blob: 16dfc098b9942d361cce1e43a5383c477db9e538 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview A class for managing all enumerated gnubby devices.
'use strict';
* @typedef {{
* vendorId: (number|undefined),
* productId: (number|undefined),
* usagePage: (number|undefined)
* }}
var GnubbyEnumerationFilter;
* @typedef {{
* namespace: string,
* enumeratedBy: (GnubbyEnumerationFilter|undefined),
* device: number
* }}
var GnubbyDeviceId;
* Ways in which gnubby devices are enumerated.
* @const
* @enum {number}
var GnubbyEnumerationTypes = {ANY: 0, VID_PID: 1, FIDO_U2F: 2};
* @typedef {{
* isSharedAccess: boolean,
* enumerate: function(function(Array), GnubbyEnumerationTypes=),
* deviceToDeviceId: function(*): GnubbyDeviceId,
* open: function(Gnubbies, number, *, function(number, GnubbyDevice=)),
* cancelOpen: (undefined|function(Gnubbies, number, *))
* }}
var GnubbyNamespaceImpl;
* Manager of opened devices.
* @constructor
function Gnubbies() {
/** @private {Object<string, Array>} */
this.devs_ = {};
this.pendingEnumerate = []; // clients awaiting an enumerate
* The distinct namespaces registered in this Gnubbies instance, in order of
* registration.
* @private {Array<string>}
this.namespaces_ = [];
/** @private {Object<string, GnubbyNamespaceImpl>} */
this.impl_ = {};
/** @private {Object<string, Object<number|string, !GnubbyDevice>>} */
this.openDevs_ = {};
/** @private {Object<string, Object<number, *>>} */
this.pendingOpens_ = {}; // clients awaiting an open
* Registers a new gnubby namespace, i.e. an implementation of the
* enumerate/open functions for all devices within a namespace.
* @param {string} namespace The namespace of the numerator, e.g. 'usb'.
* @param {GnubbyNamespaceImpl} impl The implementation.
Gnubbies.prototype.registerNamespace = function(namespace, impl) {
if (!this.impl_.hasOwnProperty(namespace)) {
this.impl_[namespace] = impl;
* @param {GnubbyDeviceId} id The device id.
* @return {boolean} Whether the device is a shared access device.
Gnubbies.prototype.isSharedAccess = function(id) {
if (!this.impl_.hasOwnProperty(id.namespace))
return false;
return this.impl_[id.namespace].isSharedAccess;
* @param {GnubbyDeviceId} which The device to remove.
Gnubbies.prototype.removeOpenDevice = function(which) {
if (this.openDevs_[which.namespace] &&
this.openDevs_[which.namespace].hasOwnProperty(which.device)) {
delete this.openDevs_[which.namespace][which.device];
/** Close all enumerated devices. */
Gnubbies.prototype.closeAll = function() {
if (this.inactivityTimer) {
this.inactivityTimer = undefined;
// Close and stop talking to any gnubbies we have enumerated.
for (var namespace in this.openDevs_) {
for (var dev in this.openDevs_[namespace]) {
var deviceId = Number(dev);
this.devs_ = {};
this.openDevs_ = {};
* @param {string} namespace
* @return {function(*)} deviceToDeviceId method associated with given namespace
* @private
Gnubbies.prototype.getDeviceToDeviceId_ = function(namespace) {
return this.impl_[namespace].deviceToDeviceId;
* @param {function(number, Array<GnubbyDeviceId>)} cb Called back with the
* result of enumerating.
* @param {GnubbyEnumerationTypes=} opt_type Which type of enumeration to do.
Gnubbies.prototype.enumerate = function(cb, opt_type) {
if (!cb) {
cb = function(rc, indexes) {
var msg = 'defaultEnumerateCallback(' + rc;
if (indexes) {
msg += ', [';
for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
msg += JSON.stringify(indexes[i]);
msg += ']';
msg += ')';
if (!this.namespaces_.length) {
cb(-GnubbyDevice.OK, []);
var namespacesEnumerated = 0;
var self = this;
* @param {string} namespace The namespace that was enumerated.
* @param {Array<GnubbyDeviceId>} existingDeviceIds Previously enumerated
* device IDs (from other namespaces), if any.
* @param {Array} devs The devices in the namespace.
function enumerated(namespace, existingDeviceIds, devs) {
var lastNamespace = (namespacesEnumerated == self.namespaces_.length);
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('lastError: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError));
devs = [];
console.log(UTIL_fmt('Enumerated ' + devs.length + ' gnubbies'));
var presentDevs = {};
var deviceIds = [];
var deviceToDeviceId = self.getDeviceToDeviceId_(namespace);
for (var i = 0; i < devs.length; ++i) {
var deviceId = deviceToDeviceId(devs[i]);
presentDevs[deviceId.device] = devs[i];
var toRemove = [];
for (var dev in self.openDevs_[namespace]) {
if (!presentDevs.hasOwnProperty(dev)) {
for (var i = 0; i < toRemove.length; i++) {
dev = toRemove[i];
if (self.openDevs_[namespace][dev]) {
delete self.openDevs_[namespace][dev];
self.devs_[namespace] = devs;
existingDeviceIds.push.apply(existingDeviceIds, deviceIds);
if (lastNamespace) {
while (self.pendingEnumerate.length != 0) {
var cb = self.pendingEnumerate.shift();
cb(-GnubbyDevice.OK, existingDeviceIds);
var deviceIds = [];
function makeEnumerateCb(namespace) {
return function(devs) {
enumerated(namespace, deviceIds, devs);
if (this.pendingEnumerate.length == 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.namespaces_.length; i++) {
var namespace = this.namespaces_[i];
var enumerator = this.impl_[namespace].enumerate;
enumerator(makeEnumerateCb(namespace), opt_type);
* Amount of time past last activity to set the inactivity timer to, in millis.
* @const
* Private instance of timers based on window's timer functions.
* @const
* @private
Gnubbies.SYS_TIMER_ = new WindowTimer();
* @param {number=} opt_timeoutMillis Timeout in milliseconds
Gnubbies.prototype.resetInactivityTimer = function(opt_timeoutMillis) {
var millis = opt_timeoutMillis ?
opt_timeoutMillis + Gnubbies.INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT_MARGIN_MILLIS :
if (!this.inactivityTimer) {
this.inactivityTimer = new CountdownTimer(
Gnubbies.SYS_TIMER_, millis, this.inactivityTimeout_.bind(this));
} else if (millis > this.inactivityTimer.millisecondsUntilExpired()) {
this.inactivityTimer.setTimeout(millis, this.inactivityTimeout_.bind(this));
* Called when the inactivity timeout expires.
* @private
Gnubbies.prototype.inactivityTimeout_ = function() {
this.inactivityTimer = undefined;
for (var namespace in this.openDevs_) {
for (var dev in this.openDevs_[namespace]) {
var deviceId = Number(dev);
namespace + ' device ' + deviceId +
' still open after inactivity, closing');
* Opens and adds a new client of the specified device.
* @param {GnubbyDeviceId} which Which device to open.
* @param {*} who Client of the device.
* @param {function(number, GnubbyDevice=)} cb Called back with the result of
* opening the device.
Gnubbies.prototype.addClient = function(which, who, cb) {
var self = this;
function opened(gnubby, who, cb) {
if (gnubby.closing) {
// Device is closing or already closed.
self.removeClient(gnubby, who);
if (cb) {
} else {
if (cb) {
cb(-GnubbyDevice.OK, gnubby);
function notifyOpenResult(rc) {
if (self.pendingOpens_[which.namespace]) {
while (self.pendingOpens_[which.namespace][which.device].length != 0) {
var client = self.pendingOpens_[which.namespace][which.device].shift();
delete self.pendingOpens_[which.namespace][which.device];
var dev = null;
var deviceToDeviceId = this.getDeviceToDeviceId_(which.namespace);
if (this.devs_[which.namespace]) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.devs_[which.namespace].length; i++) {
var device = this.devs_[which.namespace][i];
if (deviceToDeviceId(device).device == which.device) {
dev = device;
if (!dev) {
// Index out of bounds. Device does not exist in current enumeration.
this.removeClient(null, who);
if (cb) {
function openCb(rc, opt_gnubby) {
if (rc) {
if (!opt_gnubby) {
var gnubby = /** @type {!GnubbyDevice} */ (opt_gnubby);
if (!self.openDevs_[which.namespace]) {
self.openDevs_[which.namespace] = {};
self.openDevs_[which.namespace][which.device] = gnubby;
while (self.pendingOpens_[which.namespace][which.device].length != 0) {
var client = self.pendingOpens_[which.namespace][which.device].shift();
opened(gnubby, client.who, client.cb);
delete self.pendingOpens_[which.namespace][which.device];
if (this.openDevs_[which.namespace] &&
this.openDevs_[which.namespace].hasOwnProperty(which.device)) {
var gnubby = this.openDevs_[which.namespace][which.device];
opened(gnubby, who, cb);
} else {
var opener = {who: who, cb: cb};
if (!this.pendingOpens_.hasOwnProperty(which.namespace)) {
this.pendingOpens_[which.namespace] = {};
if (this.pendingOpens_[which.namespace].hasOwnProperty(which.device)) {
} else {
this.pendingOpens_[which.namespace][which.device] = [opener];
var openImpl = this.impl_[which.namespace].open;
openImpl(this, which.device, dev, openCb);
* Called to cancel add client operation
* @param {GnubbyDeviceId} which Which device to cancel open.
Gnubbies.prototype.cancelAddClient = function(which) {
var dev = null;
var deviceToDeviceId = this.getDeviceToDeviceId_(which.namespace);
if (this.devs_[which.namespace]) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.devs_[which.namespace].length; i++) {
var device = this.devs_[which.namespace][i];
if (deviceToDeviceId(device).device == which.device) {
dev = device;
if (!dev) {
if (this.pendingOpens_[which.namespace] &&
this.pendingOpens_[which.namespace][which.device]) {
var cancelOpenImpl = this.impl_[which.namespace].cancelOpen;
if (cancelOpenImpl)
cancelOpenImpl(this, which.device, dev);
* Removes a client from a low-level gnubby.
* @param {GnubbyDevice} whichDev The gnubby.
* @param {*} who The client.
Gnubbies.prototype.removeClient = function(whichDev, who) {
// De-register client from all known devices.
for (var namespace in this.openDevs_) {
for (var devId in this.openDevs_[namespace]) {
var deviceId = Number(devId);
if (isNaN(deviceId))
deviceId = devId;
var dev = this.openDevs_[namespace][deviceId];
if (dev.hasClient(who)) {
if (whichDev && dev != whichDev) {
console.warn('Gnubby attached to more than one device!?');
if (!dev.deregisterClient(who)) {