blob: ee236668b7acff194c93031790d9e3a0514ec0d5 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2017 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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import { MutableData } from '../mixins/mutable-data.js';
let mutablePropertyChange;
/** @suppress {missingProperties} */
(() => {
mutablePropertyChange = MutableData._mutablePropertyChange;
* Legacy element behavior to skip strict dirty-checking for objects and arrays,
* (always consider them to be "dirty") for use on legacy API Polymer elements.
* By default, `Polymer.PropertyEffects` performs strict dirty checking on
* objects, which means that any deep modifications to an object or array will
* not be propagated unless "immutable" data patterns are used (i.e. all object
* references from the root to the mutation were changed).
* Polymer also provides a proprietary data mutation and path notification API
* (e.g. `notifyPath`, `set`, and array mutation API's) that allow efficient
* mutation and notification of deep changes in an object graph to all elements
* bound to the same object graph.
* In cases where neither immutable patterns nor the data mutation API can be
* used, applying this mixin will cause Polymer to skip dirty checking for
* objects and arrays (always consider them to be "dirty"). This allows a
* user to make a deep modification to a bound object graph, and then either
* simply re-set the object (e.g. `this.items = this.items`) or call `notifyPath`
* (e.g. `this.notifyPath('items')`) to update the tree. Note that all
* elements that wish to be updated based on deep mutations must apply this
* mixin or otherwise skip strict dirty checking for objects/arrays.
* Specifically, any elements in the binding tree between the source of a
* mutation and the consumption of it must apply this behavior or enable the
* `Polymer.OptionalMutableDataBehavior`.
* In order to make the dirty check strategy configurable, see
* `Polymer.OptionalMutableDataBehavior`.
* Note, the performance characteristics of propagating large object graphs
* will be worse as opposed to using strict dirty checking with immutable
* patterns or Polymer's path notification API.
* @polymerBehavior
* @summary Behavior to skip strict dirty-checking for objects and
* arrays
export const MutableDataBehavior = {
* Overrides `Polymer.PropertyEffects` to provide option for skipping
* strict equality checking for Objects and Arrays.
* This method pulls the value to dirty check against from the `__dataTemp`
* cache (rather than the normal `__data` cache) for Objects. Since the temp
* cache is cleared at the end of a turn, this implementation allows
* side-effects of deep object changes to be processed by re-setting the
* same object (using the temp cache as an in-turn backstop to prevent
* cycles due to 2-way notification).
* @param {string} property Property name
* @param {*} value New property value
* @param {*} old Previous property value
* @return {boolean} Whether the property should be considered a change
* @protected
_shouldPropertyChange(property, value, old) {
return mutablePropertyChange(this, property, value, old, true);
* Legacy element behavior to add the optional ability to skip strict
* dirty-checking for objects and arrays (always consider them to be
* "dirty") by setting a `mutable-data` attribute on an element instance.
* By default, `Polymer.PropertyEffects` performs strict dirty checking on
* objects, which means that any deep modifications to an object or array will
* not be propagated unless "immutable" data patterns are used (i.e. all object
* references from the root to the mutation were changed).
* Polymer also provides a proprietary data mutation and path notification API
* (e.g. `notifyPath`, `set`, and array mutation API's) that allow efficient
* mutation and notification of deep changes in an object graph to all elements
* bound to the same object graph.
* In cases where neither immutable patterns nor the data mutation API can be
* used, applying this mixin will allow Polymer to skip dirty checking for
* objects and arrays (always consider them to be "dirty"). This allows a
* user to make a deep modification to a bound object graph, and then either
* simply re-set the object (e.g. `this.items = this.items`) or call `notifyPath`
* (e.g. `this.notifyPath('items')`) to update the tree. Note that all
* elements that wish to be updated based on deep mutations must apply this
* mixin or otherwise skip strict dirty checking for objects/arrays.
* Specifically, any elements in the binding tree between the source of a
* mutation and the consumption of it must enable this behavior or apply the
* `Polymer.OptionalMutableDataBehavior`.
* While this behavior adds the ability to forgo Object/Array dirty checking,
* the `mutableData` flag defaults to false and must be set on the instance.
* Note, the performance characteristics of propagating large object graphs
* will be worse by relying on `mutableData: true` as opposed to using
* strict dirty checking with immutable patterns or Polymer's path notification
* API.
* @polymerBehavior
* @summary Behavior to optionally skip strict dirty-checking for objects and
* arrays
export const OptionalMutableDataBehavior = {
properties: {
* Instance-level flag for configuring the dirty-checking strategy
* for this element. When true, Objects and Arrays will skip dirty
* checking, otherwise strict equality checking will be used.
mutableData: Boolean
* Overrides `Polymer.PropertyEffects` to skip strict equality checking
* for Objects and Arrays.
* Pulls the value to dirty check against from the `__dataTemp` cache
* (rather than the normal `__data` cache) for Objects. Since the temp
* cache is cleared at the end of a turn, this implementation allows
* side-effects of deep object changes to be processed by re-setting the
* same object (using the temp cache as an in-turn backstop to prevent
* cycles due to 2-way notification).
* @param {string} property Property name
* @param {*} value New property value
* @param {*} old Previous property value
* @return {boolean} Whether the property should be considered a change
* @this {this}
* @protected
_shouldPropertyChange(property, value, old) {
return mutablePropertyChange(this, property, value, old, this.mutableData);