blob: a43ad1aa50859e1e3c6855084326412471c87df3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Specifies all possible routes in settings.
* @typedef {{
* ABOUT: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* ABOUT_ABOUT: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* ACCESSIBILITY: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* ACCOUNTS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* ADVANCED: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* ANDROID_APPS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* ANDROID_APPS_DETAILS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* APPEARANCE: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* AUTOFILL: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* BASIC: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* BLUETOOTH: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* BLUETOOTH_DEVICES: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* CERTIFICATES: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* CHANGE_PICTURE: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* CLEAR_BROWSER_DATA: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* CLOUD_PRINTERS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* CUPS_PRINTERS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* DATETIME: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* DEFAULT_BROWSER: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* DETAILED_BUILD_INFO: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* DEVICE: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* DISPLAY: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* DOWNLOADS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* EDIT_DICTIONARY: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* FINGERPRINT: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* FONTS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* GOOGLE_ASSISTANT: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* IMPORT_DATA: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* INPUT_METHODS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* INTERNET: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* INTERNET_NETWORKS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* KEYBOARD: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* KNOWN_NETWORKS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* LANGUAGES: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* LOCK_SCREEN: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* MANAGE_ACCESSIBILITY: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* MANAGE_PASSWORDS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* MANAGE_PROFILE: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* MULTIDEVICE: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* NETWORK_CONFIG: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* NETWORK_DETAIL: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* ON_STARTUP: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* PASSWORDS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* PEOPLE: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* POINTERS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* POWER: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* PRINTING: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* PRIVACY: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* RESET: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* RESET_DIALOG: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SEARCH: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SEARCH_ENGINES: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SIGN_OUT: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_ADS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_ALL: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_AUTOMATIC_DOWNLOADS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_BACKGROUND_SYNC: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_CAMERA: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_COOKIES: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_DATA_DETAILS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_FLASH: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_HANDLERS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_IMAGES: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_JAVASCRIPT: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_SOUND: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_LOCATION: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_MICROPHONE: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_MIDI_DEVICES: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_NOTIFICATIONS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_PDF_DOCUMENTS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_POPUPS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_PROTECTED_CONTENT: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_SITE_DATA: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_SITE_DETAILS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_UNSANDBOXED_PLUGINS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_USB_DEVICES: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SITE_SETTINGS_ZOOM_LEVELS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* STORAGE: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* STYLUS: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SYNC: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* SYSTEM: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* TRIGGERED_RESET_DIALOG: (undefined|!settings.Route),
* }}
var SettingsRoutes;
cr.define('settings', function() {
* Class for navigable routes. May only be instantiated within this file.
class Route {
/** @param {string} path */
constructor(path) {
/** @type {string} */
this.path = path;
/** @type {?settings.Route} */
this.parent = null;
/** @type {number} */
this.depth = 0;
* @type {boolean} Whether this route corresponds to a navigable
* dialog. Those routes don't belong to a "section".
this.isNavigableDialog = false;
// Below are all legacy properties to provide compatibility with the old
// routing system.
/** @type {string} */
this.section = '';
* Returns a new Route instance that's a child of this route.
* @param {string} path Extends this route's path if it doesn't contain a
* leading slash.
* @return {!settings.Route}
* @private
createChild(path) {
// |path| extends this route's path if it doesn't have a leading slash.
// If it does have a leading slash, it's just set as the new route's URL.
var newUrl = path[0] == '/' ? path : `${this.path}/${path}`;
var route = new Route(newUrl);
route.parent = this;
route.section = this.section;
route.depth = this.depth + 1;
return route;
* Returns a new Route instance that's a child section of this route.
* TODO(tommycli): Remove once we've obsoleted the concept of sections.
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} section
* @return {!settings.Route}
* @private
createSection(path, section) {
var route = this.createChild(path);
route.section = section;
return route;
* Returns the absolute path string for this Route, assuming this function
* has been called from within chrome://settings.
* @return {string}
getAbsolutePath() {
return window.location.origin + this.path;
* Returns true if this route matches or is an ancestor of the parameter.
* @param {!settings.Route} route
* @return {boolean}
contains(route) {
for (var r = route; r != null; r = r.parent) {
if (this == r)
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if this route is a subpage of a section.
* @return {boolean}
isSubpage() {
return !!this.parent && !!this.section &&
this.parent.section == this.section;
* Computes and return all available routes based on settings.pageVisibility.
* @return {!SettingsRoutes}
var computeAvailableRoutes = function() {
var pageVisibility = settings.pageVisibility || {};
/** @type {!SettingsRoutes} */
var r = {};
// Root pages.
r.BASIC = new Route('/');
r.ABOUT = new Route('/help');
// Navigable dialogs. These are the only non-section children of root
// pages. These are disfavored. If we add anymore, we should add explicit
// support.
r.IMPORT_DATA = r.BASIC.createChild('/importData');
r.IMPORT_DATA.isNavigableDialog = true;
r.SIGN_OUT = r.BASIC.createChild('/signOut');
r.SIGN_OUT.isNavigableDialog = true;
// <if expr="chromeos">
r.INTERNET = r.BASIC.createSection('/internet', 'internet');
r.INTERNET_NETWORKS = r.INTERNET.createChild('/networks');
r.NETWORK_CONFIG = r.INTERNET.createChild('/networkConfig');
r.NETWORK_DETAIL = r.INTERNET.createChild('/networkDetail');
r.KNOWN_NETWORKS = r.INTERNET.createChild('/knownNetworks');
r.BLUETOOTH = r.BASIC.createSection('/bluetooth', 'bluetooth');
r.BLUETOOTH_DEVICES = r.BLUETOOTH.createChild('/bluetoothDevices');
// </if>
if (pageVisibility.appearance !== false) {
r.APPEARANCE = r.BASIC.createSection('/appearance', 'appearance');
r.FONTS = r.APPEARANCE.createChild('/fonts');
if (pageVisibility.defaultBrowser !== false) {
r.BASIC.createSection('/defaultBrowser', 'defaultBrowser');
r.SEARCH = r.BASIC.createSection('/search', 'search');
r.SEARCH_ENGINES = r.SEARCH.createChild('/searchEngines');
// <if expr="chromeos">
r.GOOGLE_ASSISTANT = r.SEARCH.createChild('/googleAssistant');
// </if>
// <if expr="chromeos">
r.ANDROID_APPS = r.BASIC.createSection('/androidApps', 'androidApps');
r.ANDROID_APPS_DETAILS = r.ANDROID_APPS.createChild('/androidApps/details');
// </if>
if (pageVisibility.onStartup !== false) {
r.ON_STARTUP = r.BASIC.createSection('/onStartup', 'onStartup');
r.STARTUP_PAGES = r.ON_STARTUP.createChild('/startupPages');
if (pageVisibility.people !== false) {
r.PEOPLE = r.BASIC.createSection('/people', 'people');
r.SYNC = r.PEOPLE.createChild('/syncSetup');
// <if expr="not chromeos">
r.MANAGE_PROFILE = r.PEOPLE.createChild('/manageProfile');
// </if>
// <if expr="chromeos">
r.CHANGE_PICTURE = r.PEOPLE.createChild('/changePicture');
r.ACCOUNTS = r.PEOPLE.createChild('/accounts');
r.LOCK_SCREEN = r.PEOPLE.createChild('/lockScreen');
r.FINGERPRINT = r.LOCK_SCREEN.createChild('/lockScreen/fingerprint');
// </if>
// <if expr="chromeos">
r.DEVICE = r.BASIC.createSection('/device', 'device');
r.POINTERS = r.DEVICE.createChild('/pointer-overlay');
r.KEYBOARD = r.DEVICE.createChild('/keyboard-overlay');
r.STYLUS = r.DEVICE.createChild('/stylus');
r.DISPLAY = r.DEVICE.createChild('/display');
r.STORAGE = r.DEVICE.createChild('/storage');
r.POWER = r.DEVICE.createChild('/power');
// </if>
// Advanced Routes
if (pageVisibility.advancedSettings !== false) {
r.ADVANCED = new Route('/advanced');
r.CLEAR_BROWSER_DATA = r.ADVANCED.createChild('/clearBrowserData');
r.CLEAR_BROWSER_DATA.isNavigableDialog = true;
if (pageVisibility.privacy !== false) {
r.PRIVACY = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/privacy', 'privacy');
r.CERTIFICATES = r.PRIVACY.createChild('/certificates');
r.SITE_SETTINGS = r.PRIVACY.createChild('/content');
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableSiteSettings')) {
r.SITE_SETTINGS_ALL = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('all');
} else if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('enableSiteDetails')) {
// When there is no "All Sites", pressing 'back' from "Site Details"
// should return to "Content Settings". This should only occur when
// |kSiteSettings| is off and |kSiteDetails| is on.
r.SITE_SETTINGS_HANDLERS = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('/handlers');
// TODO(tommycli): Find a way to refactor these repetitive category
// routes.
r.SITE_SETTINGS_ADS = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('ads');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_CAMERA = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('camera');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_COOKIES = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('cookies');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_IMAGES = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('images');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_JAVASCRIPT = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('javascript');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_SOUND = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('sound');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_LOCATION = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('location');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_MICROPHONE = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('microphone');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_FLASH = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('flash');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_POPUPS = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('popups');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_MIDI_DEVICES = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('midiDevices');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_USB_DEVICES = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('usbDevices');
r.SITE_SETTINGS_ZOOM_LEVELS = r.SITE_SETTINGS.createChild('zoomLevels');
// <if expr="chromeos">
if (pageVisibility.dateTime !== false) {
r.DATETIME = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/dateTime', 'dateTime');
// </if>
if (pageVisibility.passwordsAndForms !== false) {
r.ADVANCED.createSection('/passwordsAndForms', 'passwordsAndForms');
r.AUTOFILL = r.PASSWORDS.createChild('/autofill');
r.MANAGE_PASSWORDS = r.PASSWORDS.createChild('/passwords');
r.LANGUAGES = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/languages', 'languages');
// <if expr="chromeos">
r.INPUT_METHODS = r.LANGUAGES.createChild('/inputMethods');
// </if>
// <if expr="not is_macosx">
r.EDIT_DICTIONARY = r.LANGUAGES.createChild('/editDictionary');
// </if>
if (pageVisibility.downloads !== false) {
r.DOWNLOADS = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/downloads', 'downloads');
r.PRINTING = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/printing', 'printing');
r.CLOUD_PRINTERS = r.PRINTING.createChild('/cloudPrinters');
// <if expr="chromeos">
r.CUPS_PRINTERS = r.PRINTING.createChild('/cupsPrinters');
r.MULTIDEVICE = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/multidevice', 'multidevice');
// </if>
r.ACCESSIBILITY = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/accessibility', 'a11y');
// <if expr="chromeos">
// </if>
r.SYSTEM = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/system', 'system');
if (pageVisibility.reset !== false) {
r.RESET = r.ADVANCED.createSection('/reset', 'reset');
r.RESET_DIALOG = r.ADVANCED.createChild('/resetProfileSettings');
r.RESET_DIALOG.isNavigableDialog = true;
r.TRIGGERED_RESET_DIALOG.isNavigableDialog = true;
// <if expr="chromeos">
// "About" is the only section in About, but we still need to create the
// route in order to show the subpage on Chrome OS.
r.ABOUT_ABOUT = r.ABOUT.createSection('/help/about', 'about');
r.DETAILED_BUILD_INFO = r.ABOUT_ABOUT.createChild('/help/details');
// </if>
return r;
class Router {
constructor() {
* List of available routes. This is populated taking into account current
* state (like guest mode).
* @private {!SettingsRoutes}
this.routes_ = computeAvailableRoutes();
* The current active route. This updated is only by settings.navigateTo
* or settings.initializeRouteFromUrl.
* @type {!settings.Route}
this.currentRoute = /** @type {!settings.Route} */ (this.routes_.BASIC);
* The current query parameters. This is updated only by
* settings.navigateTo or settings.initializeRouteFromUrl.
* @private {!URLSearchParams}
this.currentQueryParameters_ = new URLSearchParams();
/** @private {boolean} */
this.wasLastRouteChangePopstate_ = false;
/** @private {boolean}*/
this.initializeRouteFromUrlCalled_ = false;
/** @return {settings.Route} */
getRoute(routeName) {
return this.routes_[routeName];
/** @return {!SettingsRoutes} */
getRoutes() {
return this.routes_;
* Helper function to set the current route and notify all observers.
* @param {!settings.Route} route
* @param {!URLSearchParams} queryParameters
* @param {boolean} isPopstate
setCurrentRoute(route, queryParameters, isPopstate) {
var oldRoute = this.currentRoute;
this.currentRoute = route;
this.currentQueryParameters_ = queryParameters;
this.wasLastRouteChangePopstate_ = isPopstate;
new Set(routeObservers).forEach((observer) => {
observer.currentRouteChanged(this.currentRoute, oldRoute);
/** @return {!settings.Route} */
getCurrentRoute() {
return this.currentRoute;
/** @return {!URLSearchParams} */
getQueryParameters() {
return new URLSearchParams(
this.currentQueryParameters_); // Defensive copy.
/** @return {boolean} */
lastRouteChangeWasPopstate() {
return this.wasLastRouteChangePopstate_;
* @param {string} path
* @return {?settings.Route} The matching canonical route, or null if none
* matches.
getRouteForPath(path) {
// Allow trailing slash in paths.
var canonicalPath = path.replace(CANONICAL_PATH_REGEX, '$1$2');
// TODO(tommycli): Use Object.values once Closure compilation supports it.
var matchingKey =
.find((key) => this.routes_[key].path == canonicalPath);
return !!matchingKey ? this.routes_[matchingKey] : null;
* Navigates to a canonical route and pushes a new history entry.
* @param {!settings.Route} route
* @param {URLSearchParams=} opt_dynamicParameters Navigations to the same
* URL parameters in a different order will still push to history.
* @param {boolean=} opt_removeSearch Whether to strip the 'search' URL
* parameter during navigation. Defaults to false.
navigateTo(route, opt_dynamicParameters, opt_removeSearch) {
// The ADVANCED route only serves as a parent of subpages, and should not
// be possible to navigate to it directly.
if (route == this.routes_.ADVANCED)
route = /** @type {!settings.Route} */ (this.routes_.BASIC);
var params = opt_dynamicParameters || new URLSearchParams();
var removeSearch = !!opt_removeSearch;
var oldSearchParam = this.getQueryParameters().get('search') || '';
var newSearchParam = params.get('search') || '';
if (!removeSearch && oldSearchParam && !newSearchParam)
params.append('search', oldSearchParam);
var url = route.path;
var queryString = params.toString();
if (queryString)
url += '?' + queryString;
// History serializes the state, so we don't push the actual route object.
window.history.pushState(this.currentRoute.path, '', url);
this.setCurrentRoute(route, params, false);
* Navigates to the previous route if it has an equal or lesser depth.
* If there is no previous route in history meeting those requirements,
* this navigates to the immediate parent. This will never exit Settings.
navigateToPreviousRoute() {
var previousRoute = window.history.state &&
/** @type {string} */ (window.history.state)));
if (previousRoute && previousRoute.depth <= this.currentRoute.depth)
this.currentRoute.parent ||
/** @type {!settings.Route} */ (this.routes_.BASIC));
* Initialize the route and query params from the URL.
initializeRouteFromUrl() {
this.initializeRouteFromUrlCalled_ = true;
var route = this.getRouteForPath(window.location.pathname);
// Never allow direct navigation to ADVANCED.
if (route && route != this.routes_.ADVANCED) {
this.currentRoute = route;
this.currentQueryParameters_ =
new URLSearchParams(;
} else {
window.history.replaceState(undefined, '', this.routes_.BASIC.path);
* Make a UMA note about visiting this URL path.
* @param {string} urlPath The url path (only).
recordMetrics(urlPath) {
'WebUI.Settings.PathVisited', urlPath);
resetRouteForTesting() {
this.initializeRouteFromUrlCalled_ = false;
this.wasLastRouteChangePopstate_ = false;
this.currentRoute = /** @type {!settings.Route} */ (this.routes_.BASIC);
this.currentQueryParameters_ = new URLSearchParams();
var routerInstance = new Router();
var routeObservers = new Set();
/** @polymerBehavior */
var RouteObserverBehavior = {
/** @override */
attached: function() {
// Emulating Polymer data bindings, the observer is called when the
// element starts observing the route.
this.currentRouteChanged(routerInstance.currentRoute, undefined);
/** @override */
detached: function() {
* @param {!settings.Route|undefined} opt_newRoute
* @param {!settings.Route|undefined} opt_oldRoute
currentRouteChanged: function(opt_newRoute, opt_oldRoute) {
* Regular expression that captures the leading slash, the content and the
* trailing slash in three different groups.
* @const {!RegExp}
var CANONICAL_PATH_REGEX = /(^\/)([\/-\w]+)(\/$)/;
window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event) {
// On pop state, do not push the state onto the window.history again.
/** @type {!settings.Route} */ (
routerInstance.getRouteForPath(window.location.pathname) ||
new URLSearchParams(, true);
// TODO(scottchen): Change to 'get routes() {}' in export when we fix a bug in
// ChromePass that limits the syntax of what can be returned from cr.define().
var routes = routerInstance.getRoutes();
// TODO(scottchen): Stop exposing all those methods directly on settings.*,
// and instead update all clients to use the singleton instance directly
var getCurrentRoute = routerInstance.getCurrentRoute.bind(routerInstance);
var getRouteForPath = routerInstance.getRouteForPath.bind(routerInstance);
var initializeRouteFromUrl =
var resetRouteForTesting =
var getQueryParameters =
var lastRouteChangeWasPopstate =
var navigateTo = routerInstance.navigateTo.bind(routerInstance);
var navigateToPreviousRoute =
return {
Route: Route, // The Route class definition.
Router: Router, // The Router class definition.
router: routerInstance, // the singleton.
routes: routes,
RouteObserverBehavior: RouteObserverBehavior,
getRouteForPath: getRouteForPath,
initializeRouteFromUrl: initializeRouteFromUrl,
resetRouteForTesting: resetRouteForTesting,
getCurrentRoute: getCurrentRoute,
getQueryParameters: getQueryParameters,
lastRouteChangeWasPopstate: lastRouteChangeWasPopstate,
navigateTo: navigateTo,
navigateToPreviousRoute: navigateToPreviousRoute,