Oilpan: dispose ServiceWorker (and registration) objects earlier.

It is unsafe to keep a ServiceWorker registered with the embedder once
it has been determined to be unreachable by the garbage collector, but
not yet finalized, as it cannot be assumed to be in a valid state beyond
that point.

Hence, we detach and unregister the object during a pre-finalization step.

The same lifetime issue applies to ServiceWorkerRegistration, so extend
the same treatment to it also.


Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/874003002

git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/blink/trunk@188949 bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
5 files changed
tree: 5fe6a7e181de8345d4274b0e8b4ada68ba28c432
  1. third_party/