blob: 78675a2feb0d26dceb908f44bd128da373a247e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Display manager for WebUI OOBE and login.
import {assert} from '//resources/ash/common/assert.js';
import {$, ensureTransitionEndEvent} from '//resources/ash/common/util.js';
import {DISPLAY_TYPE, OOBE_UI_STATE, SCREEN_DEVICE_DISABLED, SCREEN_WELCOME} from './components/display_manager_types.js';
import {globalOobeKeyboard} from './components/keyboard_utils_oobe.js';
import {OobeTypes} from './components/oobe_types.js';
import {loadTimeData} from './i18n_setup.js';
import {MultiTapDetector} from './multi_tap_detector.js';
* Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for step transition to finish.
* The value is used as the duration for ensureTransitionEndEvent below.
* It needs to be inline with the step screen transition duration time
* defined in css file. The current value in css is 1,150ms. To avoid emulated
* transitionend fired before real one, +50ms is used.
* Maximum delay to call triggerDown from cpp logic. If the logic fails,
* triggerDown should be called after this duration to unblock CUJ.
* As Polymer behaviors do not provide true inheritance, when two behaviors
* would declare same method one of them will be hidden. Also, if element
* re-declares the method it needs explicitly iterate over behaviors and call
* method on them. This function simplifies such interaction by calling
* method on element and all behaviors in the same order as lifecycle
* callbacks are called.
* @param {Element} element
* @param {string} name function name
* @param {...*} args arguments for the function
* @suppress {missingProperties}
* element.behaviors
* TODO( - Remove this suppression.
export function invokePolymerMethod(element, name, ...args) {
const method = element[name];
if (!method || typeof method !== 'function') {
method.apply(element, args);
if (!element.behaviors) {
// If element has behaviors call functions on them in reverse order,
// ignoring case when method on element was derived from behavior.
for (let i = element.behaviors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const behavior = element.behaviors[i];
const behaviorMethod = behavior[name];
if (!behaviorMethod || typeof behaviorMethod !== 'function') {
if (behaviorMethod == method) {
behaviorMethod.apply(element, args);
* A display manager that manages initialization of screens,
* transitions, error messages display.
export class DisplayManager {
constructor() {
* Registered screens.
this.screens_ = [];
* Current OOBE step, index in the screens array.
* @type {number}
this.currentStep_ = 0;
* Whether keyboard navigation flow is enforced.
* @type {boolean}
this.forceKeyboardFlow_ = false;
* Whether the virtual keyboard is displayed.
* @type {boolean}
this.virtualKeyboardShown_ = false;
* Type of UI.
* @type {string}
this.displayType_ = DISPLAY_TYPE.UNKNOWN;
* Stored OOBE configuration for newly registered screens.
* @type {OobeTypes.OobeConfiguration|undefined}
this.oobe_configuration_ = undefined;
* Detects multi-tap gesture that invokes demo mode setup in OOBE.
* @type {?MultiTapDetector}
* @private
this.demoModeStartListener_ = null;
get virtualKeyboardShown() {
return this.virtualKeyboardShown_;
set virtualKeyboardShown(shown) {
this.virtualKeyboardShown_ = shown;
document.documentElement.setAttribute('virtual-keyboard', shown);
get displayType() {
return this.displayType_;
set displayType(displayType) {
this.displayType_ = displayType;
document.documentElement.setAttribute('screen', displayType);
* Gets current screen element.
* @type {HTMLElement}
get currentScreen() {
return $(this.screens_[this.currentStep_]);
* Sets the current height of the shelf area.
* @param {number} height current shelf height
setShelfHeight(height) {
'--shelf-area-height-base', height + 'px');
setOrientation(isHorizontal) {
if (isHorizontal) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('orientation', 'horizontal');
} else {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('orientation', 'vertical');
setDialogSize(width, height) {
'--oobe-oobe-dialog-height-base', height + 'px');
'--oobe-oobe-dialog-width-base', width + 'px');
* Forces keyboard based OOBE navigation.
* @param {boolean} value True if keyboard navigation flow is forced.
set forceKeyboardFlow(value) {
this.forceKeyboardFlow_ = value;
if (value) {
* Returns true if keyboard flow is enabled.
* @return {boolean}
get forceKeyboardFlow() {
return this.forceKeyboardFlow_;
* Returns current OOBE configuration.
* @return {OobeTypes.OobeConfiguration|undefined}
getOobeConfiguration() {
return this.oobe_configuration_;
* Toggles system info visibility.
toggleSystemInfo() {
$('version-labels').hidden = !$('version-labels').hidden;
* Handle the cancel accelerator.
handleCancel() {
const currentStepId = this.screens_[this.currentStep_];
if (this.currentScreen && this.currentScreen.cancel) {
* Switches to the next OOBE step.
* @param {number} nextStepIndex Index of the next step.
* @suppress {missingProperties}
* newStep.defaultControl
* TODO( - Remove this suppression.
toggleStep_(nextStepIndex, screenData) {
const currentStepId = this.screens_[this.currentStep_];
const nextStepId = this.screens_[nextStepIndex];
const oldStep = $(currentStepId);
const newStep = $(nextStepId);
invokePolymerMethod(oldStep, 'onBeforeHide');
if (oldStep.defaultControl) {
invokePolymerMethod(oldStep.defaultControl, 'onBeforeHide');
$('oobe').className = nextStepId;
// Need to do this before calling newStep.onBeforeShow() so that new step
// is back in DOM tree and has correct offsetHeight / offsetWidth.
newStep.hidden = false;
if (newStep.getOobeUIInitialState) {
} else {
invokePolymerMethod(newStep, 'onBeforeShow', screenData);
if (newStep.defaultControl) {
invokePolymerMethod(newStep.defaultControl, 'onBeforeShow', screenData);
// Start fading animation for login display or reset screen.
// Default control to be focused (if specified).
const defaultControl = newStep.defaultControl;
const innerContainer = $('inner-container');
if (this.currentStep_ != nextStepIndex &&
!oldStep.classList.contains('hidden')) {
oldStep.hidden = true;
if (defaultControl) {
} else {
// First screen on OOBE launch.
const isOobeSimonEnabled =
if (this.isOobeUI() && innerContainer.classList.contains('down')) {
if (isOobeSimonEnabled) {
setTimeout(this.triggerDown.bind(this), TRIGGERDOWN_FALLBACK_DELAY);
} else {
} else {
if (defaultControl) {
this.currentStep_ = nextStepIndex;
// Call onAfterShow after currentStep_ so that the step can have a
// post-set hook.
invokePolymerMethod(newStep, 'onAfterShow', screenData);
new CustomEvent('screenchanged', {detail:}));
chrome.send('updateCurrentScreen', []);
* Show screen of given screen id.
* @param {Object} screen Screen params dict, e.g. {id: screenId, data: {}}.
showScreen(screen) {
// Do not allow any other screen to clobber the device disabled screen.
const screenId =;
const data =;
const index = this.getScreenIndex_(screenId);
if (index >= 0) {
this.toggleStep_(index, data);
* Gets index of given screen id in screens_.
* @param {string} screenId Id of the screen to look up.
* @private
getScreenIndex_(screenId) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.screens_.length; ++i) {
if (this.screens_[i] == screenId) {
return i;
return -1;
* Register an oobe screen.
* @param {Element} el Decorated screen element.
registerScreen(el) {
const screenId =;
assert(!this.screens_.includes(screenId), 'Duplicate screen ID.');
this.screens_.length > 0 || screenId !== SCREEN_DEVICE_DISABLED,
'Can not register Device disabled screen as the first');
if (el.updateOobeConfiguration && this.oobe_configuration_) {
* Updates localized content of the screens like headers, buttons and links.
* Should be executed on language change.
updateLocalizedContent_() {
for (let i = 0; i < this.screens_.length; ++i) {
const screenId = this.screens_[i];
const screen = $(screenId);
if (screen.updateLocalizedContent) {
const dynamicElements = document.getElementsByClassName('i18n-dynamic');
for (var child of dynamicElements) {
if (typeof (child.i18nUpdateLocale) === 'function') {
const isInTabletMode = loadTimeData.getBoolean('isInTabletMode');
* Updates Oobe configuration for screens.
* @param {!OobeTypes.OobeConfiguration} configuration OOBE configuration.
updateOobeConfiguration_(configuration) {
this.oobe_configuration_ = configuration;
for (let i = 0; i < this.screens_.length; ++i) {
const screenId = this.screens_[i];
const screen = $(screenId);
if (screen.updateOobeConfiguration) {
* Updates "device in tablet mode" state when tablet mode is changed.
* @param {Boolean} isInTabletMode True when in tablet mode.
setTabletModeState_(isInTabletMode) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.screens_.length; ++i) {
const screenId = this.screens_[i];
const screen = $(screenId);
if (screen.setTabletModeState) {
* Trigger of play down animation for current screen step.
triggerDown() {
const innerContainer = $('inner-container');
if (!this.isOobeUI() || !innerContainer.classList.contains('down')) {
innerContainer.addEventListener('transitionend', function f(e) {
innerContainer.removeEventListener('transitionend', f);
// Refresh defaultControl. It could have changed.
const stepId = this.screens_[this.currentStep_];
const step = $(stepId);
const defaultControl = step.defaultControl;
if (defaultControl) {
ensureTransitionEndEvent(innerContainer, MAX_SCREEN_TRANSITION_DURATION);
/** Initializes demo mode start listener.
* @suppress {missingProperties}
* currentScreen.onSetupDemoModeGesture()
* TODO( - Remove this suppression.
initializeDemoModeMultiTapListener() {
if (this.displayType_ == DISPLAY_TYPE.OOBE) {
this.demoModeStartListener_ =
new MultiTapDetector($('outer-container'), 10, () => {
const currentScreen = this.currentScreen;
if ( === SCREEN_WELCOME) {
* Returns true if Oobe UI is shown.
* @return {boolean}
isOobeUI() {
return document.body.classList.contains('oobe-display');
* Notifies the C++ handler in views login that the OOBE signin state has
* been updated. This information is primarily used by the login shelf to
* update button visibility state.
* @param {number} state The state (see OOBE_UI_STATE) of the OOBE UI.
setOobeUIState(state) {
chrome.send('updateOobeUIState', [state]);
* Initializes display manager.
initialize() {
let givenDisplayType = DISPLAY_TYPE.UNKNOWN;
if (document.documentElement.hasAttribute('screen')) {
// Display type set in HTML property.
givenDisplayType = document.documentElement.getAttribute('screen');
} else {
// Extracting display type from URL.
givenDisplayType = window.location.pathname.substr(1);
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(DISPLAY_TYPE).forEach( type => {
if (DISPLAY_TYPE[type] == givenDisplayType) {
this.displayType = givenDisplayType;
if (this.displayType == DISPLAY_TYPE.UNKNOWN) {
'Unknown display type "' + givenDisplayType +
'". Setting default.');
this.displayType = DISPLAY_TYPE.LOGIN;
* Sets text content for a div with |labelId|.
* @param {string} labelId Id of the label div.
* @param {string} labelText Text for the label.
static setLabelText(labelId, labelText) {
$(labelId).textContent = labelText;
* Sets the text content of the Bluetooth device info message.
* @param {string} bluetoothName The Bluetooth device name text.
static setBluetoothDeviceInfo(bluetoothName) {
$('bluetooth-name').hidden = false;
$('bluetooth-name').textContent = bluetoothName;