blob: 41d15f9e012813abe1d54d53305cc3664e3305b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/js/load_time_data.m.js';
import {html} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {AsyncUtil} from '../../common/js/async_util.js';
/** @type {!HTMLTemplateElement} */
const htmlTemplate = html`{__html_template__}`;
* Dialog to request user to enter password. Uses the askForPassword() which
* resolves with either the password or rejected with
* FilesPasswordDialog.USER_CANCELLED.
* @extends HTMLElement
export class FilesPasswordDialog extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
// Create element content.
const fragment = htmlTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}).appendChild(fragment);
* Mutex used to serialize modal dialogs and error notifications.
* @private {?AsyncUtil.Queue}
this.mutex_ = null;
* Name of the encrypted file.
* @private {string}
this.filename_ = '';
* Controls whether the user is validating the password (Unlock button or
* Enter key) or cancelling the dialog (Cancel button or Escape key).
* @private {boolean}
this.success_ = false;
* Return input password using the resolve method of a Promise.
* @private {?function(string)}
this.resolve_ = null;
* Return password prompt error using the reject method of a Promise.
* @private {?function(!Error)}
this.reject_ = null;
* Password dialog.
* @private {!CrDialogElement}
this.dialog_ = /** @type {!CrDialogElement} */
this.dialog_.consumeKeydownEvent = true;
* Input field for password.
* @private {!CrInputElement}
this.input_ = /** @type {!CrInputElement} */
this.input_.errorMessage =
get mutex() {
if (!this.mutex_) {
this.mutex_ = new AsyncUtil.Queue();
return this.mutex_;
* Called when this element is attached to the DOM.
* @private
connectedCallback() {
const cancelButton = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#cancel');
cancelButton.onclick = () => this.cancel_();
const unlockButton = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#unlock');
unlockButton.onclick = () => this.unlock_();
this.dialog_.addEventListener('close', () => this.onClose_());
* Asks the user for a password to open the given file.
* @param {string} filename Name of the file to open.
* @param {?string} password Previously entered password. If not null, it
* indicates that an invalid password was previously tried.
* @return {!Promise<!string>} Password provided by the user. The returned
* promise is rejected with FilesPasswordDialog.USER_CANCELLED if the user
* presses Cancel.
async askForPassword(filename, password = null) {
const mutexUnlock = await this.mutex.lock();
try {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.success_ = false;
this.resolve_ = resolve;
this.reject_ = reject;
if (password != null) {
this.input_.value = password;
// An invalid password has previously been entered for this file.
// Display an 'invalid password' error message.
this.input_.invalid = true;
} else {
this.input_.invalid = false;
} finally {
* Shows the password prompt represented by |filename|.
* @param {!string} filename
* @private
showModal_(filename) {
this.filename_ = filename;
this.dialog_.querySelector('#name').innerText = filename;
* Triggers a 'Cancelled by user' error.
* @private
cancel_() {
* Sends user input password.
* @private
unlock_() {
this.success_ = true;
* Resolves the promise when the dialog is closed.
* This can be triggered by the buttons, Esc key or anything that closes the
* dialog.
* @private
onClose_() {
if (this.success_) {
} else {
this.input_.value = '';
* Exception thrown when user cancels the password dialog box.
* @const {!Error}
FilesPasswordDialog.USER_CANCELLED = new Error('Cancelled by user');
window.customElements.define('files-password-dialog', FilesPasswordDialog);
//# sourceURL=//ui/file_manager/file_manager/foreground/elements/files_password_dialog.js