Remove the WEBCORE_NAVIGATOR_* defines

This is motivated by navigator.vendor, which Opera and multiple other
Chromium-based browsers have tweaked using this mechanism instead of
treating it like the long-frozen navigator.appName "Netscape".

There are cases of site compat issues caused by this, in a library
called UDM:

The "Intent to Implement and Ship: navigator.vendor as the empty string"
did not get the support required to align with Firefox and IE, so
freezing it in time as "Google Inc." is the second best thing.

It's unlikely that any of the other defines have been used.

History and discussion:!topic/blink-dev/QrgyulnqvmE

BUG=276813, 454291

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
2 files changed
tree: 70ef7e77b2e7d66bf42ebee65ddc5ea4ee2fd0e5
  1. third_party/