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* @fileoverview
* This module provides a number of strategies for enqueuing asynchronous
* tasks. Each sub-module provides a standard `run(fn)` interface that returns a
* handle, and a `cancel(handle)` interface for canceling async tasks before
* they run.
* @summary Module that provides a number of strategies for enqueuing
* asynchronous tasks.
import './boot.js';
// Microtask implemented using Mutation Observer
let microtaskCurrHandle = 0;
let microtaskLastHandle = 0;
let microtaskCallbacks = [];
let microtaskNodeContent = 0;
let microtaskNode = document.createTextNode('');
new window.MutationObserver(microtaskFlush).observe(microtaskNode, {characterData: true});
function microtaskFlush() {
const len = microtaskCallbacks.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
let cb = microtaskCallbacks[i];
if (cb) {
try {
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(() => { throw e; });
microtaskCallbacks.splice(0, len);
microtaskLastHandle += len;
* Async interface wrapper around `setTimeout`.
* @namespace
* @summary Async interface wrapper around `setTimeout`.
const timeOut = {
* Returns a sub-module with the async interface providing the provided
* delay.
* @memberof timeOut
* @param {number=} delay Time to wait before calling callbacks in ms
* @return {!AsyncInterface} An async timeout interface
after(delay) {
return {
run(fn) { return window.setTimeout(fn, delay); },
cancel(handle) {
* Enqueues a function called in the next task.
* @memberof timeOut
* @param {!Function} fn Callback to run
* @param {number=} delay Delay in milliseconds
* @return {number} Handle used for canceling task
run(fn, delay) {
return window.setTimeout(fn, delay);
* Cancels a previously enqueued `timeOut` callback.
* @memberof timeOut
* @param {number} handle Handle returned from `run` of callback to cancel
* @return {void}
cancel(handle) {
export {timeOut};
* Async interface wrapper around `requestAnimationFrame`.
* @namespace
* @summary Async interface wrapper around `requestAnimationFrame`.
const animationFrame = {
* Enqueues a function called at `requestAnimationFrame` timing.
* @memberof animationFrame
* @param {function(number):void} fn Callback to run
* @return {number} Handle used for canceling task
run(fn) {
return window.requestAnimationFrame(fn);
* Cancels a previously enqueued `animationFrame` callback.
* @memberof animationFrame
* @param {number} handle Handle returned from `run` of callback to cancel
* @return {void}
cancel(handle) {
export {animationFrame};
* Async interface wrapper around `requestIdleCallback`. Falls back to
* `setTimeout` on browsers that do not support `requestIdleCallback`.
* @namespace
* @summary Async interface wrapper around `requestIdleCallback`.
const idlePeriod = {
* Enqueues a function called at `requestIdleCallback` timing.
* @memberof idlePeriod
* @param {function(!IdleDeadline):void} fn Callback to run
* @return {number} Handle used for canceling task
run(fn) {
return window.requestIdleCallback ?
window.requestIdleCallback(fn) :
window.setTimeout(fn, 16);
* Cancels a previously enqueued `idlePeriod` callback.
* @memberof idlePeriod
* @param {number} handle Handle returned from `run` of callback to cancel
* @return {void}
cancel(handle) {
window.cancelIdleCallback ?
window.cancelIdleCallback(handle) :
export {idlePeriod};
* Async interface for enqueuing callbacks that run at microtask timing.
* Note that microtask timing is achieved via a single `MutationObserver`,
* and thus callbacks enqueued with this API will all run in a single
* batch, and not interleaved with other microtasks such as promises.
* Promises are avoided as an implementation choice for the time being
* due to Safari bugs that cause Promises to lack microtask guarantees.
* @namespace
* @summary Async interface for enqueuing callbacks that run at microtask
* timing.
const microTask = {
* Enqueues a function called at microtask timing.
* @memberof microTask
* @param {!Function=} callback Callback to run
* @return {number} Handle used for canceling task
run(callback) {
microtaskNode.textContent = microtaskNodeContent++;
return microtaskCurrHandle++;
* Cancels a previously enqueued `microTask` callback.
* @memberof microTask
* @param {number} handle Handle returned from `run` of callback to cancel
* @return {void}
cancel(handle) {
const idx = handle - microtaskLastHandle;
if (idx >= 0) {
if (!microtaskCallbacks[idx]) {
throw new Error('invalid async handle: ' + handle);
microtaskCallbacks[idx] = null;
export {microTask};