blob: bcf816bde64f56fda1b61fe1b8d3bc77838d91d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Specifies page visibility based on incognito status, Chrome OS guest mode,
* and whether or not to include OS settings. Once the Chrome OS SplitSettings
* project is completed this can be changed to only consider incognito and
* guest mode.
* @typedef {{
* a11y: (boolean|undefined|A11yPageVisibility),
* advancedSettings: (boolean|undefined),
* appearance: (boolean|undefined|AppearancePageVisibility),
* autofill: (boolean|undefined),
* bluetooth: (boolean|undefined),
* dateTime: (boolean|undefined),
* defaultBrowser: (boolean|undefined),
* device: (boolean|undefined),
* downloads: (boolean|undefined|DownloadsPageVisibility),
* internet: (boolean|undefined),
* multidevice: (boolean|undefined),
* onStartup: (boolean|undefined),
* people: (boolean|undefined|PeoplePageVisibility),
* printing: (boolean|undefined),
* privacy: (boolean|undefined|PrivacyPageVisibility),
* reset:(boolean|undefined|ResetPageVisibility),
* }}
let PageVisibility;
* @typedef {{
* webstoreLink: boolean,
* }}
let A11yPageVisibility;
* @typedef {{
* bookmarksBar: boolean,
* homeButton: boolean,
* pageZoom: boolean,
* setTheme: boolean,
* setWallpaper: boolean,
* }}
let AppearancePageVisibility;
* @typedef {{
* googleDrive: boolean,
* smbShares: boolean,
* }}
let DownloadsPageVisibility;
* @typedef {{
* googleAccounts: boolean,
* kerberosAccounts: boolean,
* lockScreen: boolean,
* manageUsers: boolean,
* }}
let PeoplePageVisibility;
* @typedef {{
* contentProtectionAttestation: boolean,
* networkPrediction: boolean,
* searchPrediction: boolean,
* wakeOnWifi: boolean,
* }}
let PrivacyPageVisibility;
* @typedef {{
* powerwash: boolean,
* }}
let ResetPageVisibility;
cr.define('settings', function() {
* Dictionary defining page visibility.
* @type {!PageVisibility}
let pageVisibility;
const showOSSettings = loadTimeData.getBoolean('showOSSettings');
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('isGuest')) {
// "if not chromeos" and "if chromeos" in two completely separate blocks
// to work around closure compiler.
// <if expr="not chromeos">
pageVisibility = {
autofill: false,
people: false,
onStartup: false,
reset: false,
appearance: false,
defaultBrowser: false,
advancedSettings: false,
extensions: false,
printing: false,
// </if>
// <if expr="chromeos">
pageVisibility = {
internet: showOSSettings,
bluetooth: showOSSettings,
multidevice: false,
autofill: false,
people: false,
onStartup: false,
reset: {
powerwash: false,
appearance: {
setWallpaper: false,
setTheme: false,
homeButton: false,
bookmarksBar: false,
pageZoom: false,
device: showOSSettings,
advancedSettings: true,
dateTime: showOSSettings,
privacy: {
contentProtectionAttestation: showOSSettings,
searchPrediction: false,
networkPrediction: false,
wakeOnWifi: showOSSettings,
downloads: {
googleDrive: false,
smbShares: false,
a11y: {
webstoreLink: showOSSettings,
extensions: false,
printing: showOSSettings,
// </if>
} else {
// All pages are visible when not in chromeos. Since polymer only notifies
// after a property is set.
// <if expr="chromeos">
pageVisibility = {
internet: showOSSettings,
bluetooth: showOSSettings,
multidevice: showOSSettings,
autofill: true,
people: {
lockScreen: showOSSettings,
kerberosAccounts: showOSSettings,
googleAccounts: showOSSettings,
manageUsers: showOSSettings,
onStartup: true,
reset: {
powerwash: showOSSettings,
appearance: {
setWallpaper: showOSSettings,
setTheme: true,
homeButton: true,
bookmarksBar: true,
pageZoom: true,
device: showOSSettings,
advancedSettings: true,
dateTime: showOSSettings,
privacy: {
contentProtectionAttestation: showOSSettings,
searchPrediction: true,
networkPrediction: true,
wakeOnWifi: showOSSettings,
downloads: {
googleDrive: showOSSettings,
smbShares: showOSSettings,
a11y: {
webstoreLink: showOSSettings,
extensions: true,
printing: showOSSettings,
// </if>
return {pageVisibility: pageVisibility};