ChromeOS: Enable using ImageCHROMIUM for Canvas2D on Intel

This CL reconnects the ImageCHROMIUM path for Canvas 2D and,
if we're on platforms with |mesa_framebuffer_flip_y|
capability, tells the TextureLayer to not flip the buffer
and to the CanvasResourceProvider to draw upside up; these
two allow for overlays to work on Intel ChromeOS.

Test: gets the
canvas 2D promoted to overlay both on nocturne and dru/scarlet.
(DON't use because it overlays
sth on top of the canvas).

Bug: 839970, 927103
Change-Id: I4b91d4436180fbf9ef25d0af8422122f6af884f1
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Russell <>
Reviewed-by: Avi Drissman <>
Reviewed-by: Fernando Serboncini <>
Commit-Queue: Miguel Casas <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#631371}
5 files changed