quitting the application. This should be called
* by exitApplication() in the subclass.
* @protected
remoting.Application.prototype.closeMainWindow_ = function() {;
* Initialize the application and register all event handlers. After this
* is called, the app is running and waiting for user events.
remoting.Application.prototype.start = function() {
// TODO(garykac): This should be owned properly rather than living in the
// global 'remoting' namespace.
remoting.settings = new remoting.Settings();
var that = this;
).catch(function(/** !remoting.Error */ error) {
if (error.hasTag(remoting.Error.Tag.CANCELLED)) {
} else {
/** @private */
remoting.Application.prototype.initGlobalObjects_ = function() {
if (base.isAppsV2()) {
var htmlNode = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (document.body.parentNode);
var sandbox =
/** @type {HTMLIFrameElement} */ (document.getElementById('wcs-sandbox'));
remoting.wcsSandbox = new remoting.WcsSandboxContainer(
sandbox.contentWindow, this.windowMessageDispatcher_);
* @return {string} Information about the current extension.
remoting.Application.prototype.getExtensionInfo = function() {
var v2OrLegacy = base.isAppsV2() ? " (v2)" : " (legacy)";
var manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest();
if (manifest && manifest.version) {
var name = this.getApplicationName();
return name + ' version: ' + manifest.version + v2OrLegacy;
} else {
return 'Failed to get product version. Corrupt manifest?';
* These functions must be overridden in the subclass.
* @return {string}
* @suppress {missingReturn}
remoting.Application.prototype.getApplicationId = function() {
console.assert(false, 'Subclass must override');
* @return {string}
* @suppress {missingReturn}
remoting.Application.prototype.getApplicationName = function() {
console.assert(false, 'Subclass must override getApplicationName().');
* @return {remoting.Activity} The Current activity.
* @suppress {missingReturn}
remoting.Application.prototype.getActivity = function() {
console.assert(false, 'Subclass must override getActivity().');
* @param {!remoting.Error} error
* @protected
remoting.Application.prototype.signInFailed_ = function(error) {
console.assert(false, 'Subclass must override signInFailed().');
/** @protected */
remoting.Application.prototype.initApplication_ = function() {
console.assert(false, 'Subclass must override initApplication().');
* @param {string} token
* @protected
remoting.Application.prototype.startApplication_ = function(token) {
console.assert(false, 'Subclass must override startApplication().');
/** @protected */
remoting.Application.prototype.exitApplication_ = function() {
console.assert(false, 'Subclass must override exitApplication().');
* The interface specifies the methods that a subclass of remoting.Application
* is required implement to override the default behavior.
* @interface
remoting.ApplicationInterface = function() {};
* @return {string} Application Id.
remoting.ApplicationInterface.prototype.getApplicationId = function() {};
* @return {string} Application product name to be used in UI.
remoting.ApplicationInterface.prototype.getApplicationName = function() {};
* Report an authentication error to the user. This is called in lieu of
* startApplication() if the user cannot be authenticated or if they decline
* the app permissions.
* @param {!remoting.Error} error The failure reason.
remoting.ApplicationInterface.prototype.signInFailed_ = function(error) {};
* Initialize the application. This is called before an OAuth token is requested
* and should be used for tasks such as initializing the DOM, registering event
* handlers, etc. After this is called, the app is running and waiting for
* user events.
remoting.ApplicationInterface.prototype.initApplication_ = function() {};
* Start the application. Once startApplication() is called, we can assume that
* the user has consented to all permissions specified in the manifest.
* @param {string} token An OAuth access token. The app should not cache
* this token, but can assume that it will remain valid during application
* start-up.
remoting.ApplicationInterface.prototype.startApplication_ = function(token) {};
* Close down the application before exiting.
remoting.ApplicationInterface.prototype.exitApplication_ = function() {};
/** @type {remoting.Application} */ = null;