blob: 5e0de6ab64f88ca0597279fef00a2f6848e31000 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {TEST_ONLY} from './receiver.js';
const {parentMessagePipe} = TEST_ONLY;
* Test cases registered by GUEST_TEST.
* @type {!Map<string, function(): Promise<undefined>>}
const guestTestCases = new Map();
* Acts on TestMessageRunTestCase.
* @param {!TestMessageRunTestCase} data
* @return {!Promise<!TestMessageResponseData>}
async function runTestCase(data) {
const testCase = guestTestCases.get(data.testCase);
if (!testCase) {
throw new Error(`Unknown test case: '${data.testCase}'`);
await testCase(); // Propagate exceptions to the MessagePipe handler.
return {testQueryResult: 'success'};
* Registers a test that runs in the guest context. To indicate failure, the
* test logs a console error which fails these browser tests.
* @param {!string} testName
* @param {!function(): Promise<undefined>} testCase
export function GUEST_TEST(testName, testCase) {
guestTestCases.set(testName, testCase);
* Tells the test driver the guest test message handlers are installed. This
* requires the test handler that receives the signal to be set up. The order
* that this occurs can not be guaranteed. So this function retries until the
* signal is handled, which requires the 'test-handlers-ready' handler to be
* registered in driver.js.
async function signalTestHandlersReady() {
/No handler registered for message type 'test-handlers-ready'/;
// Attempt to signal to the driver that we are ready to run tests, give up
// after 10 tries and assume something went wrong so we don't spam the error
// log too much.
let attempts = 10;
while (--attempts >= 0) {
try {
await parentMessagePipe.sendMessage('test-handlers-ready', {});
} catch (/** @type {!GenericErrorResponse} */ e) {
if (!EXPECTED_ERROR.test(e.message)) {
console.error('Unexpected error in signalTestHandlersReady', e);
console.error('signalTestHandlersReady failed to signal.');
/** Installs the MessagePipe handlers for receiving test queries. */
function installTestHandlers() {
// Turn off error rethrowing for tests so the test runner doesn't mark
// our error handling tests as failed.
parentMessagePipe.rethrowErrors = false;
parentMessagePipe.registerHandler('run-test-case', (data) => {
return runTestCase(/** @type {!TestMessageRunTestCase} */ (data));
// Log errors, rather than send them to console.error. This allows the error
// handling tests to work correctly, and is also required for
// signalTestHandlersReady() to operate without failing tests.
parentMessagePipe.logClientError = error =>
// Ensure content and all scripts have loaded before installing test handlers.
if (document.readyState !== 'complete') {
window.addEventListener('load', installTestHandlers);
} else {