blob: eac95d4c489c46f834c4d087e973ebb6e9bc1045 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('cr.icon', function() {
* @return {!Array<number>} The scale factors supported by this platform for
* webui resources.
function getSupportedScaleFactors() {
const supportedScaleFactors = [];
if (!cr.isIOS) {
// This matches the code in ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstance() that
// supports SCALE_FACTOR_100P on all non-iOS platforms.
if (cr.isMac || cr.isChromeOS || cr.isWindows || cr.isLinux) {
// All desktop platforms support zooming which also updates the renderer's
// device scale factors (a.k.a devicePixelRatio), and these platforms have
// high DPI assets for 2x. Let the renderer pick the closest image for
// the current device scale factor.
} else {
// For other platforms that use fixed device scale factor, use
// the window's device pixel ratio.
// TODO(oshima): Investigate corresponding to
// ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstance() more closely.
return supportedScaleFactors;
* A URL for the filetype icon for |filePath|. OS and theme dependent.
* @param {string} filePath
* @return {string}
function getFileIconUrl(filePath) {
const url = new URL('chrome://fileicon/');
url.searchParams.set('path', filePath);
url.searchParams.set('scale', window.devicePixelRatio + 'x');
return url.toString();
* Generates a CSS -webkit-image-set for a chrome:// url.
* An entry in the image set is added for each of getSupportedScaleFactors().
* The scale-factor-specific url is generated by replacing the first instance
* of 'scalefactor' in |path| with the numeric scale factor.
* @param {string} path The URL to generate an image set for.
* 'scalefactor' should be a substring of |path|.
* @return {string} The CSS -webkit-image-set.
function getImageSet(path) {
const supportedScaleFactors = getSupportedScaleFactors();
const replaceStartIndex = path.indexOf('scalefactor');
if (replaceStartIndex < 0) {
return getUrlForCss(path);
let s = '';
for (let i = 0; i < supportedScaleFactors.length; ++i) {
const scaleFactor = supportedScaleFactors[i];
const pathWithScaleFactor = path.substr(0, replaceStartIndex) +
scaleFactor + path.substr(replaceStartIndex + 'scalefactor'.length);
s += getUrlForCss(pathWithScaleFactor) + ' ' + scaleFactor + 'x';
if (i != supportedScaleFactors.length - 1) {
s += ', ';
return '-webkit-image-set(' + s + ')';
* Returns the URL of the image, or an image set of URLs for the provided
* path. Resources in chrome://theme have multiple supported scale factors.
* @param {string} path The path of the image.
* @return {string} The url, or an image set of URLs.
function getImage(path) {
const chromeThemePath = 'chrome://theme';
const isChromeThemeUrl =
(path.slice(0, chromeThemePath.length) == chromeThemePath);
return isChromeThemeUrl ? getImageSet(path + '@scalefactorx') :
* A regular expression for identifying favicon URLs.
* @const {!RegExp}
const FAVICON_URL_REGEX = /\.ico$/i;
* Creates a CSS -webkit-image-set for a favicon request.
* @param {string} url Either the URL of the original page or of the favicon
* itself.
* @return {string} -webkit-image-set for the favicon.
function getFavicon(url) {
return getImageSet(
'chrome://favicon/size/16@scalefactorx/' +
// Note: Literal 'iconurl' must match |kIconURLParameter| in
// components/favicon_base/
(FAVICON_URL_REGEX.test(url) ? 'iconurl/' : '') + url);
return {
getImage: getImage,
getFavicon: getFavicon,
getFileIconUrl: getFileIconUrl,