blob: e3d9a3d255ebc78532f2aaaacfc40ea00a351eea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview This file is not auto-generated from cr.js, because it's a
* special case. cr.js holds a lot of functionality that is unnecessary in the
* JS Module world, and auto-generating cr.m.js would require adding a lot of
* logic in only to address the cr.js case, which is not worth
* it.
import {assert} from './assert.m.js';
import {PromiseResolver} from './promise_resolver.m.js';
/** @typedef {{eventName: string, uid: number}} */
export let WebUIListener;
* Counter for use with createUid
* @type {number}
let uidCounter = 1;
* @return {number} A new unique ID.
function createUid() {
return uidCounter++;
* Dispatches a simple event on an event target.
* @param {!EventTarget} target The event target to dispatch the event on.
* @param {string} type The type of the event.
* @param {boolean=} opt_bubbles Whether the event bubbles or not.
* @param {boolean=} opt_cancelable Whether the default action of the event
* can be prevented. Default is true.
* @return {boolean} If any of the listeners called {@code preventDefault}
* during the dispatch this will return false.
export function dispatchSimpleEvent(target, type, opt_bubbles, opt_cancelable) {
const e = new Event(type, {
bubbles: opt_bubbles,
cancelable: opt_cancelable === undefined || opt_cancelable
return target.dispatchEvent(e);
* Adds a {@code getInstance} static method that always return the same
* instance object.
* @param {!Function} ctor The constructor for the class to add the static
* method to.
export function addSingletonGetter(ctor) {
ctor.getInstance = function() {
return ctor.instance_ || (ctor.instance_ = new ctor());
* Fires a property change event on the target.
* @param {!EventTarget} target The target to dispatch the event on.
* @param {string} propertyName The name of the property that changed.
* @param {*} newValue The new value for the property.
* @param {*} oldValue The old value for the property.
export function dispatchPropertyChange(
target, propertyName, newValue, oldValue) {
const e = new Event(propertyName + 'Change');
e.propertyName = propertyName;
e.newValue = newValue;
e.oldValue = oldValue;
* The mapping used by the sendWithPromise mechanism to tie the Promise
* returned to callers with the corresponding WebUI response. The mapping is
* from ID to the PromiseResolver helper; the ID is generated by
* sendWithPromise and is unique across all invocations of said method.
* @type {!Object<!PromiseResolver>}
const chromeSendResolverMap = {};
* The named method the WebUI handler calls directly in response to a
* chrome.send call that expects a response. The handler requires no knowledge
* of the specific name of this method, as the name is passed to the handler
* as the first argument in the arguments list of chrome.send. The handler
* must pass the ID, also sent via the chrome.send arguments list, as the
* first argument of the JS invocation; additionally, the handler may
* supply any number of other arguments that will be included in the response.
* @param {string} id The unique ID identifying the Promise this response is
* tied to.
* @param {boolean} isSuccess Whether the request was successful.
* @param {*} response The response as sent from C++.
export function webUIResponse(id, isSuccess, response) {
const resolver = chromeSendResolverMap[id];
delete chromeSendResolverMap[id];
if (isSuccess) {
} else {
* A variation of chrome.send, suitable for messages that expect a single
* response from C++.
* @param {string} methodName The name of the WebUI handler API.
* @param {...*} var_args Variable number of arguments to be forwarded to the
* C++ call.
* @return {!Promise}
export function sendWithPromise(methodName, var_args) {
const args =, 1);
const promiseResolver = new PromiseResolver();
const id = methodName + '_' + createUid();
chromeSendResolverMap[id] = promiseResolver;
chrome.send(methodName, [id].concat(args));
return promiseResolver.promise;
* A map of maps associating event names with listeners. The 2nd level map
* associates a listener ID with the callback function, such that individual
* listeners can be removed from an event without affecting other listeners of
* the same event.
* @type {!Object<!Object<!Function>>}
const webUIListenerMap = {};
* The named method the WebUI handler calls directly when an event occurs.
* The WebUI handler must supply the name of the event as the first argument
* of the JS invocation; additionally, the handler may supply any number of
* other arguments that will be forwarded to the listener callbacks.
* @param {string} event The name of the event that has occurred.
* @param {...*} var_args Additional arguments passed from C++.
export function webUIListenerCallback(event, var_args) {
const eventListenersMap = webUIListenerMap[event];
if (!eventListenersMap) {
// C++ event sent for an event that has no listeners.
// TODO(dpapad): Should a warning be displayed here?
const args =, 1);
for (const listenerId in eventListenersMap) {
eventListenersMap[listenerId].apply(null, args);
* Registers a listener for an event fired from WebUI handlers. Any number of
* listeners may register for a single event.
* @param {string} eventName The event to listen to.
* @param {!Function} callback The callback run when the event is fired.
* @return {!WebUIListener} An object to be used for removing a listener via
* cr.removeWebUIListener. Should be treated as read-only.
export function addWebUIListener(eventName, callback) {
webUIListenerMap[eventName] = webUIListenerMap[eventName] || {};
const uid = createUid();
webUIListenerMap[eventName][uid] = callback;
return {eventName: eventName, uid: uid};
* Removes a listener. Does nothing if the specified listener is not found.
* @param {!WebUIListener} listener The listener to be removed (as returned by
* addWebUIListener).
* @return {boolean} Whether the given listener was found and actually
* removed.
export function removeWebUIListener(listener) {
const listenerExists = webUIListenerMap[listener.eventName] &&
if (listenerExists) {
delete webUIListenerMap[listener.eventName][listener.uid];
return true;
return false;
// Globally expose functions that must be called from C++. = || {};
assert(!; = webUIResponse; = webUIListenerCallback;
/** Whether we are using a Mac or not. */
export const isMac = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform);
/** Whether this is on the Windows platform or not. */
export const isWindows = /Win/.test(navigator.platform);
/** Whether this is the ChromeOS/ash web browser. */
export const isChromeOS = (() => {
let returnValue = false;
// <if expr="chromeos">
returnValue = true;
// </if>
return returnValue;
/** Whether this is the ChromeOS/Lacros web browser. */
export const isLacros = (() => {
let returnValue = false;
// <if expr="lacros">
returnValue = true;
// </if>
return returnValue;
/** Whether this is on vanilla Linux (not chromeOS). */
export const isLinux = /Linux/.test(navigator.userAgent);
/** Whether this is on Android. */
export const isAndroid = /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent);
/** Whether this is on iOS. */
export const isIOS = /CriOS/.test(navigator.userAgent);