blob: 1ca91c5ee9c2a5e9def93ad3ae2b7cd74ed400e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Handles automation intents for speech feedback.
* Braille is *not* handled in this module.
import {AutomationPredicate} from '../../../common/automation_predicate.js';
import {AutomationUtil} from '../../../common/automation_util.js';
import {CursorRange} from '../../../common/cursors/range.js';
import {Output} from '../output/output.js';
import {OutputRoleInfo} from '../output/output_role_info.js';
import {OutputEventType} from '../output/output_types.js';
import {EditableLine} from './editable_line.js';
const AutomationIntent = chrome.automation.AutomationIntent;
const Dir = constants.Dir;
const IntentCommandType = chrome.automation.IntentCommandType;
const IntentTextBoundaryType = chrome.automation.IntentTextBoundaryType;
const RoleType = chrome.automation.RoleType;
* A stateless class that turns intents into speech.
export class IntentHandler {
* Called when intents are received from an AutomationEvent.
* @param {!Array<AutomationIntent>} intents
* @param {!EditableLine} cur The current line.
* @param {EditableLine} prev The previous line.
* @return {boolean} Whether intents are handled.
static onIntents(intents, cur, prev) {
if (intents.length === 0) {
return false;
// Currently, discard all other intents once one is handled.
for (let i = 0; i < intents.length; i++) {
if (IntentHandler.onIntent(intents[i], cur, prev)) {
return true;
return false;
* Called when an intent is received.
* @param {!AutomationIntent} intent
* @param {!EditableLine} cur The current line.
* @param {EditableLine} prev The previous line.
* @return {boolean} Whether the intent was handled.
static onIntent(intent, cur, prev) {
switch (intent.command) {
case IntentCommandType.MOVE_SELECTION:
return IntentHandler.onMoveSelection(intent, cur, prev);
// TODO: implement support.
case IntentCommandType.CLEAR_SELECTION:
case IntentCommandType.DELETE:
case IntentCommandType.DICTATE:
case IntentCommandType.EXTEND_SELECTION:
case IntentCommandType.FORMAT:
case IntentCommandType.HISTORY:
case IntentCommandType.INSERT:
case IntentCommandType.MARKER:
case IntentCommandType.SET_SELECTION:
return false;
* Called when the text selection moves.
* @param {!AutomationIntent} intent A move selection
* intent.
* @param {!EditableLine} cur The current line.
* @param {EditableLine} prev The previous line.
* @return {boolean} Whether the intent was handled.
static onMoveSelection(intent, cur, prev) {
switch (intent.textBoundary) {
case IntentTextBoundaryType.CHARACTER: {
// Read character to the right of the cursor by building a character
// range.
let prevRange = null;
if (prev) {
prevRange = prev.createCharRange();
const newRange = cur.createCharRange();
// Use the Output module for feedback so that we get contextual
// information e.g. if we've entered a suggestion, insertion, or
// deletion.
const output = new Output();
const text = cur.text;
if (text.substring(cur.startOffset, cur.startOffset + 1).length === 0) {
// There isn't any text to the right of the cursor.
if (prev) {
// Detect cases where |cur| is immediately before an abstractSpan.
const enteredAncestors =
AutomationUtil.getUniqueAncestors(prev.end.node, cur.end.node);
const exitedAncestors =
AutomationUtil.getUniqueAncestors(cur.end.node, prev.end.node);
// Scan up only to a root or the editable root.
let ancestor;
const ancestors = enteredAncestors.concat(exitedAncestors);
while ((ancestor = ancestors.pop()) &&
!AutomationPredicate.rootOrEditableRoot(ancestor)) {
const roleInfo = OutputRoleInfo[ancestor.role];
if (roleInfo && roleInfo['inherits'] === 'abstractSpan') {
// Let the caller handle this case.
return false;
// This block special cases readout of the cursor when it reaches the
// end of a line.
if (text === '\u00a0') {
} else {
// It is assumed to be a new line otherwise.
output.withRichSpeech(newRange, prevRange, OutputEventType.NAVIGATE)
// Handled.
return true;
case IntentTextBoundaryType.LINE_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.LINE_START:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.LINE_START_OR_END:
return true;
case IntentTextBoundaryType.PARAGRAPH_START: {
let node = cur.startContainer;
if (node.role === RoleType.LINE_BREAK) {
return false;
while (node && AutomationPredicate.text(node)) {
node = node.parent;
if (!node || node.role === RoleType.TEXT_FIELD) {
return false;
new Output()
CursorRange.fromNode(node), null, OutputEventType.NAVIGATE)
return true;
case IntentTextBoundaryType.WORD_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.WORD_START: {
let prevRange = null;
if (prev) {
prevRange = prev.createWordRange(false);
const newRange = cur.createWordRange(
intent.textBoundary === IntentTextBoundaryType.WORD_END);
new Output()
.withSpeech(newRange, prevRange, OutputEventType.NAVIGATE)
return true;
// TODO: implement support.
case IntentTextBoundaryType.FORMAT_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.FORMAT_START:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.FORMAT_START_OR_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.OBJECT:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.PAGE_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.PAGE_START:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.PAGE_START_OR_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.PARAGRAPH_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.PARAGRAPH_START_OR_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.SENTENCE_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.SENTENCE_START:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.SENTENCE_START_OR_END:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.WEB_PAGE:
case IntentTextBoundaryType.WORD_START_OR_END:
return false;