Roll src/third_party/skia/ 549de6c21..308150821 (30 commits)

$ git log 549de6c21..308150821 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-02-09 egdaniel Remove unused code resulted from deleting DeferredTextureImage
2018-02-09 bsalomon Move default init of tmp draw params out of subclasses into GrGpu
2018-02-09 reed add helper to know when a colortype is always opaque
2018-02-09 halcanary BUILD: link and solink uses rsp file
2018-02-09 skcms-skia-autoroll Roll skia/third_party/externals/skcms/ 88dee8ac3..3dec63698 (1 commit)
2018-02-09 rmistry [Android Compile Bot] Print every minute
2018-01-03 mtklein yet another approach to unpremul scale pixels
2018-02-09 bungeman Fix api METADATA json.
2018-02-07 halcanary Android Tools: build x86_64 correctly.
2018-02-09 reed move a bunch of helpers from SkImageInfo.h into priv
2018-02-09 mtklein Revert "alternate approach to unpremul scalePixels()"
2018-02-09 halcanary SkShaper: make build target
2018-02-09 robertphillips Re-enable explicit GPU resource allocation
2018-02-09 benjaminwagner Upgrade Mac bots.
2018-02-08 bungeman Order the API reference.
2018-02-09 fmalita [skottie] Fix viewer slide sizing on Android
2018-02-09 robertphillips Make atlases instantiate themselves at flush time
2018-02-09 skcms-skia-autoroll Roll skia/third_party/externals/skcms/ 5884a65a6..88dee8ac3 (1 commit)
2018-02-09 halcanary Documentation Fixes: Viewer on Android needs SDK
2018-02-09 benjaminwagner Add CPU dimension for MacMini7.1.
2018-02-09 egdaniel When querying mipmapped on proxies return targets state if possible
2018-02-09 bsalomon Track dirty rects on GrRenderTargets in native space rather than origin-relative
2018-02-08 benjaminwagner Add MacBook10,1 jobs.
2018-02-09 brianosman Create with UNIX line endings (even on Windows)
2018-02-09 brianosman Remove (unused) NV_bindless_texture from GL interface
2018-02-09 brianosman Add missing include (to get std::min on MSVC)
2018-02-08 kjlubick Break some fuzzer targets out so oss-fuzz can use them
2018-02-09 bsalomon Revert "Revert "Remove SkImage deferred texture image data APIs.""
2018-01-03 mtklein alternate approach to unpremul scalePixels()
2018-02-08 brianosman Remove EXT_direct_state_access (unused)

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/skia

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Change-Id: I2accacdd1ea210101e5955deca88cc0c68fe5c12
Commit-Queue: skia-chromium-autoroll <>
Reviewed-by: skia-chromium-autoroll <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#535943}
1 file changed