media/gpu/v4l2ip: let the IP pass the buffer index to the callback itself

We want to make the V4L2IP manage its buffers itself. To allow this,
the client must stop asking for a specific IP buffer to be used to
process a given frame. This means that the process complete callback
can now receive any of the IP's buffers, which the client cannot guess
anymore. This CL thus changes the callback prototype to take the
buffer index, and makes the V4L2IP call it with the right buffer index.

No other change is introduced, so clients will continue receiving the
buffer that they requested when calling Process().

Bug: 792790
Test: Ran VDA (regular and import mode) and VEA unittest on hana and peach_pit.

Change-Id: Ia61c2117e5ca36349d20ee479fad9a8b9b667ead
Commit-Queue: Alexandre Courbot <>
Reviewed-by: Hirokazu Honda <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#633024}
10 files changed