blob: 496ffa6c32a761afc4a365b9c181f8fd3b1dd79b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Handles web page requests for gnubby enrollment.
'use strict';
* Handles a U2F enroll request.
* @param {MessageSender} messageSender The message sender.
* @param {Object} request The web page's enroll request.
* @param {Function} sendResponse Called back with the result of the enroll.
* @return {Closeable} A handler object to be closed when the browser channel
* closes.
function handleU2fEnrollRequest(messageSender, request, sendResponse) {
var sentResponse = false;
var closeable = null;
function sendErrorResponse(error) {
var response = makeU2fErrorResponse(request, error.errorCode,
sendResponseOnce(sentResponse, closeable, response, sendResponse);
function sendSuccessResponse(u2fVersion, info, clientData) {
var enrollChallenges = request['registerRequests'];
var enrollChallenge =
findEnrollChallengeOfVersion(enrollChallenges, u2fVersion);
if (!enrollChallenge) {
sendErrorResponse({errorCode: ErrorCodes.OTHER_ERROR});
var responseData =
makeEnrollResponseData(enrollChallenge, u2fVersion, info, clientData);
var response = makeU2fSuccessResponse(request, responseData);
sendResponseOnce(sentResponse, closeable, response, sendResponse);
function timeout() {
sendErrorResponse({errorCode: ErrorCodes.TIMEOUT});
var sender = createSenderFromMessageSender(messageSender);
if (!sender) {
sendErrorResponse({errorCode: ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST});
return null;
if (sender.origin.indexOf('http://') == 0 && !HTTP_ORIGINS_ALLOWED) {
sendErrorResponse({errorCode: ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST});
return null;
if (!isValidEnrollRequest(request)) {
sendErrorResponse({errorCode: ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST});
return null;
var timeoutValueSeconds = getTimeoutValueFromRequest(request);
// Attenuate watchdog timeout value less than the enroller's timeout, so the
// watchdog only fires after the enroller could reasonably have called back,
// not before.
var watchdogTimeoutValueSeconds = attenuateTimeoutInSeconds(
var watchdog = new WatchdogRequestHandler(watchdogTimeoutValueSeconds,
var wrappedErrorCb = watchdog.wrapCallback(sendErrorResponse);
var wrappedSuccessCb = watchdog.wrapCallback(sendSuccessResponse);
var timer = createAttenuatedTimer(
FACTORY_REGISTRY.getCountdownFactory(), timeoutValueSeconds);
var logMsgUrl = request['logMsgUrl'];
var enroller = new Enroller(timer, sender, sendErrorResponse,
sendSuccessResponse, logMsgUrl);
watchdog.setCloseable(/** @type {!Closeable} */ (enroller));
closeable = watchdog;
var registerRequests = request['registerRequests'];
var signRequests = getSignRequestsFromEnrollRequest(request);
enroller.doEnroll(registerRequests, signRequests, request['appId']);
return closeable;
* Returns whether the request appears to be a valid enroll request.
* @param {Object} request The request.
* @return {boolean} Whether the request appears valid.
function isValidEnrollRequest(request) {
if (!request.hasOwnProperty('registerRequests'))
return false;
var enrollChallenges = request['registerRequests'];
if (!enrollChallenges.length)
return false;
var hasAppId = request.hasOwnProperty('appId');
if (!isValidEnrollChallengeArray(enrollChallenges, !hasAppId))
return false;
var signChallenges = getSignChallenges(request);
// A missing sign challenge array is ok, in the case the user is not already
// enrolled.
// A challenge value need not necessarily be supplied with every challenge.
var challengeRequired = false;
if (signChallenges &&
!isValidSignChallengeArray(signChallenges, challengeRequired, !hasAppId))
return false;
return true;
* @typedef {{
* version: (string|undefined),
* challenge: string,
* appId: string
* }}
var EnrollChallenge;
* @param {Array<EnrollChallenge>} enrollChallenges The enroll challenges to
* validate.
* @param {boolean} appIdRequired Whether the appId property is required on
* each challenge.
* @return {boolean} Whether the given array of challenges is a valid enroll
* challenges array.
function isValidEnrollChallengeArray(enrollChallenges, appIdRequired) {
var seenVersions = {};
for (var i = 0; i < enrollChallenges.length; i++) {
var enrollChallenge = enrollChallenges[i];
var version = enrollChallenge['version'];
if (!version) {
// Version is implicitly V1 if not specified.
version = 'U2F_V1';
if (version != 'U2F_V1' && version != 'U2F_V2') {
return false;
if (seenVersions[version]) {
// Each version can appear at most once.
return false;
seenVersions[version] = version;
if (appIdRequired && !enrollChallenge['appId']) {
return false;
if (!enrollChallenge['challenge']) {
// The challenge is required.
return false;
return true;
* Finds the enroll challenge of the given version in the enroll challlenge
* array.
* @param {Array<EnrollChallenge>} enrollChallenges The enroll challenges to
* search.
* @param {string} version Version to search for.
* @return {?EnrollChallenge} The enroll challenge with the given versions, or
* null if it isn't found.
function findEnrollChallengeOfVersion(enrollChallenges, version) {
for (var i = 0; i < enrollChallenges.length; i++) {
if (enrollChallenges[i]['version'] == version) {
return enrollChallenges[i];
return null;
* Makes a responseData object for the enroll request with the given parameters.
* @param {EnrollChallenge} enrollChallenge The enroll challenge used to
* register.
* @param {string} u2fVersion Version of gnubby that enrolled.
* @param {string} registrationData The registration data.
* @param {string=} opt_clientData The client data, if available.
* @return {Object} The responseData object.
function makeEnrollResponseData(enrollChallenge, u2fVersion, registrationData,
opt_clientData) {
var responseData = {};
responseData['registrationData'] = registrationData;
// Echo the used challenge back in the reply.
for (var k in enrollChallenge) {
responseData[k] = enrollChallenge[k];
if (u2fVersion == 'U2F_V2') {
// For U2F_V2, the challenge sent to the gnubby is modified to be the
// hash of the client data. Include the client data.
responseData['clientData'] = opt_clientData;
return responseData;
* Gets the expanded sign challenges from an enroll request, potentially by
* modifying the request to contain a challenge value where one was omitted.
* (For enrolling, the server isn't interested in the value of a signature,
* only whether the presented key handle is already enrolled.)
* @param {Object} request The request.
* @return {Array<SignChallenge>}
function getSignRequestsFromEnrollRequest(request) {
var signChallenges;
if (request.hasOwnProperty('registeredKeys')) {
signChallenges = request['registeredKeys'];
} else {
signChallenges = request['signRequests'];
if (signChallenges) {
for (var i = 0; i < signChallenges.length; i++) {
// Make sure each sign challenge has a challenge value.
// The actual value doesn't matter, as long as it's a string.
if (!signChallenges[i].hasOwnProperty('challenge')) {
signChallenges[i]['challenge'] = '';
return signChallenges;
* Creates a new object to track enrolling with a gnubby.
* @param {!Countdown} timer Timer for enroll request.
* @param {!WebRequestSender} sender The sender of the request.
* @param {function(U2fError)} errorCb Called upon enroll failure.
* @param {function(string, string, (string|undefined))} successCb Called upon
* enroll success with the version of the succeeding gnubby, the enroll
* data, and optionally the browser data associated with the enrollment.
* @param {string=} opt_logMsgUrl The url to post log messages to.
* @constructor
function Enroller(timer, sender, errorCb, successCb, opt_logMsgUrl) {
/** @private {Countdown} */
this.timer_ = timer;
/** @private {WebRequestSender} */
this.sender_ = sender;
/** @private {function(U2fError)} */
this.errorCb_ = errorCb;
/** @private {function(string, string, (string|undefined))} */
this.successCb_ = successCb;
/** @private {string|undefined} */
this.logMsgUrl_ = opt_logMsgUrl;
/** @private {boolean} */
this.done_ = false;
/** @private {Object<string, string>} */
this.browserData_ = {};
/** @private {Array<EnrollHelperChallenge>} */
this.encodedEnrollChallenges_ = [];
/** @private {Array<SignHelperChallenge>} */
this.encodedSignChallenges_ = [];
// Allow http appIds for http origins. (Broken, but the caller deserves
// what they get.)
/** @private {boolean} */
this.allowHttp_ =
this.sender_.origin ? this.sender_.origin.indexOf('http://') == 0 : false;
/** @private {Closeable} */
this.handler_ = null;
* Default timeout value in case the caller never provides a valid timeout.
Enroller.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 30 * 1000;
* Performs an enroll request with the given enroll and sign challenges.
* @param {Array<EnrollChallenge>} enrollChallenges A set of enroll challenges.
* @param {Array<SignChallenge>} signChallenges A set of sign challenges for
* existing enrollments for this user and appId.
* @param {string=} opt_appId The app id for the entire request.
Enroller.prototype.doEnroll = function(enrollChallenges, signChallenges,
opt_appId) {
/** @private {Array<EnrollChallenge>} */
this.enrollChallenges_ = enrollChallenges;
/** @private {Array<SignChallenge>} */
this.signChallenges_ = signChallenges;
/** @private {(string|undefined)} */
this.appId_ = opt_appId;
var self = this;
getTabIdWhenPossible(this.sender_).then(function() {
if (self.done_) return;
}, function() {
self.notifyError_({errorCode: ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST});
* Ensures the user has approved this origin to use security keys, sending
* to the request to the handler if/when the user has done so.
* @private
Enroller.prototype.approveOrigin_ = function() {
var self = this;
.isApprovedOrigin(this.sender_.origin, this.sender_.tabId)
.then(function(result) {
if (self.done_) return;
if (!result) {
// Origin not approved: rather than give an explicit indication to
// the web page, let a timeout occur.
if (self.timer_.expired()) {
var newTimer = self.timer_.clone(self.notifyTimeout_.bind(self));
self.timer_ = newTimer;
* Notifies the caller of a timeout error.
* @private
Enroller.prototype.notifyTimeout_ = function() {
this.notifyError_({errorCode: ErrorCodes.TIMEOUT});
* Performs an enroll request with this instance's enroll and sign challenges,
* by encoding them into a helper request and passing the resulting request to
* the factory registry's helper.
* @private
Enroller.prototype.sendEnrollRequestToHelper_ = function() {
var encodedEnrollChallenges =
this.encodeEnrollChallenges_(this.enrollChallenges_, this.appId_);
// If the request didn't contain a sign challenge, provide one. The value
// doesn't matter.
var defaultSignChallenge = '';
var encodedSignChallenges =
encodeSignChallenges(this.signChallenges_, defaultSignChallenge,
var request = {
type: 'enroll_helper_request',
enrollChallenges: encodedEnrollChallenges,
signData: encodedSignChallenges,
logMsgUrl: this.logMsgUrl_
if (!this.timer_.expired()) {
request.timeout = this.timer_.millisecondsUntilExpired() / 1000.0;
request.timeoutSeconds = this.timer_.millisecondsUntilExpired() / 1000.0;
// Begin fetching/checking the app ids.
var enrollAppIds = [];
if (this.appId_) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.enrollChallenges_.length; i++) {
if (this.enrollChallenges_[i].hasOwnProperty('appId')) {
// Sanity check
if (!enrollAppIds.length) {
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('empty enroll app ids?'));
this.notifyError_({errorCode: ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST});
var self = this;
this.checkAppIds_(enrollAppIds, function(result) {
if (self.done_) return;
if (result) {
self.handler_ = FACTORY_REGISTRY.getRequestHelper().getHandler(request);
if (self.handler_) {
var helperComplete =
/** @type {function(HelperReply)} */
} else {
self.notifyError_({errorCode: ErrorCodes.OTHER_ERROR});
} else {
self.notifyError_({errorCode: ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST});
* Encodes the enroll challenge as an enroll helper challenge.
* @param {EnrollChallenge} enrollChallenge The enroll challenge to encode.
* @param {string=} opt_appId The app id for the entire request.
* @return {EnrollHelperChallenge} The encoded challenge.
* @private
Enroller.encodeEnrollChallenge_ = function(enrollChallenge, opt_appId) {
var encodedChallenge = {};
var version;
if (enrollChallenge['version']) {
version = enrollChallenge['version'];
} else {
// Version is implicitly V1 if not specified.
version = 'U2F_V1';
encodedChallenge['version'] = version;
encodedChallenge['challengeHash'] = enrollChallenge['challenge'];
var appId;
if (enrollChallenge['appId']) {
appId = enrollChallenge['appId'];
} else {
appId = opt_appId;
if (!appId) {
// Sanity check. (Other code should fail if it's not set.)
console.warn(UTIL_fmt('No appId?'));
encodedChallenge['appIdHash'] = B64_encode(sha256HashOfString(appId));
return /** @type {EnrollHelperChallenge} */ (encodedChallenge);
* Encodes the given enroll challenges using this enroller's state.
* @param {Array<EnrollChallenge>} enrollChallenges The enroll challenges.
* @param {string=} opt_appId The app id for the entire request.
* @return {!Array<EnrollHelperChallenge>} The encoded enroll challenges.
* @private
Enroller.prototype.encodeEnrollChallenges_ = function(enrollChallenges,
opt_appId) {
var challenges = [];
for (var i = 0; i < enrollChallenges.length; i++) {
var enrollChallenge = enrollChallenges[i];
var version = enrollChallenge.version;
if (!version) {
// Version is implicitly V1 if not specified.
version = 'U2F_V1';
if (version == 'U2F_V2') {
var modifiedChallenge = {};
for (var k in enrollChallenge) {
modifiedChallenge[k] = enrollChallenge[k];
// V2 enroll responses contain signatures over a browser data object,
// which we're constructing here. The browser data object contains, among
// other things, the server challenge.
var serverChallenge = enrollChallenge['challenge'];
var browserData = makeEnrollBrowserData(
serverChallenge, this.sender_.origin, this.sender_.tlsChannelId);
// Replace the challenge with the hash of the browser data.
modifiedChallenge['challenge'] =
this.browserData_[version] =
/** @type {EnrollChallenge} */ (modifiedChallenge), opt_appId));
} else {
Enroller.encodeEnrollChallenge_(enrollChallenge, opt_appId));
return challenges;
* Checks the app ids associated with this enroll request, and calls a callback
* with the result of the check.
* @param {!Array<string>} enrollAppIds The app ids in the enroll challenge
* portion of the enroll request.
* @param {function(boolean)} cb Called with the result of the check.
* @private
Enroller.prototype.checkAppIds_ = function(enrollAppIds, cb) {
var appIds =
UTIL_unionArrays(enrollAppIds, getDistinctAppIds(this.signChallenges_));
.canClaimAppIds(this.sender_.origin, appIds)
.then(this.originChecked_.bind(this, appIds, cb));
* Called with the result of checking the origin. When the origin is allowed
* to claim the app ids, begins checking whether the app ids also list the
* origin.
* @param {!Array<string>} appIds The app ids.
* @param {function(boolean)} cb Called with the result of the check.
* @param {boolean} result Whether the origin could claim the app ids.
* @private
Enroller.prototype.originChecked_ = function(appIds, cb, result) {
if (!result) {
this.notifyError_({errorCode: ErrorCodes.BAD_REQUEST});
var appIdChecker = FACTORY_REGISTRY.getAppIdCheckerFactory().create();
this.timer_.clone(), this.sender_.origin, appIds, this.allowHttp_,
/** Closes this enroller. */
Enroller.prototype.close = function() {
if (this.handler_) {
this.handler_ = null;
this.done_ = true;
* Notifies the caller with the error.
* @param {U2fError} error Error.
* @private
Enroller.prototype.notifyError_ = function(error) {
if (this.done_)
this.done_ = true;
* Notifies the caller of success with the provided response data.
* @param {string} u2fVersion Protocol version
* @param {string} info Response data
* @param {string|undefined} opt_browserData Browser data used
* @private
Enroller.prototype.notifySuccess_ =
function(u2fVersion, info, opt_browserData) {
if (this.done_)
this.done_ = true;
this.successCb_(u2fVersion, info, opt_browserData);
* Called by the helper upon completion.
* @param {EnrollHelperReply} reply The result of the enroll request.
* @private
Enroller.prototype.helperComplete_ = function(reply) {
if (reply.code) {
var reportedError = mapDeviceStatusCodeToU2fError(reply.code);
console.log(UTIL_fmt('helper reported ' + reply.code.toString(16) +
', returning ' + reportedError.errorCode));
} else {
console.log(UTIL_fmt('Gnubby enrollment succeeded!!!!!'));
var browserData;
if (reply.version == 'U2F_V2') {
// For U2F_V2, the challenge sent to the gnubby is modified to be the hash
// of the browser data. Include the browser data.
browserData = this.browserData_[reply.version];
this.notifySuccess_(/** @type {string} */ (reply.version),
/** @type {string} */ (reply.enrollData),