blob: 9bdc97ddb0ebe10dd2303012f1fd66017bac6abe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {browserProxy} from './browser_proxy/browser_proxy.js';
import {assert} from './chrome_util.js';
import * as Comlink from './lib/comlink.js';
import * as state from './state.js';
import {
Facing, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
PerfEvent, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
PerfInformation, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
Resolution, // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
} from './type.js';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
import {GAHelperInterface} from './untrusted_helper_interfaces.js';
import * as util from './util.js';
import {WaitableEvent} from './waitable_event.js';
* The tracker ID of the GA metrics.
* @type {string}
const GA_ID = 'UA-134822711-1';
* @type {?Map<number, !Object>}
let baseDimen = null;
* @type {!WaitableEvent}
const ready = new WaitableEvent();
* @type {!Promise<!GAHelperInterface>}
const gaHelper = (async () => {
return /** @type {!GAHelperInterface} */ (await util.createUntrustedJSModule(
'/js/untrusted_ga_helper.js', browserProxy.getUntrustedOrigin()));
* Send the event to GA backend.
* @param {!ga.Fields} event The event to send.
* @param {?Map<number, !Object>=} dimen Optional object contains dimension
* information.
async function sendEvent(event, dimen = null) {
const assignDimension = (e, d) => {
d.forEach((value, key) => e[`dimension${key}`] = value);
assert(baseDimen !== null);
assignDimension(event, baseDimen);
if (dimen !== null) {
assignDimension(event, dimen);
await ready.wait();
// This value reflects the logging constent option in OS settings.
const canSendMetrics = await browserProxy.isMetricsAndCrashReportingEnabled();
if (canSendMetrics) {
(await gaHelper).sendGAEvent(event);
* Set if the metrics is enabled. Note that the metrics will only be sent if it
* is enabled AND the logging consent option is enabled in OS settings.
* @param {boolean} enabled True if the metrics is enabled.
export async function setMetricsEnabled(enabled) {
await ready.wait();
await (await gaHelper).setMetricsEnabled(GA_ID, enabled);
* Initializes metrics with parameters.
export async function initMetrics() {
const board = await browserProxy.getBoard();
const boardName = /^(x86-)?(\w*)/.exec(board)[0];
const match = navigator.appVersion.match(/CrOS\s+\S+\s+([\d.]+)/);
const osVer = match ? match[1] : '';
baseDimen = new Map([
[1, boardName],
[2, osVer],
const gaLocalStorage =
await browserProxy.localStorageGet({[GA_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY]: null});
const clientId = gaLocalStorage[GA_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY];
const setClientId = (id) => {
browserProxy.localStorageSet({[GA_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY]: id});
await (await gaHelper)
GA_ID, clientId, browserProxy.shouldAddFakeHistory(),
* Parameters for logging launch event. |ackMigrate| stands for whether
* the user acknowledged to migrate during launch.
* @typedef {{ackMigrate: boolean}}
export let LaunchEventParam;
* Sends launch type event.
* @param {!LaunchEventParam} param
export function sendLaunchEvent({ackMigrate}) {
eventCategory: 'launch',
eventAction: 'start',
eventLabel: ackMigrate ? 'ack-migrate' : '',
* Types of intent result dimension.
* @enum {string}
export const IntentResultType = {
CANCELED: 'canceled',
CONFIRMED: 'confirmed',
* Types of different ways to trigger shutter button.
* @enum {string}
export const ShutterType = {
UNKNOWN: 'unknown',
MOUSE: 'mouse',
KEYBOARD: 'keyboard',
TOUCH: 'touch',
VOLUME_KEY: 'volume-key',
* Parameters of capture metrics event.
* @record
export class CaptureEventParam {
* @public
constructor() {
* @type {!Facing} Camera facing of the capture.
* @type {(number|undefined)} Length of 1 minute buckets for captured video.
* @type {!Resolution} Capture resolution.
* @type {!IntentResultType|undefined}
* @type {!ShutterType}
* Whether the event is for video snapshot.
* @type {boolean|undefined}
* Whether the video have ever paused and resumed in the recording.
* @type {boolean|undefined}
* Sends capture type event.
* @param {!CaptureEventParam} param
export function sendCaptureEvent({
duration = 0,
intentResult = IntentResultType.NOT_INTENT,
isVideoSnapshot = false,
everPaused = false,
}) {
* @param {!Array<!state.StateUnion>} states
* @param {!state.StateUnion=} cond
* @param {boolean=} strict
* @return {string}
const condState = (states, cond = undefined, strict = undefined) => {
// Return the first existing state among the given states only if there is
// no gate condition or the condition is met.
const prerequisite = !cond || state.get(cond);
if (strict && !prerequisite) {
return '';
return prerequisite && states.find((s) => state.get(s)) || 'n/a';
const State = state.State;
eventCategory: 'capture',
eventAction: condState(Object.values(Mode)),
eventLabel: facing,
eventValue: duration,
new Map([
// Skips 3rd dimension for obsolete 'sound' state.
[4, condState([State.MIRROR])],
[State.GRID_3x3, State.GRID_4x4, State.GRID_GOLDEN], State.GRID),
[6, condState([State.TIMER_3SEC, State.TIMER_10SEC], State.TIMER)],
[7, condState([State.MIC], Mode.VIDEO, true)],
[8, condState([State.MAX_WND])],
[9, condState([State.TALL])],
[10, resolution.toString()],
[11, condState([State.FPS_30, State.FPS_60], Mode.VIDEO, true)],
[12, intentResult],
[21, shutterType],
[22, isVideoSnapshot],
[23, everPaused],
* Parameters for logging perf event.
* @record
export class PerfEventParam {
* @public
constructor() {
* @type {!PerfEvent} Target event type.
* @type {number} Duration of the event in ms.
* @type {!PerfInformation|undefined} Optional information for the event.
* Sends perf type event.
* @param {!PerfEventParam} param
export function sendPerfEvent({event, duration, perfInfo = {}}) {
const resolution = perfInfo['resolution'] || '';
const facing = perfInfo['facing'] || '';
eventCategory: 'perf',
eventAction: event,
eventLabel: facing,
// Round the duration here since GA expects that the value is an
// integer. Reference:
eventValue: Math.round(duration),
new Map([
[10, `${resolution}`],
* See Intent class in intent.js for the descriptions of each field.
* TODO(b/131133953): Pass an Intent directly once the type-only import feature
* is implemented in Closure Compiler.
* @typedef {{
* mode: !Mode,
* result: !IntentResultType,
* shouldHandleResult: boolean,
* shouldDownScale: boolean,
* isSecure: boolean,
* }}
export let IntentEventParam;
* Sends intent type event.
* @param {!IntentEventParam} param
export function sendIntentEvent(
{mode, result, shouldHandleResult, shouldDownScale, isSecure}) {
const getBoolValue = (b) => b ? '1' : '0';
eventCategory: 'intent',
eventAction: mode,
eventLabel: result,
new Map([
[12, result],
[13, getBoolValue(shouldHandleResult)],
[14, getBoolValue(shouldDownScale)],
[15, getBoolValue(isSecure)],
* @typedef {{
* type: string,
* level: string,
* errorName: string,
* fileName: string,
* funcName: string,
* lineNo: string,
* colNo: string,
* }}
export let ErrorEventParam;
* Sends error type event.
* @param {!ErrorEventParam} param
export function sendErrorEvent(
{type, level, errorName, fileName, funcName, lineNo, colNo}) {
eventCategory: 'error',
eventAction: type,
eventLabel: level,
new Map([
[16, errorName],
[17, fileName],
[18, funcName],
[19, lineNo],
[20, colNo],
* Sends the barcode enabled event.
export function sendBarcodeEnabledEvent() {
eventCategory: 'barcode',
eventAction: 'enable',
* Types of the decoded barcode content.
* @enum {string}
export const BarcodeContentType = {
TEXT: 'text',
URL: 'url',
* @typedef {{
* contentType: !BarcodeContentType,
* }}
export let BarcodeDetectedEventParam;
* Sends the barcode detected event.
* @param {!BarcodeDetectedEventParam} param
export function sendBarcodeDetectedEvent({contentType}) {
eventCategory: 'barcode',
eventAction: 'detect',
eventLabel: contentType,