blob: 75e21b5fe5599a0f0145462b88afb744e49956f4 [file] [log] [blame]
description('This test makes sure the exception stack has line number information.');
// Test error.stack:
function foo() { // line 4
try {
doError(); // line 6
} catch(err) {
temp = err.stack;
foo(); // line 11
// The stack trace contains the full path to the file. We need to trim it to
// only the part below LayoutTest so that the test results are consistent
// regardless of which server it is served from.
// String.match() generates an array of matches. We'll just convert all the
// elements back into a comma separated string by simply stringifying the
// array. This makes it easier to compare the resultant stack trace info.
result = String(temp.match(/LayoutTests\/[^:]+\:[0-9]+/g));
shouldBe("result", '"LayoutTests/fast/js/script-tests/exception-line-number.js:6,LayoutTests/fast/js/script-tests/exception-line-number.js:11"');
// Test window.onerror:
window.onerror = function(msg, url, line) {
url = String(url.match(/LayoutTests\/[^:]+/g));
result = url + ':' + line;
shouldBe("result", '"LayoutTests/fast/js/script-tests/exception-line-number.js:36"');
return true; // We handled it.
this.err = Error(12, "line number test");
throw this.err; // Line 36.