blob: efbd80be4e705df411688727aa76b828acb4cd3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* ASN.1 parser, in the manner of BoringSSL's CBS (crypto byte string) lib.
* A |ByteString| is a buffer of DER-encoded bytes. To decode the buffer, you
* must know something about the expected sequence of tags, which allows you to
* call getASN1() and friends with the right arguments and in the right order.
* is the canonical API reference.
const ByteString = class {
* Creates a new ASN.1 parser.
* @param {!Uint8Array} buffer DER-encoded ASN.1 bytes.
constructor(buffer) {
/** @private {!Uint8Array} */
this.slice_ = buffer;
* @return {!Uint8Array} The DER-encoded bytes remaining in the buffer.
get data() {
return this.slice_;
* @return {number} The number of DER-encoded bytes remaining in the buffer.
get length() {
return this.slice_.length;
* @return {boolean} True if the buffer is empty.
get empty() {
return this.slice_.length == 0;
* Pops a byte from the start of the buffer.
* @return {number} A byte.
* @throws {Error} if the buffer is empty.
* @private
getU8_() {
if (this.empty) {
throw Error('getU8_: slice empty');
const b = this.slice_[0];
this.slice_ = this.slice_.subarray(1);
return b;
* Pops |n| bytes from the buffer.
* @param {number} n The number of bytes to pop.
* @throws {Error}
* @private
skip_(n) {
if (this.slice_.length < n) {
throw Error('skip_: too few bytes in input');
this.slice_ = this.slice_.subarray(n);
* @param {number} n The number of bytes to read from the buffer.
* @return {!Uint8Array} an array of |n| bytes.
* @throws {Error}
getBytes(n) {
if (this.slice_.length < n) {
throw Error('getBytes: too few bytes in input');
const prefix = this.slice_.subarray(0, n);
this.slice_ = this.slice_.subarray(n);
return prefix;
* Returns a value of the specified type.
* @param {number} expectedTag The expected tag, e.g. |SEQUENCE|, of the next
* value in the buffer.
* @param {boolean=} opt_includeHeader If true, include header bytes in the
* buffer.
* @return {!ByteString} The DER-encoded value bytes.
* @throws {Error}
* @private
getASN1_(expectedTag, opt_includeHeader) {
if (this.empty) {
throw Error('getASN1: empty slice, expected tag ' + expectedTag);
const v = this.getAnyASN1();
if (v.tag != expectedTag) {
throw Error('getASN1: got tag ' + v.tag + ', want ' + expectedTag);
if (!opt_includeHeader) {
return v.val;
* Returns a value of the specified type.
* @param {number} expectedTag The expected tag, e.g. |SEQUENCE|, of the next
* value in the buffer.
* @return {!ByteString} The DER-encoded value bytes.
* @throws {Error}
getASN1(expectedTag) {
return this.getASN1_(expectedTag, false);
* Returns a base128-encoded integer.
* @return {number} an int32.
* @private
getBase128Int_() {
var lookahead = this.slice_.length;
if (lookahead > 4) {
lookahead = 4;
var len = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lookahead; i++) {
if (!([i] & 0x80)) {
len = i + 1;
if (len == 0) {
throw Error('terminating byte not found');
var n = 0;
var octets = this.getBytes(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
n |= (octets[i] & 0x7f) << 7 * (len - i - 1);
return n;
* @return {Array<number>}
getASN1ObjectIdentifier() {
var b = this.getASN1(Tag.OBJECT);
var result = [];
var first = b.getBase128Int_();
result[1] = first % 40;
result[0] = (first - result[1]) / 40;
var n = 2;
while (!b.empty) {
result[n++] = b.getBase128Int_();
return result;
* Returns a value of the specified type, with its header.
* @param {number} expectedTag The expected tag, e.g. |SEQUENCE|, of the next
* value in the buffer.
* @return {!ByteString} The DER-encoded header and value bytes.
* @throws {Error}
getASN1Element(expectedTag) {
return this.getASN1_(expectedTag, true);
* Returns an optional value of the specified type.
* @param {number} expectedTag The expected tag, e.g. |SEQUENCE|, of the next
* value in the buffer.
* @return {ByteString}
* */
getOptionalASN1(expectedTag) {
if (this.slice_.length < 1 || this.slice_[0] != expectedTag) {
return null;
return this.getASN1(expectedTag);
* Matches and returns any ASN.1 type.
* @return {{tag: number, headerLen: number, val: !ByteString}} An ASN.1
* value. The returned |ByteString| includes the DER header bytes.
* @throws {Error}
getAnyASN1() {
const header = new ByteString(this.slice_);
const tag = header.getU8_();
const lengthByte = header.getU8_();
if ((tag & 0x1f) == 0x1f) {
throw Error('getAnyASN1: long-form tag found');
var len = 0;
var headerLen = 0;
if ((lengthByte & 0x80) == 0) {
// Short form length.
len = lengthByte + 2;
headerLen = 2;
} else {
// The high bit indicates that this is the long form, while the next 7
// bits encode the number of subsequent octets used to encode the length
// (ITU-T X.690 clause
const numBytes = lengthByte & 0x7f;
// Bitwise operations are always on signed 32-bit two's complement
// numbers. This check ensures that we stay under this limit. We could
// do this in a better way, but there's no need to process very large
// objects.
if (numBytes == 0 || numBytes > 3) {
throw Error('getAnyASN1: bad ASN.1 long-form length');
const lengthBytes = header.getBytes(numBytes);
for (var i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
len <<= 8;
len |= lengthBytes[i];
if (len < 128 || (len >> ((numBytes - 1) * 8)) == 0) {
throw Error('getAnyASN1: incorrectly encoded ASN.1 length');
headerLen = 2 + numBytes;
len += headerLen;
if (this.slice_.length < len) {
throw Error('getAnyASN1: too few bytes in input');
const prefix = this.slice_.subarray(0, len);
this.slice_ = this.slice_.subarray(len);
return {tag: tag, headerLen: headerLen, val: new ByteString(prefix)};
* Tag is a container for ASN.1 tag values, like |SEQUENCE|. These values
* are arguments to e.g. getASN1().
const Tag = class {
/** @return {number} */
static get BOOLEAN() {
return 1;
/** @return {number} */
static get INTEGER() {
return 2;
/** @return {number} */
static get BITSTRING() {
return 3;
/** @return {number} */
static get OCTETSTRING() {
return 4;
/** @return {number} */
static get NULL() {
return 5;
/** @return {number} */
static get OBJECT() {
return 6;
/** @return {number} */
static get UTF8String() {
return 12;
/** @return {number} */
static get PrintableString() {
return 19;
/** @return {number} */
static get UTCTime() {
return 23;
/** @return {number} */
static get GeneralizedTime() {
return 24;
/** @return {number} */
static get CONSTRUCTED() {
return 0x20;
/** @return {number} */
static get SEQUENCE() {
return 0x30;
/** @return {number} */
static get SET() {
return 0x31;
/** @return {number} */
static get CONTEXT_SPECIFIC() {
return 0x80;
* ASN.1 builder, in the manner of BoringSSL's CBB (crypto byte builder).
* A |ByteBuilder| maintains a |Uint8Array| slice and appends to it on demand.
* After appending all the necessary values, the |data| property returns a
* slice containing the result. Utility functions are provided for appending
* ASN.1 DER-formatted values.
* Several of the functions take a "continuation" parameter. This is a function
* that makes calls to its argument in order to lay down the contents of a
* value. Once the continuation returns, the length prefix will be serialised.
* It is illegal to call methods on a parent ByteBuilder while a continuation
* function is running.
const ByteBuilder = class {
constructor() {
/** @private {?Uint8Array} */
this.slice_ = null;
/** @private {number} */
this.len_ = 0;
/** @private {?ByteBuilder} */
this.child_ = null;
* @return {!Uint8Array} The constructed bytes
get data() {
if (this.child_ != null) {
throw Error('data access while child is pending');
if (this.slice_ === null) {
return new Uint8Array(0);
return this.slice_.subarray(0, this.len_);
* Reallocates the slice to at least a given size.
* @param {number} minNewSize The minimum resulting size of the slice.
* @private
realloc_(minNewSize) {
var newSize = 0;
if (minNewSize > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - minNewSize) {
// Cannot grow exponentially without overflow.
newSize = minNewSize;
} else {
newSize = minNewSize * 2;
if (this.slice_ === null) {
if (newSize < 128) {
newSize = 128;
this.slice_ = new Uint8Array(newSize);
const newSlice = new Uint8Array(newSize);
for (var i = 0; i < this.len_; i++) {
newSlice[i] = this.slice_[i];
this.slice_ = newSlice;
* Extends the current slice by the given number of bytes.
* @param {number} n The number of extra bytes needed in the slice.
* @return {number} The offset of the new bytes.
* @throws {Error}
* @private
extend_(n) {
if (this.child_ != null) {
throw Error('write while child pending');
if (this.len_ > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - n) {
throw Error('length overflow');
if (this.slice_ === null || this.len_ + n > this.slice_.length) {
this.realloc_(this.len_ + n);
const offset = this.len_;
this.len_ += n;
return offset;
* Appends a uint8 to the slice.
* @param {number} b The byte to append.
* @throws {Error}
* @private
addU8_(b) {
const offset = this.extend_(1);
this.slice_[offset] = b;
* Appends a length prefixed value to the slice.
* @param {number} lenLen The number of length-prefix bytes.
* @param {boolean} isASN1 True iff an ASN.1 length should be prefixed.
* @param {function(ByteBuilder)} k A function to construct the contents.
* @throws {Error}
* @private
addLengthPrefixed_(lenLen, isASN1, k) {
var offset = this.extend_(lenLen);
var child = new ByteBuilder();
child.slice_ = this.slice_;
child.len_ = this.len_;
this.child_ = child;
var length = child.len_ - lenLen - offset;
if (length > 0x7fffffff) {
// If a number larger than this is used with a shift operation in
// Javascript, the result is incorrect.
throw Error('length too large');
if (isASN1) {
// In the case of ASN.1 a single byte was reserved for
// the length. The contents of the array may need to be
// shifted along if the length needs more than that.
if (lenLen != 1) {
throw Error('internal error');
var lenByte = 0;
if (length > 0xffffff) {
lenLen = 5;
lenByte = 0x80 | 4;
} else if (length > 0xffff) {
lenLen = 4;
lenByte = 0x80 | 3;
} else if (length > 0xff) {
lenLen = 3;
lenByte = 0x80 | 2;
} else if (length > 0x7f) {
lenLen = 2;
lenByte = 0x80 | 1;
} else {
lenLen = 1;
lenByte = length;
length = 0;
child.slice_[offset] = lenByte;
const extraBytesNeeded = lenLen - 1;
if (extraBytesNeeded > 0) {
child.slice_.copyWithin(offset + lenLen, offset + 1, child.len_);
lenLen = extraBytesNeeded;
var l = length;
for (var i = lenLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
child.slice_[offset + i] = l;
l >>= 8;
if (l != 0) {
throw Error('pending child length exceeds reserved space');
this.slice_ = child.slice_;
this.len_ = child.len_;
this.child_ = null;
* Appends an ASN.1 element to the slice.
* @param {number} tag The ASN.1 tag value (must be < 31).
* @param {function(ByteBuilder)} k A function to construct the contents.
* @throws {Error}
addASN1(tag, k) {
if (tag > 255) {
throw Error('high-tag values not supported');
this.addLengthPrefixed_(1, true, k);
* Appends an ASN.1 INTEGER to the slice.
* @param {number} n The value of the integer. Must be within the range of an
* int32.
* @throws {Error}
addASN1Int(n) {
if (n < (0x80000000 << 0) || n > 0x7fffffff) {
// Numbers this large (or small) cannot be correctly shifted in
// Javascript.
throw Error('integer out of encodable range');
var length = 1;
for (var nn = n; nn >= 0x80 || nn <= -0x80; nn >>= 8) {
this.addASN1(Tag.INTEGER, (b) => {
for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
b.addU8_((n >> (8 * i)) & 0xff);
* Appends a non-negative ASN.1 INTEGER to the slice given its big-endian
* encoding. This can be useful when interacting with the WebCrypto API.
* @param {!Uint8Array} bytes The big-endian encoding of the integer.
* @throws {Error}
addASN1BigInt(bytes) {
// Zero is representated as a single zero byte, rather than no bytes.
if (bytes.length == 0) {
bytes = new Uint8Array(1);
// Leading zero bytes need to be removed, unless that would make the number
// negative.
while (bytes.length >= 2 && bytes[0] == 0 && (bytes[1] & 0x80) == 0) {
bytes = bytes.slice(1);
// If the MSB is set, the number will be considered to be negative. Thus
// a zero prefix is needed in that case.
if (bytes.length > 0 && (bytes[0] & 0x80) == 0x80) {
if (bytes.length > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - 1) {
throw Error('bigint array too long');
var newBytes = new Uint8Array(bytes.length + 1);
newBytes.set(bytes, 1);
bytes = newBytes;
this.addASN1(Tag.INTEGER, (b) => b.addBytes(bytes));
* Appends a base128-encoded integer to the slice.
* @param {number} n The value of the integer. Must be non-negative and within
* the range of an int32.
* @throws {Error}
* @private
addBase128Int_(n) {
if (n < 0 || n > 0x7fffffff) {
// Cannot encode negative numbers and large numbers cannot be shifted in
// Javascript.
throw Error('integer out of encodable range');
var length = 0;
if (n == 0) {
length = 1;
} else {
for (var i = n; i > 0; i >>= 7) {
for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var octet = 0x7f & (n >> (7 * i));
if (i != 0) {
octet |= 0x80;
* Appends an OBJECT IDENTIFIER to the slice.
* @param {Array<number>} oid The OID as a list of integer elements.
* @throws {Error}
addASN1ObjectIdentifier(oid) {
if (oid.length < 2 || oid[0] > 2 || (oid[0] <= 1 && oid[1] >= 40)) {
throw Error('invalid OID');
this.addASN1(Tag.OBJECT, (b) => {
b.addBase128Int_(oid[0] * 40 + oid[1]);
for (var i = 2; i < oid.length; i++) {
* Appends an ASN.1 NULL to the slice.
* @throws {Error}
addASN1Null() {
const offset = this.extend_(2);
this.slice_[offset] = Tag.NULL;
this.slice_[offset + 1] = 0;
* Appends an ASN.1 PrintableString to the slice.
* @param {string} s The contents of the string.
* @throws {Error}
addASN1PrintableString(s) {
var buf = new Uint8Array(s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
const code = s.charCodeAt(i);
if ((code < 97 && code > 122) && // a-z
(code < 65 && code > 90) && // A-Z
' \'()+,-/:=?'.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(code)) == -1) {
throw Error(
'cannot encode \'' + String.fromCharCode(code) + '\' in' +
' PrintableString');
buf[i] = code;
this.addASN1(Tag.PrintableString, (b) => {
* Appends an ASN.1 UTF8String to the slice.
* @param {string} s The contents of the string.
* @throws {Error}
addASN1UTF8String(s) {
this.addASN1(Tag.UTF8String, (b) => {
b.addBytes((new TextEncoder()).encode(s));
* Appends an ASN.1 BIT STRING to the slice.
* @param {!Uint8Array} bytes The contents, which must be a whole number of
* bytes.
* @throws {Error}
addASN1BitString(bytes) {
this.addASN1(Tag.BITSTRING, (b) => {
b.addU8_(0); // no superfluous bits in encoding.
* Appends raw data to the slice.
* @param {string} s The contents to append. All character values must
* be < 256.
* @throws {Error}
addBytesFromString(s) {
const buf = new Uint8Array(s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
const code = s.charCodeAt(i);
if (code > 255) {
throw Error('out-of-range character in string of bytes');
buf[i] = code;
* Appends raw bytes to the slice.
* @param {!Array<number>|!Uint8Array} bytes Data to append.
* @throws {Error}
addBytes(bytes) {
const offset = this.extend_(bytes.length);
for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
this.slice_[offset + i] = bytes[i];