blob: 17986ae5d81f9eddda369661dfb6d83aeb954e56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @typedef {{
* width: number,
* height: number,
* layoutOptions: (!LayoutOptions|undefined),
* pageDimensions: Array<ViewportRect>,
* }}
let DocumentDimensions;
/** @typedef {{defaultPageOrientation: number}} */
let LayoutOptions;
/** @typedef {{x: number, y: number}} */
let Point;
/** @typedef {{x: (number|undefined), y: (number|undefined)}} */
let PartialPoint;
/** @typedef {{width: number, height: number}} */
let Size;
/** @typedef {{x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number}} */
let ViewportRect;
* Clamps the zoom factor (or page scale factor) to be within the limits.
* @param {number} factor The zoom/scale factor.
* @return {number} The factor clamped within the limits.
function clampZoom(factor) {
return Math.max(
Math.min(factor, Viewport.ZOOM_FACTOR_RANGE.max));
* @param {!ViewportRect} rect1
* @param {!ViewportRect} rect2
* @return {number} The area of the intersection of the rects
function getIntersectionArea(rect1, rect2) {
const left = Math.max(rect1.x, rect2.x);
const top = Math.max(rect1.y, rect2.y);
const right = Math.min(rect1.x + rect1.width, rect2.x + rect2.width);
const bottom = Math.min(rect1.y + rect1.height, rect2.y + rect2.height);
if (left >= right || top >= bottom) {
return 0;
return (right - left) * (bottom - top);
* @param {!Point} p1
* @param {!Point} p2
* @return {!Point} The vector between the two points.
function vectorDelta(p1, p2) {
return {x: p2.x - p1.x, y: p2.y - p1.y};
* @param {!Point} coordinateInFrame
* @return {!Point} Coordinate converted to plugin coordinates.
function frameToPluginCoordinate(coordinateInFrame) {
const container = $('plugin');
return {
x: coordinateInFrame.x - container.getBoundingClientRect().left,
y: coordinateInFrame.y - container.getBoundingClientRect().top
class Viewport {
* @param {!Window} window
* @param {!HTMLDivElement} sizer The element which represents the size of the
* document in the viewport
* @param {number} scrollbarWidth The width of scrollbars on the page
* @param {number} defaultZoom The default zoom level.
* @param {number} topToolbarHeight The number of pixels that should initially
* be left blank above the document for the toolbar.
constructor(window, sizer, scrollbarWidth, defaultZoom, topToolbarHeight) {
/** @private {!Window} */
this.window_ = window;
/** @private {!HTMLDivElement} */
this.sizer_ = sizer;
/** @private {number} */
this.scrollbarWidth_ = scrollbarWidth;
/** @private {number} */
this.defaultZoom_ = defaultZoom;
/** @private {number} */
this.topToolbarHeight_ = topToolbarHeight;
/** @private {function():void} */
this.viewportChangedCallback_ = function() {};
/** @private {function():void} */
this.beforeZoomCallback_ = function() {};
/** @private {function():void} */
this.afterZoomCallback_ = function() {};
/** @private {function(boolean):void} */
this.userInitiatedCallback_ = function() {};
/** @private {boolean} */
this.allowedToChangeZoom_ = false;
/** @private {number} */
this.internalZoom_ = 1;
/** @private {?ZoomManager} */
this.zoomManager_ = null;
/** @private {?DocumentDimensions} */
this.documentDimensions_ = null;
/** @private {Array<ViewportRect>} */
this.pageDimensions_ = [];
/** @private {!FittingType} */
this.fittingType_ = FittingType.NONE;
* |twoUpView_| should be in sync with |two_up_view_| in PDFiumEngine.
* @private {boolean}
this.twoUpView_ = false;
/** @private {number} */
this.prevScale_ = 1;
/** @private {!Viewport.PinchPhase} */
this.pinchPhase_ = Viewport.PinchPhase.PINCH_NONE;
/** @private {?Point} */
this.pinchPanVector_ = null;
/** @private {?Point} */
this.pinchCenter_ = null;
/** @private {?Point} */
this.firstPinchCenterInFrame_ = null;
/** @private {number} */
this.rotations_ = 0;
/** @private {?Point} */
this.oldCenterInContent_ = null;
/** @private {boolean} */
this.keepContentCentered_ = false;
/** @private {!EventTracker} */
this.tracker_ = new EventTracker();
// Set to a default zoom manager - used in tests.
this.setZoomManager(new InactiveZoomManager(this.getZoom.bind(this), 1));
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.updateViewport_.bind(this));
window.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeWrapper_.bind(this));
/** @param {function():void} viewportChangedCallback */
setViewportChangedCallback(viewportChangedCallback) {
this.viewportChangedCallback_ = viewportChangedCallback;
/** @param {function():void} beforeZoomCallback */
setBeforeZoomCallback(beforeZoomCallback) {
this.beforeZoomCallback_ = beforeZoomCallback;
/** @param {function():void} afterZoomCallback */
setAfterZoomCallback(afterZoomCallback) {
this.afterZoomCallback_ = afterZoomCallback;
/** @param {function(boolean):void} userInitiatedCallback */
setUserInitiatedCallback(userInitiatedCallback) {
this.userInitiatedCallback_ = userInitiatedCallback;
* @param {number} n The number of clockwise 90-degree rotations to increment
* by.
rotateClockwise(n) {
this.rotations_ = (this.rotations_ + n) % 4;
* @return {number} The number of clockwise 90-degree rotations that have been
* applied.
getClockwiseRotations() {
return this.rotations_;
/** @param {boolean} twoUpView The new two up view state to set. */
setTwoUpView(twoUpView) {
this.twoUpView_ = twoUpView;
* Converts a page position (e.g. the location of a bookmark) to a screen
* position.
* @param {number} page
* @param {!Point} point The position on `page`.
* @return {!Point} The screen position.
convertPageToScreen(page, point) {
const dimensions = this.getPageInsetDimensions(page);
// width & height are already rotated.
const height = dimensions.height;
const width = dimensions.width;
const matrix = new DOMMatrix();
const rotation = this.rotations_ * 90;
// Set origin for rotation.
if (rotation == 90) {
matrix.translateSelf(width, 0);
} else if (rotation == 180) {
matrix.translateSelf(width, height);
} else if (rotation == 270) {
matrix.translateSelf(0, height);
matrix.rotateSelf(0, 0, rotation);
// Invert Y position with respect to height as page coordinates are
// measured from the bottom left.
matrix.translateSelf(0, height);
matrix.scaleSelf(1, -1);
const pointsToPixels = 96 / 72;
const result = matrix.transformPoint({
x: point.x * pointsToPixels,
y: point.y * pointsToPixels,
return {
x: result.x + Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW.left,
y: result.y +,
* Returns the zoomed and rounded document dimensions for the given zoom.
* Rounding is necessary when interacting with the renderer which tends to
* operate in integral values (for example for determining if scrollbars
* should be shown).
* @param {number} zoom The zoom to use to compute the scaled dimensions.
* @return {?Size} Scaled 'width' and 'height' of the document.
* @private
getZoomedDocumentDimensions_(zoom) {
if (!this.documentDimensions_) {
return null;
return {
width: Math.round(this.documentDimensions_.width * zoom),
height: Math.round(this.documentDimensions_.height * zoom)
/** @return {!Size} A dictionary with the 'width'/'height' of the document. */
getDocumentDimensions() {
return {
width: this.documentDimensions_.width,
height: this.documentDimensions_.height
* @return {!LayoutOptions|undefined} A dictionary carrying layout options
* from the plugin.
getLayoutOptions() {
return this.documentDimensions_ ? this.documentDimensions_.layoutOptions :
* @return {!ViewportRect} ViewportRect for the viewport given current zoom.
* @private
getViewportRect_() {
const zoom = this.getZoom();
return {
x: this.position.x / zoom,
y: this.position.y / zoom,
width: this.size.width / zoom,
height: this.size.height / zoom
* @param {number} zoom Zoom to compute scrollbars for
* @return {{horizontal: boolean, vertical: boolean}} Whether horizontal or
* vertical scrollbars are needed.
* @private
documentNeedsScrollbars_(zoom) {
const zoomedDimensions = this.getZoomedDocumentDimensions_(zoom);
if (!zoomedDimensions) {
return {horizontal: false, vertical: false};
// If scrollbars are required for one direction, expand the document in the
// other direction to take the width of the scrollbars into account when
// deciding whether the other direction needs scrollbars.
if (zoomedDimensions.width > this.window_.innerWidth) {
zoomedDimensions.height += this.scrollbarWidth_;
} else if (zoomedDimensions.height > this.window_.innerHeight) {
zoomedDimensions.width += this.scrollbarWidth_;
return {
horizontal: zoomedDimensions.width > this.window_.innerWidth,
vertical: zoomedDimensions.height + this.topToolbarHeight_ >
* @return {!{horizontal: boolean, vertical: boolean}} Whether horizontal and
* vertical scrollbars are needed.
documentHasScrollbars() {
return this.documentNeedsScrollbars_(this.getZoom());
* Helper function called when the zoomed document size changes. Updates the
* sizer's width and height.
* @private
contentSizeChanged_() {
const zoomedDimensions = this.getZoomedDocumentDimensions_(this.getZoom());
if (zoomedDimensions) { = zoomedDimensions.width + 'px'; =
zoomedDimensions.height + this.topToolbarHeight_ + 'px';
* Called when the viewport should be updated.
* @private
updateViewport_() {
* Called when the browser window size changes.
* @private
resizeWrapper_() {
* Called when the viewport size changes.
* @private
resize_() {
if (this.fittingType_ == FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE) {
} else if (this.fittingType_ == FittingType.FIT_TO_WIDTH) {
} else if (this.fittingType_ == FittingType.FIT_TO_HEIGHT) {
} else if (this.internalZoom_ == 0) {
} else {
/** @return {!Point} The scroll position of the viewport. */
get position() {
return {
x: this.window_.pageXOffset,
y: this.window_.pageYOffset - this.topToolbarHeight_
* Scroll the viewport to the specified position.
* @param {!Point} position The position to scroll to.
set position(position) {
this.window_.scrollTo(position.x, position.y + this.topToolbarHeight_);
/** @return {!Size} the size of the viewport excluding scrollbars. */
get size() {
const needsScrollbars = this.documentNeedsScrollbars_(this.getZoom());
const scrollbarWidth = needsScrollbars.vertical ? this.scrollbarWidth_ : 0;
const scrollbarHeight =
needsScrollbars.horizontal ? this.scrollbarWidth_ : 0;
return {
width: this.window_.innerWidth - scrollbarWidth,
height: this.window_.innerHeight - scrollbarHeight
/** @return {number} The current zoom. */
getZoom() {
return this.zoomManager_.applyBrowserZoom(this.internalZoom_);
/** @param {!ZoomManager} manager */
setZoomManager(manager) {
this.zoomManager_ = manager;
this.zoomManager_.getEventTarget(), 'set-zoom',
e => this.setZoom(e.detail));
this.zoomManager_.getEventTarget(), 'update-zoom-from-browser',
* @return {!Viewport.PinchPhase} The phase of the current pinch gesture for
* the viewport.
get pinchPhase() {
return this.pinchPhase_;
* @return {?Point} The panning caused by the current pinch gesture (as
* the deltas of the x and y coordinates).
get pinchPanVector() {
return this.pinchPanVector_;
* @return {?Point} The coordinates of the center of the current pinch
* gesture.
get pinchCenter() {
return this.pinchCenter_;
* Used to wrap a function that might perform zooming on the viewport. This is
* required so that we can notify the plugin that zooming is in progress
* so that while zooming is taking place it can stop reacting to scroll events
* from the viewport. This is to avoid flickering.
* @param {function():void} f Function to wrap
* @private
mightZoom_(f) {
this.allowedToChangeZoom_ = true;
this.allowedToChangeZoom_ = false;
* @param {number} newZoom The zoom level to set.
* @private
setZoomInternal_(newZoom) {
'Called Viewport.setZoomInternal_ without calling ' +
// Record the scroll position (relative to the top-left of the window).
let zoom = this.getZoom();
const currentScrollPos = {
x: this.position.x / zoom,
y: this.position.y / zoom
this.internalZoom_ = newZoom;
// Scroll to the scaled scroll position.
zoom = this.getZoom();
this.position = {
x: currentScrollPos.x * zoom,
y: currentScrollPos.y * zoom
* Sets the zoom of the viewport.
* Same as setZoomInternal_ but for pinch zoom we have some more operations.
* @param {number} scaleDelta The zoom delta.
* @param {!Point} center The pinch center in content coordinates.
* @private
setPinchZoomInternal_(scaleDelta, center) {
'Called Viewport.setPinchZoomInternal_ without calling ' +
this.internalZoom_ = clampZoom(this.internalZoom_ * scaleDelta);
const newCenterInContent = this.frameToContent_(center);
const delta = {
x: (newCenterInContent.x - this.oldCenterInContent_.x),
y: (newCenterInContent.y - this.oldCenterInContent_.y)
// Record the scroll position (relative to the pinch center).
const zoom = this.getZoom();
const currentScrollPos = {
x: this.position.x - delta.x * zoom,
y: this.position.y - delta.y * zoom
// Scroll to the scaled scroll position.
this.position = {x: currentScrollPos.x, y: currentScrollPos.y};
* Converts a point from frame to content coordinates.
* @param {!Point} framePoint The frame coordinates.
* @return {!Point} The content coordinates.
* @private
frameToContent_(framePoint) {
// TODO(mcnee) Add a helper Point class to avoid duplicating operations
// on plain {x,y} objects.
const zoom = this.getZoom();
return {
x: (framePoint.x + this.position.x) / zoom,
y: (framePoint.y + this.position.y) / zoom
* @param {number} newZoom The zoom level to zoom to.
setZoom(newZoom) {
this.fittingType_ = FittingType.NONE;
this.mightZoom_(() => {
* @param {!CustomEvent<number>} e Event containing the old browser zoom.
* @private
updateZoomFromBrowserChange_(e) {
const oldBrowserZoom = e.detail;
this.mightZoom_(() => {
// Record the scroll position (relative to the top-left of the window).
const oldZoom = oldBrowserZoom * this.internalZoom_;
const currentScrollPos = {
x: this.position.x / oldZoom,
y: this.position.y / oldZoom
const newZoom = this.getZoom();
// Scroll to the scaled scroll position.
this.position = {
x: currentScrollPos.x * newZoom,
y: currentScrollPos.y * newZoom
/** @return {number} The width of scrollbars in the viewport in pixels. */
get scrollbarWidth() {
return this.scrollbarWidth_;
/** @return {FittingType} The fitting type the viewport is currently in. */
get fittingType() {
return this.fittingType_;
* Get the page at a given y position. If there are multiple pages
* overlapping the given y-coordinate, return the page with the smallest
* index.
* @param {number} y The y-coordinate to get the page at.
* @return {number} The index of a page overlapping the given y-coordinate.
* @private
getPageAtY_(y) {
let min = 0;
let max = this.pageDimensions_.length - 1;
while (max >= min) {
const page = Math.floor(min + ((max - min) / 2));
// There might be a gap between the pages, in which case use the bottom
// of the previous page as the top for finding the page.
let top = 0;
if (page > 0) {
top = this.pageDimensions_[page - 1].y +
this.pageDimensions_[page - 1].height;
const bottom =
this.pageDimensions_[page].y + this.pageDimensions_[page].height;
if (top <= y && y <= bottom) {
return page;
if (top > y) {
max = page - 1;
} else {
min = page + 1;
return 0;
* Return the last page visible in the viewport. Returns the last index of the
* document if the viewport is below the document.
* @param {!ViewportRect} viewportRect
* @return {number} The highest index of the pages visible in the viewport.
* @private
getLastPageInViewport_(viewportRect) {
const pageAtY = this.getPageAtY_(viewportRect.y + viewportRect.height);
if (!this.twoUpView_ || pageAtY % 2 == 1 ||
pageAtY + 1 >= this.pageDimensions_.length) {
return pageAtY;
const nextPage = this.pageDimensions_[pageAtY + 1];
return getIntersectionArea(viewportRect, nextPage) > 0 ? pageAtY + 1 :
* @param {!Point} point
* @return {boolean} Whether |point| (in screen coordinates) is inside a page
isPointInsidePage(point) {
const zoom = this.getZoom();
const size = this.size;
const position = this.position;
const page = this.getPageAtY_((position.y + point.y) / zoom);
const pageWidth = this.pageDimensions_[page].width * zoom;
const documentWidth = this.getDocumentDimensions().width * zoom;
const outerWidth = Math.max(size.width, documentWidth);
if (pageWidth >= outerWidth) {
return true;
const x = point.x + position.x;
const minX = (outerWidth - pageWidth) / 2;
const maxX = outerWidth - minX;
return x >= minX && x <= maxX;
* @return {number} The index of the page with the greatest proportion of its
* area in the current viewport.
getMostVisiblePage() {
const viewportRect = this.getViewportRect_();
const firstVisiblePage = this.getPageAtY_(viewportRect.y);
const lastPossibleVisiblePage = this.getLastPageInViewport_(viewportRect);
if (firstVisiblePage === lastPossibleVisiblePage) {
return firstVisiblePage;
let mostVisiblePage = firstVisiblePage;
let largestIntersection = 0;
for (let i = firstVisiblePage; i < lastPossibleVisiblePage + 1; i++) {
const pageArea =
this.pageDimensions_[i].width * this.pageDimensions_[i].height;
// TODO(thestig): check whether we can remove this check.
if (pageArea <= 0) {
const pageIntersectionArea =
getIntersectionArea(this.pageDimensions_[i], viewportRect) / pageArea;
if (pageIntersectionArea > largestIntersection) {
mostVisiblePage = i;
largestIntersection = pageIntersectionArea;
return mostVisiblePage;
* Compute the zoom level for fit-to-page, fit-to-width or fit-to-height.
* At least one of {fitWidth, fitHeight} must be true.
* @param {!Size} pageDimensions The dimensions of a given page in px.
* @param {boolean} fitWidth Whether the whole width of the page needs to be
* in the viewport.
* @param {boolean} fitHeight Whether the whole height of the page needs to be
* in the viewport.
* @return {number} The internal zoom to set
* @private
computeFittingZoom_(pageDimensions, fitWidth, fitHeight) {
fitWidth || fitHeight,
'Invalid parameters. At least one of fitWidth and fitHeight must be ' +
// First compute the zoom without scrollbars.
let zoom = this.computeFittingZoomGivenDimensions_(
fitWidth, fitHeight, this.window_.innerWidth, this.window_.innerHeight,
pageDimensions.width, pageDimensions.height);
// Check if there needs to be any scrollbars.
const needsScrollbars = this.documentNeedsScrollbars_(zoom);
// If the document fits, just return the zoom.
if (!needsScrollbars.horizontal && !needsScrollbars.vertical) {
return zoom;
const zoomedDimensions = this.getZoomedDocumentDimensions_(zoom);
// Check if adding a scrollbar will result in needing the other scrollbar.
const scrollbarWidth = this.scrollbarWidth_;
if (needsScrollbars.horizontal &&
zoomedDimensions.height > this.window_.innerHeight - scrollbarWidth) {
needsScrollbars.vertical = true;
if (needsScrollbars.vertical &&
zoomedDimensions.width > this.window_.innerWidth - scrollbarWidth) {
needsScrollbars.horizontal = true;
// Compute available window space.
const windowWithScrollbars = {
width: this.window_.innerWidth,
height: this.window_.innerHeight
if (needsScrollbars.horizontal) {
windowWithScrollbars.height -= scrollbarWidth;
if (needsScrollbars.vertical) {
windowWithScrollbars.width -= scrollbarWidth;
// Recompute the zoom.
zoom = this.computeFittingZoomGivenDimensions_(
fitWidth, fitHeight, windowWithScrollbars.width,
windowWithScrollbars.height, pageDimensions.width,
return this.zoomManager_.internalZoomComponent(zoom);
* Compute a zoom level given the dimensions to fit and the actual numbers
* in those dimensions.
* @param {boolean} fitWidth Whether to constrain the page width to the
* window.
* @param {boolean} fitHeight Whether to constrain the page height to the
* window.
* @param {number} windowWidth Width of the window in px.
* @param {number} windowHeight Height of the window in px.
* @param {number} pageWidth Width of the page in px.
* @param {number} pageHeight Height of the page in px.
* @return {number} The internal zoom to set
* @private
fitWidth, fitHeight, windowWidth, windowHeight, pageWidth, pageHeight) {
// Assumes at least one of {fitWidth, fitHeight} is set.
let zoomWidth;
let zoomHeight;
if (fitWidth) {
zoomWidth = windowWidth / pageWidth;
if (fitHeight) {
zoomHeight = windowHeight / pageHeight;
let zoom;
if (!fitWidth && fitHeight) {
zoom = zoomHeight;
} else if (fitWidth && !fitHeight) {
zoom = zoomWidth;
} else {
// Assume fitWidth && fitHeight
zoom = Math.min(zoomWidth, zoomHeight);
return Math.max(zoom, 0);
/** Zoom the viewport so that the page width consumes the entire viewport. */
fitToWidth() {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
this.fittingType_ = FittingType.FIT_TO_WIDTH;
if (!this.documentDimensions_) {
// When computing fit-to-width, the maximum width of a page in the
// document is used, which is equal to the size of the document width.
this.computeFittingZoom_(this.documentDimensions_, true, false));
* Zoom the viewport so that the page height consumes the entire viewport.
* @param {boolean} scrollToTopOfPage Set to true if the viewport should be
* scrolled to the top of the current page. Set to false if the viewport
* should remain at the current scroll position.
* @private
fitToHeightInternal_(scrollToTopOfPage) {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
this.fittingType_ = FittingType.FIT_TO_HEIGHT;
if (!this.documentDimensions_) {
const page = this.getMostVisiblePage();
// When computing fit-to-height, the maximum height of the current page
// is used.
const dimensions = {
width: 0,
height: this.pageDimensions_[page].height,
this.setZoomInternal_(this.computeFittingZoom_(dimensions, false, true));
if (scrollToTopOfPage) {
this.position = {
x: 0,
y: this.pageDimensions_[page].y * this.getZoom()
/** Zoom the viewport so that the page height consumes the entire viewport. */
fitToHeight() {
* Zoom the viewport so that a page consumes as much as possible of the it.
* @param {boolean} scrollToTopOfPage Whether the viewport should be scrolled
* to the top of the current page. If false, the viewport will remain at
* the current scroll position.
* @private
fitToPageInternal_(scrollToTopOfPage) {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
this.fittingType_ = FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE;
if (!this.documentDimensions_) {
const page = this.getMostVisiblePage();
// Fit to the current page's height and the widest page's width.
const dimensions = {
width: this.documentDimensions_.width,
height: this.pageDimensions_[page].height,
this.setZoomInternal_(this.computeFittingZoom_(dimensions, true, true));
if (scrollToTopOfPage) {
this.position = {
x: 0,
y: this.pageDimensions_[page].y * this.getZoom()
* Zoom the viewport so that a page consumes the entire viewport. Also scrolls
* the viewport to the top of the current page.
fitToPage() {
/** Zoom the viewport to the default zoom. */
fitToNone() {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
this.fittingType_ = FittingType.NONE;
if (!this.documentDimensions_) {
this.computeFittingZoom_(this.documentDimensions_, true, false)));
/** Zoom out to the next predefined zoom level. */
zoomOut() {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
this.fittingType_ = FittingType.NONE;
let nextZoom = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[0];
for (let i = 0; i < Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS.length; i++) {
if (Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[i] < this.internalZoom_) {
nextZoom = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[i];
/** Zoom in to the next predefined zoom level. */
zoomIn() {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
this.fittingType_ = FittingType.NONE;
let nextZoom = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS.length - 1];
for (let i = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[i] > this.internalZoom_) {
nextZoom = Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[i];
* Pinch zoom event handler.
* @param {!Object} e The pinch event.
pinchZoom(e) {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
this.pinchPhase_ = e.direction == 'out' ?
Viewport.PinchPhase.PINCH_UPDATE_ZOOM_OUT :
const scaleDelta = e.startScaleRatio / this.prevScale_;
if (this.firstPinchCenterInFrame_ != null) {
this.pinchPanVector_ =
vectorDelta(, this.firstPinchCenterInFrame_);
const needsScrollbars =
clampZoom(this.internalZoom_ * scaleDelta)));
this.pinchCenter_ =;
// If there's no horizontal scrolling, keep the content centered so the
// user can't zoom in on the non-content area.
// TODO(mcnee) Investigate other ways of scaling when we don't have
// horizontal scrolling. We want to keep the document centered,
// but this causes a potentially awkward transition when we start
// using the gesture center.
if (!needsScrollbars.horizontal) {
this.pinchCenter_ = {
x: this.window_.innerWidth / 2,
y: this.window_.innerHeight / 2
} else if (this.keepContentCentered_) {
this.oldCenterInContent_ =
this.keepContentCentered_ = false;
this.setPinchZoomInternal_(scaleDelta, frameToPluginCoordinate(;
this.prevScale_ = e.startScaleRatio;
/** @param {!Object} e The pinch event. */
pinchZoomStart(e) {
this.pinchPhase_ = Viewport.PinchPhase.PINCH_START;
this.prevScale_ = 1;
this.oldCenterInContent_ =
const needsScrollbars = this.documentNeedsScrollbars_(this.getZoom());
this.keepContentCentered_ = !needsScrollbars.horizontal;
// We keep track of begining of the pinch.
// By doing so we will be able to compute the pan distance.
this.firstPinchCenterInFrame_ =;
/** @param {!Object} e The pinch event. */
pinchZoomEnd(e) {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
this.pinchPhase_ = Viewport.PinchPhase.PINCH_END;
const scaleDelta = e.startScaleRatio / this.prevScale_;
this.pinchCenter_ = /** @type {!Point} */ (;
this.setPinchZoomInternal_(scaleDelta, frameToPluginCoordinate(;
this.pinchPhase_ = Viewport.PinchPhase.PINCH_NONE;
this.pinchPanVector_ = null;
this.pinchCenter_ = null;
this.firstPinchCenterInFrame_ = null;
* Go to the next page. If the document is in two-up view, go to the left page
* of the next row.
goToNextPage() {
const currentPage = this.getMostVisiblePage();
const nextPageOffset = (this.twoUpView_ && currentPage % 2 == 0) ? 2 : 1;
this.goToPage(currentPage + nextPageOffset);
* Go to the previous page. If the document is in two-up view, go to the left
* page of the previous row.
goToPreviousPage() {
const currentPage = this.getMostVisiblePage();
let previousPageOffset = -1;
if (this.twoUpView_) {
previousPageOffset = (currentPage % 2 == 0) ? -2 : -3;
this.goToPage(currentPage + previousPageOffset);
* Go to the given page index.
* @param {number} page the index of the page to go to. zero-based.
goToPage(page) {
this.goToPageAndXY(page, 0, 0);
* Go to the given y position in the given page index.
* @param {number} page the index of the page to go to. zero-based.
* @param {number} x the x position in the page to go to.
* @param {number} y the y position in the page to go to.
goToPageAndXY(page, x, y) {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
if (this.pageDimensions_.length === 0) {
if (page < 0) {
page = 0;
if (page >= this.pageDimensions_.length) {
page = this.pageDimensions_.length - 1;
const dimensions = this.pageDimensions_[page];
let toolbarOffset = 0;
// Unless we're in fit to page or fit to height mode, scroll above the
// page by |this.topToolbarHeight_| so that the toolbar isn't covering it
// initially.
if (!this.isPagedMode()) {
toolbarOffset = this.topToolbarHeight_;
this.position = {
x: (dimensions.x + x) * this.getZoom(),
y: (dimensions.y + y) * this.getZoom() - toolbarOffset
* @param {DocumentDimensions} documentDimensions The dimensions of the
* document
setDocumentDimensions(documentDimensions) {
this.mightZoom_(() => {
const initialDimensions = !this.documentDimensions_;
this.documentDimensions_ = documentDimensions;
this.pageDimensions_ = this.documentDimensions_.pageDimensions;
if (initialDimensions) {
this.computeFittingZoom_(this.documentDimensions_, true, false)));
this.position = {x: 0, y: -this.topToolbarHeight_};
* @param {number} page
* @return {ViewportRect} The bounds for page `page` minus the shadows.
getPageInsetDimensions(page) {
const pageDimensions = this.pageDimensions_[page];
const shadow = Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW;
return {
x: pageDimensions.x + shadow.left,
y: pageDimensions.y +,
width: pageDimensions.width - shadow.left - shadow.right,
height: pageDimensions.height - - shadow.bottom,
* Get the coordinates of the page contents (excluding the page shadow)
* relative to the screen.
* @param {number} page The index of the page to get the rect for.
* @return {!ViewportRect} A rect representing the page in screen coordinates.
getPageScreenRect(page) {
if (!this.documentDimensions_) {
return {x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0};
if (page >= this.pageDimensions_.length) {
page = this.pageDimensions_.length - 1;
const pageDimensions = this.pageDimensions_[page];
// Compute the page dimensions minus the shadows.
const insetDimensions = this.getPageInsetDimensions(page);
// Compute the x-coordinate of the page within the document.
// TODO(raymes): This should really be set when the PDF plugin passes the
// page coordinates, but it isn't yet.
const x = (this.documentDimensions_.width - pageDimensions.width) / 2 +
// Compute the space on the left of the document if the document fits
// completely in the screen.
const zoom = this.getZoom();
let spaceOnLeft =
(this.size.width - this.documentDimensions_.width * zoom) / 2;
spaceOnLeft = Math.max(spaceOnLeft, 0);
return {
x: x * zoom + spaceOnLeft - this.window_.pageXOffset,
y: insetDimensions.y * zoom - this.window_.pageYOffset,
width: insetDimensions.width * zoom,
height: insetDimensions.height * zoom
* Check if the current fitting type is a paged mode.
* In a paged mode, page up and page down scroll to the top of the
* previous/next page and part of the page is under the toolbar.
* @return {boolean} Whether the current fitting type is a paged mode.
isPagedMode() {
return (
this.fittingType_ == FittingType.FIT_TO_PAGE ||
this.fittingType_ == FittingType.FIT_TO_HEIGHT);
* @param {!PartialPoint} point The position to which to scroll the viewport.
scrollTo(point) {
let changed = false;
const newPosition = this.position;
if (point.x !== undefined && point.x != newPosition.x) {
newPosition.x = point.x;
changed = true;
if (point.y !== undefined && point.y != newPosition.y) {
newPosition.y = point.y;
changed = true;
if (changed) {
this.position = newPosition;
/** @param {!Point} delta The delta by which to scroll the viewport. */
scrollBy(delta) {
const newPosition = this.position;
newPosition.x += delta.x;
newPosition.y += delta.y;
/** Removes all events being tracked from the tracker. */
resetTracker() {
if (this.tracker_) {
* Enumeration of pinch states.
* This should match PinchPhase enum in pdf/out_of_process_instance.h
* @enum {number}
Viewport.PinchPhase = {
* The increment to scroll a page by in pixels when up/down/left/right arrow
* keys are pressed. Usually we just let the browser handle scrolling on the
* window when these keys are pressed but in certain cases we need to simulate
* these events.
* Predefined zoom factors to be used when zooming in/out. These are in
* ascending order. This should match the lists in
* components/zoom/page_zoom_constants.h and
* chrome/browser/resources/settings/appearance_page/appearance_page.js
Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS = [
0.25, 1 / 3, 0.5, 2 / 3, 0.75, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3,
4, 5
/** The minimum and maximum range to be used to clip zoom factor. */
min: Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[0],
max: Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS[Viewport.ZOOM_FACTORS.length - 1]
/** The width of the page shadow around pages in pixels. */
Viewport.PAGE_SHADOW = {
top: 3,
bottom: 7,
left: 5,
right: 5