tree: b77d2afc72011f8e65ae0490318ad473150f212d [path history] [tgz]
  2. ascii_ctype.h
  3. ascii_fast_path.h
  5. atomic_string.h
  7. atomic_string_hash.h
  9. atomic_string_table.h
  12. base64.h
  13. character_names.h
  14. integer_to_string_conversion.h
  17. line_ending.h
  19. number_parsing_options.h
  20. OWNERS
  21. parsing_utilities.h
  23. string_buffer.h
  26. string_builder.h
  29. string_concatenate.h
  30. string_hash.h
  31. string_hasher.h
  34. string_impl.h
  38. string_operators.h
  40. string_statics.h
  42. string_to_number.h
  45. string_utf8_adaptor.h
  47. string_view.h
  50. text_codec.h
  51. text_codec_ascii_fast_path.h
  53. text_codec_icu.h
  56. text_codec_latin1.h
  58. text_codec_replacement.h
  62. text_codec_user_defined.h
  64. text_codec_utf16.h
  66. text_codec_utf8.h
  69. text_encoding.h
  71. text_encoding_registry.h
  74. text_position.h
  76. text_stream.h
  77. unicode.h
  79. utf8.h
  81. wtf_string.h

Strings in Blink

Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask

This document covers the String type in Blink, often written with an explicit namespace as WTF::String to disambiguate from string concepts or other types. It also briefly covers associated classes used for constructing strings (StringBuilder, StringBuffer), the internal StringImpl class, and the special AtomicString variant. It does not cover other text-related types or utilities (e.g. encodings, views, line endings, etc).


A WTF::String represents a sequence of zero or more Unicode code points. A String can also represent one of two zero-length strings: the empty string and the null string. These correspond to "" and null in JavaScript, respectively. Both the empty and the null string return true from String::IsEmpty() but only the null string returns true from String::IsNull().

Unlike std::string, Blink’s String object is a pointer to a reference counted character buffer. This design makes it easier to share the underlying character buffer between different consumers because multiple consumers can reference the same underlying buffer. The disadvantage of this design is that we need to be careful when mixing Strings with multithreading because the character buffer’s reference counting is not thread safe.



A String can represent Unicode code points with either LChars or UChars, which use 8 bits and 16 bits per code unit respectively. Each LChar represents a single code unit of ISO-8859-1, more commonly called Latin-1 (hence the L in LChar). Unlike UTF-8, this encoding cannot represent every Unicode code point. However, also unlike UTF-8, every representable Unicode code point can represented with a single code unit and the code unit is simply the 8 least significant bits of the code point. This property makes Latin-1 an attractive encoding because we can decode a Latin-1 code unit to a Unicode code point simply by zero-extending the LChar value.

Each UChar represents a single UTF-16 code unit (hence the U in UChar). Unfortunately, Strings do not always contain valid UTF-16 sequences. Strings that have round-tripped through JavaScript can contain invalid UTF-16 sequences because JavaScript isn’t required to pair surrogates in its strings. Most code that works with Strings can ignore this issue because they operate code-unit-by-code-unit, but subsystems need to operate on code points outside the Basic Multilingual Plane need to be prepared to handle unpaired surrogates.

In addition to LChar and UChar, Strings also use the type UChar32, which is a UTF-32 code unit. UChar32 is particularly easy to work with because every UTF-32 code unit has the same numerical value as its corresponding Unicode code point. Practically speaking, that means you can treat UChar32 values as if they were Unicode code points.


The String object itself is simply a pointer to a StringImpl object, which contains the actual character buffer. String uses a scoped_refptr<> to automatically AddRef() and Release() the StringImpl object on construction and destruction. The StringImpl pointer can be zero, in which case the String represents the null string. Typically, String objects are allocated on the stack or as members variables. StringImpl objects are always allocated in the heap.

StringImpl objects are (logically) immutable, but a given String object can refer to different StringImpl objects over time. For example, String::Replace() works by creating a new StringImpl object with the replaced characters rather than by mutating the original StringImpl object.

Rather than using a fixed sizeof(StringImpl) allocation size, StringImpl object are allocated a variable amount of memory and store their character data in the same memory allocation as the StringImpl object itself. In a sense, the StringImpl object is a header for the actual array of characters, be they LChars or UChars.

Reference count

The StringImpl header contains three 32 bit fields. The first is a reference count, which is incremented and decremented by the AddRef() and Release() functions. When the reference count reaches zero the StringImpl object is deallocated, unless the StringImpl is marked static (in which case the StringImpl object is never deallocated).


The next 32 bits represent the (potentially zero) length of the string. The length field always represents the number of code units, regardless of whether the StringImpl uses LChars or UChars. We use a 32 bit length on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. To avoid creating a string whose length is too long to represent in 32 bits, we RELEASE_ASSERT that the length doesn’t overflow, which means we’ll crash in a controlled way if you try to create a string that’s absurdly long.

Hash and flags

The final 32 bits are used to cache the string’s hash value and to store a number of Boolean flags. We use 24 bits for the hash and reserve 8 bits for flags. As of April 2019, the flags represent whether the StringImpl:

  • ...contains only ASCII (7-bit), or whether this is unknown (2 flags).
  • a member of the AtomicString table (discussed below).
  • ...contains LChars or UChars.
  • Static and will never be deallocated (discussed below).

We haven’t evaluated the performance trade-offs of caching the hash value in the StringImpl object recently. It’s possible that the cache hit rate is sufficiently low that we should remove the final 32 bit field and move the two flags into the length, reducing the length field to 30 bits. Small changes to StringImpl can have large effects on the overall system, which means we should measure the performance impact of this sort of change carefully.


There are multiple interfaces for constructing strings, each of which is useful in different situations.

String constructor

The most straightforward interface for constructing strings is the String constructor. You should use this interface when the source data for the String is an array of LChars or UChars. The String constructor allocates a new StringImpl object and copies the source characters into the StringImpl object as efficiently as possible.

The String constructor that takes a UChar array always creates a UChar-based StringImpl object even if all the source characters would actually fit in LChars. If your source data is an array of UChars but you have reason to believe that the string will usually be representable in Latin-1, you should consider using StringImpl::Create8BitIfPossible(), which creates an LChar- or UChar-based StringImpl object as appropriate at the cost of checking whether all the source characters can be represented in Latin-1.


The + operator on Strings is the most efficient way to combine smaller strings into larger strings. Using templates, operator+ builds a tree of temporary objects that mirrors the tree of operator+ invocations. When the temporary objects are (implicitly) collapsed to a String, we first compute the length of the final string and then allocate a single StringImpl object of exactly the correct size. After allocating the object, we copy all the characters into the string. This approach means we copy the characters exactly once into the correctly sized buffer, which is maximally efficient.


If you’re unable to use operator+ to build your string, for example because you need to use a loop, you should use StringBuilder. Like similar interfaces in other libraries, StringBuilder lets you build a String by incrementally appending content. StringBuilder tries to use 8-bit StringImpl objects whenever possible but will upconvert its internal buffer to 16 bits if necessarily.

StringBuilder::Append() grows its buffer exponentially, which means StringBuilder avoids the pathologically bad O(N^2) performance that repeated appends/concatenation can cause. One way to further optimize String construction when using StringBuilder is to call StringBuilder::ReserveCapacity() with (an estimate of) the final length of the String (in code units) before appending characters. If you give StringBuilder an accurate estimate of the length of the string, StringBuilder can pre-allocate the appropriate amount of memory and avoid having to reallocate its buffer and copy your string.


Finally, there are some cases where neither the String constructor or StringBuilder work well. For example, sometimes rather than having a source array of UChars from which to construct a String, you might have a function that will write the UChars into a buffer you provide. StringBuffer can help you in these cases by allocating a character buffer and letting the function write into it.

Conceptually, a StringBuffer represents the underlying character buffer from a String. However, unlike StringImpl objects, StringBuffers are mutable. StringBuffers work well when you know ahead of time exactly how large a buffer you need and whether you want to use LChars or UChars. If you’re uncertain about the length of the String you’re constructing, you probably should use StringBuilder.

Atomic Strings

Some StringImpl objects are marked as Atomic, which means they’re stored in a thread-local HashSet called the AtomicString table. Rather than interacting directly with these anointed StringImpl objects, we usually hold pointers to them via AtomicString objects (rather than String objects). Using AtomicString rather than String to point to an Atomic StringImpl object lets the compiler generate (and skip!) the appropriate hash lookups in the AtomicString table as well as use faster comparison operations with other AtomicStrings.


Typically, constructing an AtomicString from a String object will involve a hash lookup in the AtomicString table for the current thread. If the string represented by the String object is not present in the AtomicString table, the StringImpl object from that String will be marked Atomic and added to the table. If the represented string is already present in the AtomicString table, the already-Atomic StringImpl object from the table will be used to construct the AtomicString rather than the StringImpl from the original String.

If you wish to construct an AtomicString from an array of LChars or UChars, you should use the AtomicString constructor directly rather than first constructing a String object. If the string is already present in the AtomicString table, the AtomicString constructor will grab a reference to the existing Atomic StringImpl object rather than first allocating and populating a StringImpl object as the String constructor would.

Fast comparisons

If two StringImpl objects are atomic, you can compare them for equality by comparing their addresses rather than by comparing them character-by-character. The reason this works is that we maintain the invariant that no two Atomic StringImpl objects on a given thread represent the same string. Therefore, the two StringImpl objects represent the same string if, and only if, they are actually the same StringImpl object. We’ve overloaded operator== on AtomicString to let the compiler generate these optimized comparisons automatically.


Because there are no duplicate Atomic StringImpl objects on a given thread, AtomicStrings are useful for coalescing duplicate strings into a single StringImpl object, saving memory. Unfortunately, AtomicStrings are thread-specific and cannot be used to coalesce duplicate strings across threads.


Isolated copies

String objects that you construct yourself are not thread-safe. The underlying StringImpl object can be shared only by String objects on the same thread because the StringImpl’s reference count isn’t incremented or decremented atomically.

In some limited cases, you can safely send a String from one thread to another. In order for that to be safe, you need to make sure that the underlying StringImpl object has exactly one reference---the one you’re sending to another thread. If there is only one outstanding reference to the StringImpl, then there won’t be any reference count data races. The easiest way to get a StringImpl object with only one reference is to call String::IsolatedCopy(). You can check that a given String is safe to send to another thread by calling String::IsSafeToSendToAnotherThread(), typically in a DCHECK.

If you look at the implementation of IsSafeToSendToAnotherThread(), you’ll notice that it always returns false if the StringImpl is Atomic, regardless of the reference count. That’s because Atomic StringImpl objects are not safe to send to another thread because they’re associated with an AtomicString table local to the current thread. If you do send an AtomicString to another thread and the StringImpl object is destructed on that thread, it will try to remove itself from that thread’s AtomicString table rather than from the original thread’s AtomicString table.

Static Strings

At startup, we create a number of Static StringImpl objects that are safe to use from any thread. These StringImpl objects maintain the invariant that the least significant bit of their reference count is always one, which means their reference count never reaches zero and they are never deallocated. In addition to preventing their deallocation, we also pre-populate the hash value to ensure that Static StringImpl objects are otherwise immutable.

We first introduced these Static strings for the threaded HTML parser, but we are gradually using them more widely in the codebase. There are still some delicate interactions between Static strings and the AtomicString table, but hopefully we’ll smooth over these rough edges over time.


This document contains a brief introduction to Blink’s String class. There are many details that are not included, but hopefully this document has given you a good high-level understanding of Strings. More details are available in the source, either in code or in comments. Happy hacking!

Originally authored by Adam Barth (abarth), 5 August 2013.