blob: 3a1dd6e2772334c0019582f110dfdaba8e750b9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview 'tts-subpage' is the collapsible section containing
* text-to-speech settings.
is: 'settings-tts-subpage',
behaviors: [WebUIListenerBehavior, I18nBehavior],
properties: {
* Preferences state.
prefs: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
* Available languages.
* @type {Array<{language: string, code: string, preferred: boolean,
* voice: TtsHandlerVoice}>}
languagesToVoices: {
type: Array,
notify: true,
* All voices.
* @type {Array<TtsHandlerVoice>}
allVoices: {
type: Array,
value: [],
notify: true,
* Default preview voice.
defaultPreviewVoice: {
type: String,
notify: true,
/** Whether any voices are loaded. */
hasVoices: {
type: Boolean,
computed: 'hasVoices_(allVoices)',
/** Whether the additional languages section has been opened. */
languagesOpened: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
/** @override */
ready: function() {
'all-voice-data-updated', this.populateVoiceList_.bind(this));
'tts-extensions-updated', this.populateExtensionList_.bind(this));
* Ticks for the Speech Rate slider. Non-linear as we expect people
* to want more control near 1.0.
* @return Array<{value: number, label: string}>
* @private
speechRateTicks_: function() {
return Array.from(Array(16).keys()).map(x => {
return x <= 4 ?
// Linear from rates 0.6 to 1.0
this.initTick_(x / 10 + .6) :
// Power function above 1.0 gives more control at lower values.
this.initTick_(Math.pow(x - 3, 2) / 20 + 1);
* Ticks for the Speech Pitch slider. Valid pitches are between 0 and 2,
* exclusive of 0.
* @return Array<{value: number, label: string}>
* @private
speechPitchTicks_: function() {
return Array.from(Array(10).keys()).map(x => {
return this.initTick_(x * .2 + .2);
* Ticks for the Speech Volume slider. Valid volumes are between 0 and
* 1 (100%), but volumes lower than .2 are excluded as being too quiet.
* The values are linear between .2 and 1.0.
* @return Array<{value: number, label: string}>
* @private
speechVolumeTicks_: function() {
return Array.from(Array(9).keys()).map(x => {
return this.initTick_(x * .1 + .2);
* Initializes i18n labels for ticks arrays.
* @param {number} tick The value to make a tick for.
* @return {{value: number, label: string}}
* @private
initTick_: function(tick) {
let value = (100 * tick).toFixed(0);
let label = value === '100' ? this.i18n('defaultPercentage', value) :
this.i18n('percentage', value);
return {label: label, value: tick};
* Returns true if any voices are loaded.
* @param {!Array<TtsHandlerVoice>} voices
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasVoices_: function(voices) {
return voices.length > 0;
* Populates the list of languages and voices for the UI to use in display.
* @param {Array<TtsHandlerVoice>} voices
* @private
populateVoiceList_: function(voices) {
// Build a map of language code to human-readable language and voice.
let result = {};
let languageCodeMap = {};
let pref = this.prefs.settings['language']['preferred_languages'];
let preferredLangs = pref.value.split(',');
voices.forEach(voice => {
if (!result[voice.languageCode]) {
result[voice.languageCode] = {
language: voice.displayLanguage,
code: voice.languageCode,
preferred: false,
voices: []
// Each voice gets a unique ID from its name and extension. =
JSON.stringify({name:, extension: voice.extensionId});
// TODO(katie): Make voices a map rather than an array to enforce
// uniqueness, then convert back to an array for polymer repeat.
// A language is "preferred" if it has a voice that uses the default
// locale of the device.
result[voice.languageCode].preferred =
result[voice.languageCode].preferred ||
preferredLangs.indexOf(voice.fullLanguageCode) != -1;
languageCodeMap[voice.fullLanguageCode] = voice.languageCode;
this.set('languagesToVoices', Object.values(result));
this.set('allVoices', voices);
this.setDefaultPreviewVoiceForLocale_(voices, languageCodeMap);
* Returns true if the language is a primary language and should be shown by
* default, false if it should be hidden by default.
* @param {{language: string, code: string, preferred: boolean,
* voice: TtsHandlerVoice}} language
* @return {boolean} true if it's a primary language.
isPrimaryLanguage_: function(language) {
return language.preferred;
* Returns true if the language is a secondary language and should be hidden
* by default, true if it should be shown by default.
* @param {{language: string, code: string, preferred: boolean,
* voice: TtsHandlerVoice}} language
* @return {boolean} true if it's a secondary language.
isSecondaryLanguage_: function(language) {
return !language.preferred;
* Sets the list of Text-to-Speech extensions for the UI.
* @param {Array<TtsHandlerExtension>} extensions
* @private
populateExtensionList_: function(extensions) {
this.extensions = extensions;
* A function used for sorting languages alphabetically.
* @param {Object} first A languageToVoices array item.
* @param {Object} second A languageToVoices array item.
* @return {number} The result of the comparison.
* @private
alphabeticalSort_: function(first, second) {
return first.language.localeCompare(second.language);
* Tests whether a language has just once voice.
* @param {Object} lang A languageToVoices array item.
* @return {boolean} True if the item has only one voice.
* @private
hasOneLanguage_: function(lang) {
return lang['voices'].length == 1;
* Returns a list of objects that can be used as drop-down menu options for a
* language. This is a list of voices in that language.
* @param {Object} lang A languageToVoices array item.
* @return {Array<Object>} An array of menu options with a value and name.
* @private
menuOptionsForLang_: function(lang) {
return => {
return {value:, name:};
* Updates the preferences given the current list of voices.
* @param {Object<string, {language: string, code: string, preferred: boolean,
* voices: Array<TtsHandlerVoice>}>} langToVoices
* @private
updateLangToVoicePrefs_: function(langToVoices) {
if (langToVoices.length == 0)
let allCodes = new Set(
for (let code in langToVoices) {
// Remove from allCodes, to track what we've found a default for.
let voices = langToVoices[code].voices;
let defaultVoiceForLang =
if (!defaultVoiceForLang || defaultVoiceForLang === '') {
// Initialize prefs that have no value
'prefs.settings.tts.lang_to_voice_name.value.' + code,
// See if the set voice ID is in the voices list, in which case we are
// done checking this language.
if (voices.some(voice => === defaultVoiceForLang))
// Change prefs that point to voices that no longer exist.
'prefs.settings.tts.lang_to_voice_name.value.' + code,
// If there are any items left in allCodes, they are for languages that are
// no longer covered by the UI. We could now delete them from the
// lang_to_voice_name pref.
for (let code of allCodes) {
this.set('prefs.settings.tts.lang_to_voice_name.value.' + code, '');
* Sets the voice to show in the preview drop-down as default, based on the
* current locale and voice preferences.
* @param {Array<TtsHandlerVoice>} allVoices
* @param {Object<string, string>} languageCodeMap Mapping from language code
* to simple language code without locale.
* @private
setDefaultPreviewVoiceForLocale_: function(allVoices, languageCodeMap) {
if (!allVoices || allVoices.length == 0)
// Force a synchronous render so that we can set the default.
// Set something if nothing exists. This useful for new users where
// sometimes browserProxy.getProspectiveUILanguage() does not complete the
// callback.
if (!this.defaultPreviewVoice)
this.set('defaultPreviewVoice', this.getBestVoiceForLocale_(allVoices));
let browserProxy = settings.LanguagesBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
browserProxy.getProspectiveUILanguage().then(prospectiveUILanguage => {
let result;
if (prospectiveUILanguage && prospectiveUILanguage != '' &&
languageCodeMap[prospectiveUILanguage]) {
let code = languageCodeMap[prospectiveUILanguage];
// First try the pref value.
result = this.prefs.settings['tts']['lang_to_voice_name'].value[code];
if (!result) {
// If it's not a pref value yet, or the prospectiveUILanguage was
// missing, try using the voice score.
result = this.getBestVoiceForLocale_(allVoices);
this.set('defaultPreviewVoice', result);
* Gets the best voice for the app locale.
* @param {Array<TtsHandlerVoice>} voices Voices to search through.
* @return {string} The ID of the best matching voice in the array.
* @private
getBestVoiceForLocale_: function(voices) {
let bestScore = -1;
let bestVoice = '';
voices.forEach((voice) => {
if (voice.languageScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = voice.languageScore;
bestVoice =;
return bestVoice;
/** @private */
onPreviewTtsClick_: function() {
[this.$.previewInput.value, this.$.previewVoice.value]);
'TextToSpeech.Settings.PreviewVoiceClicked', this.$.previewVoice.value);
/** @private */
onDefaultTtsVoicePicked_: function(event) {
// Log the default voice the user selected. Each voice has at most one
// language, so there's no need to log language as well.
// The event target is the settings-dropdown-menu.
let target = /** @type {{prefStringValue_: function():string}} */
let newDefault = target.prefStringValue_();
'TextToSpeech.Settings.DefaultVoicePicked', newDefault);