Implement policy: 'document-stream-insertion'

This CL adds the actual implementation for the experimental policy
'document-stream-insertion'. The policy is used to block usages of
specific APIs mentioned section "dynamic markup insertion" of the HTML
spec. This essentially includes document.{close, open, write, writeln}.

With the current CL, the calls to banned API lead to a DOMException.
The feature itself was introduced in a previous CL:

Bug: 841605
Change-Id: I1a764bc7545a0d26a29d217027cf43e561d8dfbd
Commit-Queue: Ehsan Karamad <>
Reviewed-by: Ian Clelland <>
Reviewed-by: Kent Tamura <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#561275}
8 files changed