blob: 3ff4e59fe537f8e7f1be04554f192a15f5750024 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Closure typedefs for MD Bookmarks.
* A normalized version of chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode.
* @typedef {{
* id: string,
* parentId: (string|undefined),
* url: (string|undefined),
* title: string,
* dateAdded: (number|undefined),
* dateGroupModified: (number|undefined),
* unmodifiable: (string|undefined),
* children: (!Array<string>|undefined),
* }}
let BookmarkNode;
* @typedef {!Object<string, BookmarkNode>}
let NodeMap;
* @typedef {{
* items: !Set<string>,
* anchor: ?string,
* }}
* |items| is used as a set and all values in the map are true.
let SelectionState;
* Note:
* - If |results| is null, it means no search results have been returned. This
* is different to |results| being [], which means the last search returned 0
* results.
* - |term| is the last search that was performed by the user, and |results| are
* the last results that were returned from the backend. We don't clear
* |results| on incremental searches, meaning that |results| can be 'stale'
* data from a previous search term (while |inProgress| is true). If you need
* to know the exact search term used to generate |results|, you'll need to
* add a new field to the state to track it (eg, SearchState.resultsTerm).
* @typedef {{
* term: string,
* inProgress: boolean,
* results: ?Array<string>,
* }}
let SearchState;
/** @typedef {!Map<string, boolean>} */
let FolderOpenState;
* @typedef {{
* canEdit: boolean,
* incognitoAvailability: IncognitoAvailability,
* }}
let PreferencesState;
* @typedef {{
* nodes: NodeMap,
* selectedFolder: string,
* folderOpenState: FolderOpenState,
* prefs: PreferencesState,
* search: SearchState,
* selection: SelectionState,
* }}
let BookmarksPageState;
/** @typedef {{name: string}} */
let Action;
/** @typedef {function(function(?Action))} */
let DeferredAction;
/** @typedef {{element: BookmarkElement, position: DropPosition}} */
let DropDestination;
* @record
function BookmarkElement() {}
/** @type {string} */
/** @return {HTMLElement} */
BookmarkElement.getDropTarget = function() {};
/** @constructor */
function DragData() {
/** @type {Array<BookmarkTreeNode>} */
this.elements = null;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.sameProfile = false;
/** @interface */
function StoreObserver() {}
/** @param {!BookmarksPageState} newState */
StoreObserver.prototype.onStateChanged = function(newState) {};