blob: 0d1219102c8f0556c09f1786613fbfa906243b17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Behavior for handling display layout, specifically
* edge snapping and collisions.
/** @polymerBehavior */
var LayoutBehavior = {
properties: {
* Array of display layouts.
* @type {!Array<!chrome.system.display.DisplayLayout>}
layouts: Array,
* Whether or not mirroring is enabled.
* @type {boolean}
mirroring: false,
/** @private {!Map<string, chrome.system.display.Bounds>} */
displayBoundsMap_: new Map(),
/** @private {!Map<string, chrome.system.display.DisplayLayout>} */
displayLayoutMap_: new Map(),
* The calculated bounds used for generating the div bounds.
* @private {!Map<string, chrome.system.display.Bounds>}
calculatedBoundsMap_: new Map(),
/** @private {string} */
dragLayoutId_: '',
/** @private {string} */
dragParentId_: '',
/** @private {!chrome.system.display.Bounds|undefined} */
dragBounds_: undefined,
/** @private {!chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition|undefined} */
dragLayoutPosition_: undefined,
* @param {!Array<!chrome.system.display.DisplayUnitInfo>} displays
* @param {!Array<!chrome.system.display.DisplayLayout>} layouts
initializeDisplayLayout: function(displays, layouts) {
this.dragLayoutId_ = '';
this.dragParentId_ = '';
this.mirroring = displays.length > 0 && !!displays[0].mirroringSourceId;
for (var i = 0; i < displays.length; ++i) {
var display = displays[i];
this.displayBoundsMap_.set(, display.bounds);
for (var j = 0; j < layouts.length; ++j) {
var layout = layouts[j];
this.displayLayoutMap_.set(, layout);
for (var k = 0; k < displays.length; ++k) {
display = displays[k];
if (!this.calculatedBoundsMap_.has( {
var bounds = display.bounds;
this.calculateBounds_(, bounds.width, bounds.height);
* Called when a drag event occurs. Checks collisions and updates the layout.
* @param {string} id
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} newBounds The new calculated
* bounds for the display.
* @return {!chrome.system.display.Bounds}
updateDisplayBounds: function(id, newBounds) {
this.dragLayoutId_ = id;
// Find the closest parent.
var closestId = this.findClosest_(id, newBounds);
// Find the closest edge.
var closestBounds = this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(closestId);
var layoutPosition =
this.getLayoutPositionForBounds_(newBounds, closestBounds);
// Snap to the closest edge.
var snapPos = this.snapBounds_(newBounds, closestId, layoutPosition);
newBounds.left = snapPos.x; = snapPos.y;
// Calculate the new bounds and delta.
var oldBounds = this.dragBounds_ || this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(id);
var deltaPos = {
x: newBounds.left - oldBounds.left,
y: -
// Check for collisions after snapping. This should not collide with the
// closest parent.
this.collideAndModifyDelta_(id, oldBounds, deltaPos);
// If the edge changed, update and highlight it.
if (layoutPosition != this.dragLayoutPosition_ ||
closestId != this.dragParentId_) {
this.dragLayoutPosition_ = layoutPosition;
this.dragParentId_ = closestId;
this.highlightEdge_(closestId, layoutPosition);
newBounds.left = oldBounds.left + deltaPos.x; = + deltaPos.y;
this.dragBounds_ = newBounds;
return newBounds;
* Called when dragging ends. Sends the updated layout to chrome.
* @param {string} id
finishUpdateDisplayBounds: function(id) {
this.highlightEdge_('', undefined); // Remove any highlights.
if (id != this.dragLayoutId_ || !this.dragBounds_ ||
!this.dragLayoutPosition_) {
var layout = this.displayLayoutMap_.get(id);
var orphanIds;
if (!layout || layout.parentId == '') {
// Primary display. Set the calculated position to |dragBounds_|.
this.setCalculatedDisplayBounds_(id, this.dragBounds_);
// We cannot re-parent the primary display, so instead make all other
// displays orphans and clear their calculated bounds.
orphanIds = this.findChildren_(id, true /* recurse */);
// Re-parent |dragParentId_|. It will be forced to parent to the dragged
// display since it is the only non-orphan.
this.reparentOrphan_(this.dragParentId_, orphanIds);
orphanIds.splice(orphanIds.indexOf(this.dragParentId_), 1);
} else {
// All immediate children of |layout| will need to be re-parented.
orphanIds = this.findChildren_(id, false /* do not recurse */);
// When re-parenting to a descendant, also parent any immediate child to
// drag display's current parent.
var topLayout = this.displayLayoutMap_.get(this.dragParentId_);
while (topLayout && topLayout.parentId != '') {
if (topLayout.parentId == id) {
topLayout.parentId = layout.parentId;
topLayout = this.displayLayoutMap_.get(topLayout.parentId);
// Re-parent the dragged display.
layout.parentId = this.dragParentId_;
this.dragBounds_, this.dragLayoutPosition_, layout);
// Update any orphaned children. This may cause the dragged display to
// be re-attached if it was attached to a child.
// Send the updated layouts.
chrome.system.display.setDisplayLayout(this.layouts, function() {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
'setDisplayLayout Error: ' + chrome.runtime.lastError.message);
* @param {string} displayId
* @param {boolean=} opt_notest Set to true if bounds may not be set.
* @return {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} bounds
getCalculatedDisplayBounds: function(displayId, opt_notest) {
var bounds = this.calculatedBoundsMap_.get(displayId);
assert(opt_notest || bounds);
return bounds;
* @param {string} displayId
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds|undefined} bounds
* @private
setCalculatedDisplayBounds_: function(displayId, bounds) {
/** @type {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} */
(Object.assign({}, bounds)));
* Re-parents all entries in |orphanIds| and any children.
* @param {!Array<string>} orphanIds The list of ids affected by the move.
* @private
updateOrphans_: function(orphanIds) {
var orphans = orphanIds.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < orphanIds.length; ++i) {
var orphan = orphanIds[i];
var newOrphans = this.findChildren_(orphan, true /* recurse */);
// If the dragged display was re-parented to one of its children,
// there may be duplicates so merge the lists.
for (var ii = 0; ii < newOrphans.length; ++ii) {
var o = newOrphans[ii];
if (!orphans.includes(o))
// Remove each orphan from the list as it is re-parented so that
// subsequent orphans can be parented to it.
while (orphans.length) {
var orphanId = orphans.shift();
this.reparentOrphan_(orphanId, orphans);
* Re-parents the orphan to a layout that is not a member of
* |otherOrphanIds|.
* @param {string} orphanId The id of the orphan to re-parent.
* @param {Array<string>} otherOrphanIds The list of ids of other orphans
* to ignore when re-parenting.
* @private
reparentOrphan_: function(orphanId, otherOrphanIds) {
var layout = this.displayLayoutMap_.get(orphanId);
if (orphanId == this.dragId_ && layout.parentId != '') {
this.setCalculatedDisplayBounds_(orphanId, this.dragBounds_);
var bounds = this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(orphanId);
// Find the closest parent.
var newParentId = this.findClosest_(orphanId, bounds, otherOrphanIds);
assert(newParentId != '');
layout.parentId = newParentId;
// Find the closest edge.
var parentBounds = this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(newParentId);
var layoutPosition = this.getLayoutPositionForBounds_(bounds, parentBounds);
// Move from the nearest corner to the desired location and get the delta.
var cornerBounds = this.getCornerBounds_(bounds, parentBounds);
var desiredPos = this.snapBounds_(bounds, newParentId, layoutPosition);
var deltaPos = {
x: desiredPos.x - cornerBounds.left,
y: desiredPos.y -
// Check for collisions.
this.collideAndModifyDelta_(orphanId, cornerBounds, deltaPos);
var desiredBounds = {
left: cornerBounds.left + deltaPos.x,
top: + deltaPos.y,
width: bounds.width,
height: bounds.height
this.updateOffsetAndPosition_(desiredBounds, layoutPosition, layout);
* @param {string} parentId
* @param {boolean} recurse Include descendants of children.
* @return {!Array<string>}
* @private
findChildren_: function(parentId, recurse) {
var children = [];
this.displayLayoutMap_.forEach((value, key) => {
var childId = key;
if (childId != parentId && value.parentId == parentId) {
// Insert immediate children at the front of the array.
if (recurse) {
// Descendants get added to the end of the list.
children = children.concat(this.findChildren_(childId, true));
return children;
* Recursively calculates the absolute bounds of a display.
* Caches the display bounds so that parent bounds are only calculated once.
* @param {string} id
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @private
calculateBounds_: function(id, width, height) {
var left, top;
var layout = this.displayLayoutMap_.get(id);
if (this.mirroring || !layout || !layout.parentId) {
left = -width / 2;
top = -height / 2;
} else {
if (!this.calculatedBoundsMap_.has(layout.parentId)) {
var pbounds = this.displayBoundsMap_.get(layout.parentId);
this.calculateBounds_(layout.parentId, pbounds.width, pbounds.height);
var parentBounds = this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(layout.parentId);
left = parentBounds.left;
top =;
switch (layout.position) {
case chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.TOP:
left += layout.offset;
top -= height;
case chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.RIGHT:
left += parentBounds.width;
top += layout.offset;
case chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.BOTTOM:
left += layout.offset;
top += parentBounds.height;
case chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.LEFT:
left -= width;
top += layout.offset;
var result = {
left: left,
top: top,
width: width,
height: height,
this.setCalculatedDisplayBounds_(id, result);
* Finds the display closest to |bounds| ignoring |opt_ignoreIds|.
* @param {string} displayId
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} bounds
* @param {Array<string>=} opt_ignoreIds Ids to ignore.
* @return {string}
* @private
findClosest_: function(displayId, bounds, opt_ignoreIds) {
var x = bounds.left + bounds.width / 2;
var y = + bounds.height / 2;
var closestId = '';
var closestDelta2 = 0;
var keys = this.calculatedBoundsMap_.keys();
for (var iter =; !iter.done; iter = {
var otherId = iter.value;
if (otherId == displayId)
if (opt_ignoreIds && opt_ignoreIds.includes(otherId))
var otherBounds = this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(otherId);
var left = otherBounds.left;
var top =;
var width = otherBounds.width;
var height = otherBounds.height;
if (x >= left && x < left + width && y >= top && y < top + height)
return otherId; // point is inside rect
var dx, dy;
if (x < left)
dx = left - x;
else if (x > left + width)
dx = x - (left + width);
dx = 0;
if (y < top)
dy = top - y;
else if (y > top + height)
dy = y - (top + height);
dy = 0;
var delta2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (closestId == '' || delta2 < closestDelta2) {
closestId = otherId;
closestDelta2 = delta2;
return closestId;
* Calculates the LayoutPosition for |bounds| relative to |parentId|.
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} bounds
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} parentBounds
* @return {!chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition}
getLayoutPositionForBounds_: function(bounds, parentBounds) {
// Translate bounds from top-left to center.
var x = bounds.left + bounds.width / 2;
var y = + bounds.height / 2;
// Determine the distance from the new bounds to both of the near edges.
var left = parentBounds.left;
var top =;
var width = parentBounds.width;
var height = parentBounds.height;
// Signed deltas to the center.
var dx = x - (left + width / 2);
var dy = y - (top + height / 2);
// Unsigned distance to each edge.
var distx = Math.abs(dx) - width / 2;
var disty = Math.abs(dy) - height / 2;
if (distx > disty) {
if (dx < 0)
return chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.LEFT;
return chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.RIGHT;
} else {
if (dy < 0)
return chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.TOP;
return chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.BOTTOM;
* Modifies |bounds| to the position closest to it along the edge of
* |parentId| specified by |layoutPosition|.
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} bounds
* @param {string} parentId
* @param {!chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition} layoutPosition
* @return {!{x: number, y: number}}
snapBounds_: function(bounds, parentId, layoutPosition) {
var parentBounds = this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(parentId);
var x;
if (layoutPosition == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.LEFT) {
x = parentBounds.left - bounds.width;
} else if (layoutPosition == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.RIGHT) {
x = parentBounds.left + parentBounds.width;
} else {
x = this.snapToX_(bounds, parentBounds);
var y;
if (layoutPosition == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.TOP) {
y = - bounds.height;
} else if (layoutPosition == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.BOTTOM) {
y = + parentBounds.height;
} else {
y = this.snapToY_(bounds, parentBounds);
return {x: x, y: y};
* Snaps a horizontal value, see snapToEdge.
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} newBounds
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} parentBounds
* @param {number=} opt_snapDistance Provide to override the snap distance.
* 0 means snap from any distance.
* @return {number}
snapToX_: function(newBounds, parentBounds, opt_snapDistance) {
return this.snapToEdge_(
newBounds.left, newBounds.width, parentBounds.left, parentBounds.width,
* Snaps a vertical value, see snapToEdge.
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} newBounds
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} parentBounds
* @param {number=} opt_snapDistance Provide to override the snap distance.
* 0 means snap from any distance.
* @return {number}
snapToY_: function(newBounds, parentBounds, opt_snapDistance) {
return this.snapToEdge_(, newBounds.height,, parentBounds.height,
* Snaps the region [point, width] to [basePoint, baseWidth] if
* the [point, width] is close enough to the base's edge.
* @param {number} point The starting point of the region.
* @param {number} width The width of the region.
* @param {number} basePoint The starting point of the base region.
* @param {number} baseWidth The width of the base region.
* @param {number=} opt_snapDistance Provide to override the snap distance.
* 0 means snap at any distance.
* @return {number} The moved point. Returns the point itself if it doesn't
* need to snap to the edge.
* @private
snapToEdge_: function(point, width, basePoint, baseWidth, opt_snapDistance) {
// If the edge of the region is smaller than this, it will snap to the
// base's edge.
/** @const */ var SNAP_DISTANCE_PX = 16;
var snapDist =
(opt_snapDistance !== undefined) ? opt_snapDistance : SNAP_DISTANCE_PX;
var startDiff = Math.abs(point - basePoint);
var endDiff = Math.abs(point + width - (basePoint + baseWidth));
// Prefer the closer one if both edges are close enough.
if ((!snapDist || startDiff < snapDist) && startDiff < endDiff)
return basePoint;
else if (!snapDist || endDiff < snapDist)
return basePoint + baseWidth - width;
return point;
* Intersects |layout| with each other layout and reduces |deltaPos| to
* avoid any collisions (or sets it to [0,0] if the display can not be moved
* in the direction of |deltaPos|).
* Note: this assumes that deltaPos is already 'snapped' to the parent edge,
* and therefore will not collide with the parent, i.e. this is to prevent
* overlapping with displays other than the parent.
* @param {string} id
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} bounds
* @param {!{x: number, y: number}} deltaPos
collideAndModifyDelta_: function(id, bounds, deltaPos) {
var keys = this.calculatedBoundsMap_.keys();
var others = new Set(keys);
var checkCollisions = true;
while (checkCollisions) {
checkCollisions = false;
var othersValues = others.values();
for (var iter =; !iter.done;
iter = {
var otherId = iter.value;
var otherBounds = this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(otherId);
if (this.collideWithBoundsAndModifyDelta_(
bounds, otherBounds, deltaPos)) {
if (deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.y == 0)
checkCollisions = true;
* Intersects |bounds| with |otherBounds|. If there is a collision, modifies
* |deltaPos| to limit movement to a single axis and avoid the collision
* and returns true. See note for |collideAndModifyDelta_|.
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} bounds
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} otherBounds
* @param {!{x: number, y: number}} deltaPos
* @return {boolean} Whether there was a collision.
collideWithBoundsAndModifyDelta_: function(bounds, otherBounds, deltaPos) {
var newX = bounds.left + deltaPos.x;
var newY = + deltaPos.y;
if ((newX + bounds.width <= otherBounds.left) ||
(newX >= otherBounds.left + otherBounds.width) ||
(newY + bounds.height <= ||
(newY >= + otherBounds.height)) {
return false;
// |deltaPos| should already be restricted to X or Y. This shortens the
// delta to stay outside the bounds, however it does not change the sign of
// the delta, i.e. it does not "push" the point outside the bounds if
// the point is already inside.
if (Math.abs(deltaPos.x) > Math.abs(deltaPos.y)) {
deltaPos.y = 0;
var snapDeltaX;
if (deltaPos.x > 0) {
snapDeltaX =
Math.max(0, (otherBounds.left - bounds.width) - bounds.left);
} else {
snapDeltaX =
Math.min(0, (otherBounds.left + otherBounds.width) - bounds.left);
deltaPos.x = snapDeltaX;
} else {
deltaPos.x = 0;
var snapDeltaY;
if (deltaPos.y > 0) {
snapDeltaY =
Math.min(0, ( - bounds.height) -;
} else if (deltaPos.y < 0) {
snapDeltaY =
Math.max(0, ( + otherBounds.height) -;
} else {
snapDeltaY = 0;
deltaPos.y = snapDeltaY;
return true;
* Updates the offset for |layout| from |bounds|.
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} bounds
* @param {!chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition} position
* @param {!chrome.system.display.DisplayLayout} layout
updateOffsetAndPosition_: function(bounds, position, layout) {
layout.position = position;
if (!layout.parentId) {
layout.offset = 0;
// Offset is calculated from top or left edge.
var parentBounds = this.getCalculatedDisplayBounds(layout.parentId);
var offset, minOffset, maxOffset;
if (position == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.LEFT ||
position == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.RIGHT) {
offset = -;
minOffset = -bounds.height;
maxOffset = parentBounds.height;
} else {
offset = bounds.left - parentBounds.left;
minOffset = -bounds.width;
maxOffset = parentBounds.width;
/** @const */ var MIN_OFFSET_OVERLAP = 50;
layout.offset = Math.max(minOffset, Math.min(offset, maxOffset));
// Update the calculated bounds to match the new offset.
this.calculateBounds_(, bounds.width, bounds.height);
* Returns |bounds| translated to touch the closest corner of |parentBounds|.
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} bounds
* @param {!chrome.system.display.Bounds} parentBounds
* @return {!chrome.system.display.Bounds}
* @private
getCornerBounds_: function(bounds, parentBounds) {
var x;
if (bounds.left > parentBounds.left + parentBounds.width / 2)
x = parentBounds.left + parentBounds.width;
x = parentBounds.left - bounds.width;
var y;
if ( > + parentBounds.height / 2)
y = + parentBounds.height;
y = - bounds.height;
return {
left: x,
top: y,
width: bounds.width,
height: bounds.height,
* Highlights the edge of the div associated with |id| based on
* |layoutPosition| and removes any other highlights. If |layoutPosition| is
* undefined, removes all highlights.
* @param {string} id
* @param {chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition|undefined} layoutPosition
* @private
highlightEdge_: function(id, layoutPosition) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.layouts.length; ++i) {
var layout = this.layouts[i];
var highlight = ( == id) ? layoutPosition : undefined;
var div = this.$$('#_' +;
highlight == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.RIGHT);
highlight == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.LEFT);
highlight == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.TOP);
highlight == chrome.system.display.LayoutPosition.BOTTOM);