blob: 9ecbdfe6330b448b2eb642d01fd36a34441fe8ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Main entry point called once the page has loaded.
function onLoad() {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad);
* This class handles the presentation of the net-export view. Used as a
* singleton.
var NetExportView = (function() {
'use strict';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
var kIdStateDivUninitialized = 'state-uninitialized';
var kIdStateDivInitial = 'state-initial';
var kIdStateDivLogging = 'state-logging';
var kIdStateDivStopped = 'state-stopped';
var kIdStartLoggingButton = 'start-logging';
var kIdStopLoggingButton = 'stop-logging';
var kIdEmailLogButton = 'mobile-email';
var kIdShowFileButton = 'show-file';
var kIdCaptureModeLogging = 'capture-mode-logging';
var kIdFilePathLogging = 'file-path-logging';
var kIdCaptureModeStopped = 'capture-mode-stopped';
var kIdFilePathStoppedLogging = 'file-path-stopped';
var kIdStartOverButton = 'startover';
var kIdPrivacyReadMoreLink = 'privacy-read-more-link';
var kIdPrivacyReadMoreDiv = 'privacy-read-more'
var kIdTooBigReadMoreLink = 'toobig-read-more-link';
var kIdTooBigReadMoreDiv = 'toobig-read-more'
var kIdLogMaxFileSizeInput = 'log-max-filesize'
* @constructor
function NetExportView() {
// Tell NetExportMessageHandler to notify the UI of future state changes
// from this point on (through onExportNetLogInfoChanged()).
this.infoForLoggedFile_ = null;
NetExportView.prototype = {
* Starts saving NetLog data to a file.
onStartLogging_: function() {
// Determine the capture mode to use.
var logMode =
// Determine the maximum file size, as the number of bytes (or -1 to mean
// no limit)
var maxLogFileSizeBytes = -1;
var fileSizeString = $(kIdLogMaxFileSizeInput).value;
var numMegabytes = parseFloat(fileSizeString);
if (!isNaN(numMegabytes)) {
// Convert to an integral number of bytes.
maxLogFileSizeBytes = Math.round(numMegabytes * 1024 * 1024);
chrome.send('startNetLog', [logMode, maxLogFileSizeBytes]);
* Stops saving NetLog data to a file.
onStopLogging_: function() {
* Sends NetLog data via email from browser (mobile only).
onSendEmail_: function() {
* Reveals the log file in the shell (i.e. selects it in the Finder on
* Mac).
onShowFile_: function() {
* Transitions back to the "Start logging to disk" state.
onStartOver_: function() {
this.infoForLoggedFile_ = null;
* Updates the UI to reflect the current state. The state transitions are
* sent by the browser controller (NetLogFileWriter):
* * UNINITIALIZED - This is the initial state when net-export is opened
* for the first time, or there was an error during initialization.
* This state is short-lived and likely not observed; will
* immediately transition to INITIALIZING).
* * INITIALIZING - On desktop UI this is pretty much a no-op. On the
* mobile UI, this state is when the controller checks the disk for
* a previous net-log file (from past run of the browser). After
* success will transition to NOT_LOGGING. On failure will
* transition to UNINITIALIZED (rare).
* * NOT_LOGGING - This is the steady-state. It means initialization
* completed and we are not currently logging. Being in this state
* either means:
* (1) We were logging and then the user stopped (earlier states
* (2) We have never started logging (previous state was
* * STARTING_LOG - This state means the user has clicked the "Start log"
* button and logging is about to get started (files may not have
* been created yet).
* * LOGGING - This state means that logging is currently in progress.
* The destination path of the log, and the capture mode are known
* and will be reflected in the parameters.
* * STOPPING_LOG - This state means the user has clicked the "Stop
* logging" button, and the log file is in the process of being
* finalized. Once the state transitions to NOT_LOGGING then the log
* is complete, and can safely be copied/emailed.
onExportNetLogInfoChanged: function(info) {
switch (info.state) {
if (this.infoForLoggedFile_) {
// There is no "stopped logging" state. We manufacture that in the
// UI in response to a transition from LOGGING --> NOT_LOGGING.
// TODO(eroman): prevent future state transitions. In desktop UI
// could start logging in a new tab, and it would reset this one.
} else if (info.logExists) {
// In the mobile UI, initialization may have found a
// pre-existing log file.
} else {
// This is a short-lived state, no need to do anything special.
// Disabling the buttons would be nice, however it is not crucial as
// the controller will reject commands while in this state anyway.
case 'LOGGING':
// Cache the last information for this logging session, so once
// logging is stopped will know what path information to display.
this.infoForLoggedFile_ = info;
// This is a short-lived state, no need to do anything special.
* Updates the UI to display the "uninitialized" state. This is only
* visible for a short period of time, or longer if initialization failed
* (and didn't transition to a different state).
renderUninitialized_: function() {
* Updates the UI to display the "initial" state. This is the state when
* logging has not been started yet, and there are controls to start
* logging.
renderInitial_: function() {
$(kIdStartLoggingButton).onclick = this.onStartLogging_.bind(this);
* Updates the UI to display the "logging" state. This is the state while
* capturing is in progress and being written to disk.
renderLogging_: function(info) {
$(kIdStopLoggingButton).onclick = this.onStopLogging_.bind(this);
$(kIdCaptureModeLogging).textContent = this.getCaptureModeText_(info);
$(kIdFilePathLogging).textContent = info.file;
* Updates the UI to display the state when logging has stopped.
renderStoppedLogging_: function(info) {
// The email button is only available in the mobile UI.
if ($(kIdEmailLogButton))
$(kIdEmailLogButton).onclick = this.onSendEmail_.bind(this);
// The show file button is only available in the desktop UI.
if ($(kIdShowFileButton))
$(kIdShowFileButton).onclick = this.onShowFile_.bind(this);
$(kIdStartOverButton).onclick = this.onStartOver_.bind(this);
$(kIdFilePathStoppedLogging).textContent = info.file;
$(kIdCaptureModeStopped).textContent = this.getCaptureModeText_(info);
// Hook up the "read more..." link for privacy information.
$(kIdPrivacyReadMoreLink).onclick =
this.showPrivacyReadMore_.bind(this, true);
// Hook up the "read more..." link for reducing log size information.
$(kIdTooBigReadMoreLink).onclick =
this.showTooBigReadMore_.bind(this, true);
* Gets the textual label for a capture mode from the HTML.
getCaptureModeText_: function(info) {
// TODO(eroman): Should not hardcode "Unknown" (will not work properly if
// the HTML is internationalized).
if (!info.logCaptureModeKnown)
return "Unknown";
var radioButton = document.querySelector(
'input[name="log-mode"][value="' + info.captureMode + '"]');
if (!radioButton)
return 'Unknown';
return radioButton.parentElement.textContent;
showPrivacyReadMore_: function(show) {
$(kIdPrivacyReadMoreDiv).hidden = !show;
$(kIdPrivacyReadMoreLink).hidden = show;
showTooBigReadMore_: function(show) {
$(kIdTooBigReadMoreDiv).hidden = !show;
$(kIdTooBigReadMoreLink).hidden = show;
showStateDiv_: function(divId) {
var kAllDivIds = [
for (var curDivId of kAllDivIds) {
$(curDivId).hidden = divId != curDivId;
return NetExportView;