blob: e36a04e90679c383e6daef81acb1672c9b4ff370 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {html, PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {InfiniteList, TabSearchItem} from 'chrome://tab-search/tab_search.js';
import {assertEquals, assertGT, assertNotEquals, assertTrue} from '../../chai_assert.js';
import {flushTasks, waitAfterNextRender} from '../../test_util.m.js';
import {generateSampleTabsFromSiteNames, sampleSiteNames} from './tab_search_test_data.js';
import {assertTabItemAndNeighborsInViewBounds, disableScrollIntoViewAnimations} from './tab_search_test_helper.js';
class TestApp extends PolymerElement {
static get properties() {
return {
/** @private {number} */
chunkItemCount_: {
type: Number,
static get template() {
return html`
<infinite-list id="list" chunk-item-count="[[chunkItemCount_]]">
<template is="dom-repeat">
<tab-search-item id="[[]]"
style="display: flex;height: 56px" data="[[item]]" tabindex="0"
customElements.define('test-app', TestApp);
suite('InfiniteListTest', () => {
/** @type {!InfiniteList} */
let infiniteList;
* @param {!Array<!tabSearch.mojom.Tab>} sampleData
async function setupTest(sampleData) {
document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
html {
--list-max-height: 280px;
const testApp = document.createElement('test-app');
document.body.innerHTML = '';
infiniteList = /** @type {!InfiniteList} */ (
infiniteList.items = sampleData;
await flushTasks();
* @return {!NodeList<!HTMLElement>}
function queryRows() {
return /** @type {!NodeList<!HTMLElement>} */ (
* @param {!Array<string>} siteNames
* @return {!Array}
function sampleTabItems(siteNames) {
return generateSampleTabsFromSiteNames(siteNames).map(tab => {
return {hostname: new URL(tab.url).hostname, tab};
test('ScrollHeight', async () => {
const tabItems = sampleTabItems(sampleSiteNames());
await setupTest(tabItems);
await waitAfterNextRender(infiniteList);
assertEquals(0, infiniteList.scrollTop);
const itemHeightStyle =
const tabItemHeight = Number.parseInt(
itemHeightStyle.substring(0, itemHeightStyle.length - 2), 10);
assertEquals(tabItemHeight * tabItems.length, infiniteList.scrollHeight);
test('ListUpdates', async () => {
let siteNames = Array.from({length: 1}, (_, i) => 'site' + (i + 1));
const tabItems = sampleTabItems(siteNames);
await setupTest(tabItems);
assertEquals(1, queryRows().length);
// Ensure that on updating the list with an array smaller in size
// than the chunkItemCount property, all the array items are rendered.
siteNames = Array.from({length: 3}, (_, i) => 'site' + (i + 1));
infiniteList.items = sampleTabItems(siteNames);
await waitAfterNextRender(infiniteList);
assertEquals(3, queryRows().length);
// Ensure that on updating the list with an array greater in size than
// the chunkItemCount property, only a chunk of array items are rendered.
siteNames =
Array.from({length: 2 * CHUNK_ITEM_COUNT}, (_, i) => 'site' + (i + 1));
infiniteList.items = sampleTabItems(siteNames);
await waitAfterNextRender(infiniteList);
assertEquals(CHUNK_ITEM_COUNT, queryRows().length);
test('SelectedIndex', async () => {
const siteNames = Array.from({length: 50}, (_, i) => 'site' + (i + 1));
const tabItems = sampleTabItems(siteNames);
await setupTest(tabItems);
assertEquals(0, infiniteList.scrollTop);
assertEquals(CHUNK_ITEM_COUNT, queryRows().length);
// Assert that upon changing the selected index to a non previously rendered
// item, this one is rendered on the view.
infiniteList.selected = CHUNK_ITEM_COUNT;
assertEquals(CHUNK_ITEM_COUNT, queryRows().length);
await waitAfterNextRender(infiniteList);
let domTabItems = queryRows();
const selectedTabItem = domTabItems[infiniteList.selected];
assertNotEquals(null, selectedTabItem);
assertEquals(2 * CHUNK_ITEM_COUNT, domTabItems.length);
// Assert that the view scrolled to show the selected item.
const afterSelectionScrollTop = infiniteList.scrollTop;
assertNotEquals(0, afterSelectionScrollTop);
// Assert that on replacing the list items, the currently selected index
// value is still rendered on the view.
infiniteList.items = sampleTabItems(siteNames);
await waitAfterNextRender(infiniteList);
domTabItems = queryRows();
const theSelectedTabItem = domTabItems[infiniteList.selected];
assertNotEquals(null, theSelectedTabItem);
// Assert the selected item is still visible in the view.
assertEquals(afterSelectionScrollTop, infiniteList.scrollTop);
test('NavigateDownShowsPreviousAndFollowingListItems', async () => {
const tabItems = sampleTabItems(sampleSiteNames());
await setupTest(tabItems);
const tabsDiv = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (infiniteList);
// Assert that the tabs are in a overflowing state.
assertGT(tabsDiv.scrollHeight, tabsDiv.clientHeight);
infiniteList.selected = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < tabItems.length; i++) {
await waitAfterNextRender(infiniteList);
const selectedIndex = ((i + 1) % tabItems.length);
assertEquals(selectedIndex, infiniteList.selected);
tabsDiv, queryRows(), selectedIndex);
test('NavigateUpShowsPreviousAndFollowingListItems', async () => {
const tabItems = sampleTabItems(sampleSiteNames());
await setupTest(tabItems);
const tabsDiv = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (infiniteList);
// Assert that the tabs are in a overflowing state.
assertGT(tabsDiv.scrollHeight, tabsDiv.clientHeight);
infiniteList.selected = 0;
for (let i = tabItems.length; i > 0; i--) {
await waitAfterNextRender(infiniteList);
const selectIndex = (i - 1 + tabItems.length) % tabItems.length;
assertEquals(selectIndex, infiniteList.selected);
assertTabItemAndNeighborsInViewBounds(tabsDiv, queryRows(), selectIndex);