[120] Tag subframe navs for ad third party cookie deprecation access metrics

tagged all subresource cookie accesses with a bit indicating whether
the request was used for advertising purposes.

Subframe navigations resources do not use the blink side loading
infra, so they need to be tagged in the browser process to get

In order to properly tag the initial ResourceRequest for the
navigation, we need to also turn off an optimization that parallelizes
the first LoadPolicy calculation and navigation start in dry run
mode. This is kept behind a feature flag.

The existing nav handle API,
GetNavigationInitiatorActivationAndAdStatus(), is not sufficient
as we need to include signals outside of the initiator, and currently
the ad status is only propagated with user activation in this signal.

(cherry picked from commit 4cf7d6ea8648d4c68575755a4fe869dbb8b810dc)

Bug: 1500290
Change-Id: I4488bf230d798aeb2bfd92a03ddac950cda75977
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/4995611
Reviewed-by: Avi Drissman <avi@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: John Delaney <johnidel@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Charlie Harrison <csharrison@chromium.org>
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1222364}
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5026136
Bot-Commit: Rubber Stamper <rubber-stamper@appspot.gserviceaccount.com>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/6099@{#630}
Cr-Branched-From: e6ee4500f7d6549a9ac1354f8d056da49ef406be-refs/heads/main@{#1217362}
16 files changed
tree: 5088984f8f236312c5bade6a4dde815bb682ed76
  1. android_webview/
  2. apps/
  3. ash/
  4. base/
  5. build/
  6. build_overrides/
  7. buildtools/
  8. cc/
  9. chrome/
  10. chromecast/
  11. chromeos/
  12. codelabs/
  13. components/
  14. content/
  15. courgette/
  16. crypto/
  17. dbus/
  18. device/
  19. docs/
  20. extensions/
  21. fuchsia_web/
  22. gin/
  23. google_apis/
  24. google_update/
  25. gpu/
  26. headless/
  27. infra/
  28. ios/
  29. ipc/
  30. media/
  31. mojo/
  32. native_client_sdk/
  33. net/
  34. pdf/
  35. ppapi/
  36. printing/
  37. remoting/
  38. rlz/
  39. sandbox/
  40. services/
  41. skia/
  42. sql/
  43. storage/
  44. styleguide/
  45. testing/
  46. third_party/
  47. tools/
  48. ui/
  49. url/
  50. webkit/
  51. .clang-format
  52. .clang-tidy
  53. .eslintrc.js
  54. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  55. .gitattributes
  56. .gitignore
  57. .gitmodules
  58. .gn
  59. .mailmap
  60. .rustfmt.toml
  61. .vpython3
  62. .yapfignore
  65. BUILD.gn
  67. codereview.settings
  68. DEPS
  71. LICENSE.chromium_os
  72. OWNERS
  73. PRESUBMIT.py
  74. PRESUBMIT_test.py
  75. PRESUBMIT_test_mocks.py
  76. README.md

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