blob: 67ef7b0ebc0a816869932da7939bd8fedcc72a20 [file] [log] [blame]
(function() {
'use strict';
var PaperMenuButton = Polymer({
is: 'paper-menu-button',
* Fired when the dropdown opens.
* @event paper-dropdown-open
* Fired when the dropdown closes.
* @event paper-dropdown-close
behaviors: [
properties: {
* True if the content is currently displayed.
opened: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
notify: true,
observer: '_openedChanged'
* The orientation against which to align the menu dropdown
* horizontally relative to the dropdown trigger.
horizontalAlign: {
type: String,
value: 'left',
reflectToAttribute: true
* The orientation against which to align the menu dropdown
* vertically relative to the dropdown trigger.
verticalAlign: {
type: String,
value: 'top',
reflectToAttribute: true
* A pixel value that will be added to the position calculated for the
* given `horizontalAlign`. Use a negative value to offset to the
* left, or a positive value to offset to the right.
horizontalOffset: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
notify: true
* A pixel value that will be added to the position calculated for the
* given `verticalAlign`. Use a negative value to offset towards the
* top, or a positive value to offset towards the bottom.
verticalOffset: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
notify: true
* Set to true to disable animations when opening and closing the
* dropdown.
noAnimations: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* Set to true to disable automatically closing the dropdown after
* a selection has been made.
ignoreSelect: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
* An animation config. If provided, this will be used to animate the
* opening of the dropdown.
openAnimationConfig: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return [{
name: 'fade-in-animation',
timing: {
delay: 100,
duration: 200
}, {
name: 'paper-menu-grow-width-animation',
timing: {
delay: 100,
duration: 150,
easing: PaperMenuButton.ANIMATION_CUBIC_BEZIER
}, {
name: 'paper-menu-grow-height-animation',
timing: {
delay: 100,
duration: 275,
easing: PaperMenuButton.ANIMATION_CUBIC_BEZIER
* An animation config. If provided, this will be used to animate the
* closing of the dropdown.
closeAnimationConfig: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return [{
name: 'fade-out-animation',
timing: {
duration: 150
}, {
name: 'paper-menu-shrink-width-animation',
timing: {
delay: 100,
duration: 50,
easing: PaperMenuButton.ANIMATION_CUBIC_BEZIER
}, {
name: 'paper-menu-shrink-height-animation',
timing: {
duration: 200,
easing: 'ease-in'
* This is the element intended to be bound as the focus target
* for the `iron-dropdown` contained by `paper-menu-button`.
_dropdownContent: {
type: Object
hostAttributes: {
role: 'group',
'aria-haspopup': 'true'
listeners: {
'iron-select': '_onIronSelect'
* The content element that is contained by the menu button, if any.
get contentElement() {
return Polymer.dom(this.$.content).getDistributedNodes()[0];
* Toggles the drowpdown content between opened and closed.
toggle: function() {
if (this.opened) {
} else {;
* Make the dropdown content appear as an overlay positioned relative
* to the dropdown trigger.
open: function() {
if (this.disabled) {
* Hide the dropdown content.
close: function() {
* When an `iron-select` event is received, the dropdown should
* automatically close on the assumption that a value has been chosen.
* @param {CustomEvent} event A CustomEvent instance with type
* set to `"iron-select"`.
_onIronSelect: function(event) {
if (!this.ignoreSelect) {
* When the dropdown opens, the `paper-menu-button` fires `paper-open`.
* When the dropdown closes, the `paper-menu-button` fires `paper-close`.
* @param {boolean} opened True if the dropdown is opened, otherwise false.
* @param {boolean} oldOpened The previous value of `opened`.
_openedChanged: function(opened, oldOpened) {
if (opened) {
// TODO(cdata): Update this when we can measure changes in distributed
// children in an idiomatic way.
// We poke this property in case the element has changed. This will
// cause the focus target for the `iron-dropdown` to be updated as
// necessary:
this._dropdownContent = this.contentElement;'paper-dropdown-open');
} else if (oldOpened != null) {'paper-dropdown-close');
* If the dropdown is open when disabled becomes true, close the
* dropdown.
* @param {boolean} disabled True if disabled, otherwise false.
_disabledChanged: function(disabled) {
Polymer.IronControlState._disabledChanged.apply(this, arguments);
if (disabled && this.opened) {
__onIronOverlayCanceled: function(event) {
var uiEvent = event.detail;
var target = Polymer.dom(uiEvent).rootTarget;
var trigger = this.$.trigger;
var path = Polymer.dom(uiEvent).path;
if (path.indexOf(trigger) > -1) {
PaperMenuButton.ANIMATION_CUBIC_BEZIER = 'cubic-bezier(.3,.95,.5,1)';
PaperMenuButton.MAX_ANIMATION_TIME_MS = 400;
Polymer.PaperMenuButton = PaperMenuButton;