tree: 961ed80fe20ff8060fb7ceac78cb727f22aa5b25 [path history] [tgz]
  1. chrome_colors/
  2. customize_chrome/
  3. modules/
  4. one_google_bar/
  5. promos/
  7. DEPS
  11. new_tab_page_util.h
  13. OWNERS

WebUI New Tab Page (Desktop)

On Desktop (ChromeOS, Windows, Mac, and Linux), there are multiple variants of the New Tab Page (NTP). The variant is selected according to the user’s Default Search Engine (DSE), profile, extensions and policies. This folders implements the backend of the first-party Google NTP. The features this variant supports are detailed in the following sections.


One Google Bar

The One Google Bar (OGB) is at the top of the NTP. The NTP fetches the OGB from Google servers each time it loads.

Google Logo

On a day when there is no Doodle (in the user’s current country), the NTP shows the Google Logo. It comes in two variants:

  • Colorful, if the user is using the default theme, or on any other theme with a solid black (L=0%), white (L=100%), or gray (S=0%) background color.
  • White, if the user’s theme has a background image, or if the background is a solid color, but not black, white, or gray.


The Doodle replaces the Google Logo on days a doodle is available. The doodle comes in three flavors:

Static Doodles

A Static Doodle shows as a single static image. When clicked, it triggers a navigation to the Doodle’s target URL.

Animated Doodles

An Animated Doodle initially shows a static Call-to-Action (CTA) image, usually with a “play” icon. When clicked, it swaps out the CTA image for an animated image. When clicked a second time, it triggers a navigation to the Doodle’s target URL.

Interactive Doodles

An Interactive Doodle is embedded into the NTP as an <iframe>. The framed content usually contains a CTA image, but this is opaque to the containing NTP.

The embedded Doodle can ask the containing NTP to resize the <iframe> tag to enlarge the space available for the Doodle. To do this, it sends a postMessage() call to window.parent. The event data supports these parameters:

  • cmd (required string): must be "resizeDoodle".
  • width (required string): a CSS width (with units). Because the Doodle cannot know the size of the outer page, values based on "100%" (e.g. "100%" or "calc(100% - 50px)") are recommended.
  • height (required string): a CSS height (with units). Must not be a percentage, but otherwise any units are OK.
  • duration (optional string): a CSS duration, such as "130ms" or "1s". If null or absent, "0s" (no transition) is assumed.

For example:

// Reset to initial width and height.
window.parent.postMessage({cmd: "resizeDoodle"});

// Transition smoothly to full-width, 350px tall.
    cmd: "resizeDoodle",
    width: "100%",
    height: "350px",
    duration: "1s",


The Realbox is a search bar to make Google queries similar to the Omnibox.

Most Visited Tiles

The NTP shows up to 10 NTP Tiles (now called shortcuts) and give users the ability to customize them. This includes adding new shortcuts using the “Add shortcut” button, deleting/editing shortcuts from the three-dot “Edit shortcut” menu (replaces the “X” button), and reordering via click-and-drag.

Middle-slot Promos

Below the NTP tiles, there is space for a Middle-slot Promo. A promo is typically a short string, typically used for disasters (e.g. “Affected by the Boston Molassacre? Find a relief center near you.”) or an advertisement (e.g. “Try the all-new new Chromebook, with included toaster oven.”).

Middle-slot promos are fetched from Google servers on NTP load.