Mus-WS / Aura-Mus: Propagate LocalSurfaceId on WindowTreeHost creation

This CL optionally propagates the current cc::LocalSurfaceId associated
with a ServerWindow up to the WindowTreeHost embedded within it. When
surface synchronization is turned on, the WindowTreeHost will submit
CompositorFrames to that cc::LocalSurfaceId.

This CL makes no functional changes other than propagation of the
current cc::LocalSurfaceId on:

1. WindowTree::OnEmbed
2. WindowTree::OnTopLevelCreated
3. WindowManager::WmNewDisplayAdded

It is valid for a client to be embedded before a window has been given a
size and so the cc::LocalSurfaceId is passed around optionally.


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#460271}
12 files changed