blob: 526cfce764e3003b324b4a71d1c59f2b7166c4a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function sendTouchStart(touches) {
var id = 0;
let touchList = {
var touchInit = {
identifier: id++,
target: viewer.plugin_,
clientX: xy.x,
clientY: xy.y,
return new window.Touch(touchInit);
viewer.plugin_.dispatchEvent(new TouchEvent('touchstart', {
touches: touchList,
targetTouches: touchList,
changedtouches: touchList
function createContextMenuEvent() {
return new MouseEvent('contextmenu', {
cancelable: true,
sourceCapabilities: new InputDeviceCapabilities({firesTouchEvents: true})
var tests = [
// Test suppression of the context menu on single touch.
function testContextMenuSingleTouch() {
sendTouchStart([{x: 10, y: 10}]);
let event = createContextMenuEvent();
// Dispatch event will be false if the event is cancellable and one of the
// handlers called preventDefault.
"Should have called preventDefault() for single touch.");
// Test allowing of context menu on double touch.
function testContextMenuDoubleTouch() {
sendTouchStart([{x: 10, y: 10}, {x: 15, y: 15}]);
let event = createContextMenuEvent();
"Should not have called preventDefault() for double touch.");
// Test long press selects word. This test flakes out on some bots.
// The test passes locally on MacOS, ChromeOS and Linux. Disable until it's
// possible to repro the bot issue.
// function testLongPressSelectsText() {
// var client = new PDFScriptingAPI(window, window);
// sendTouchStart([{x: 336, y: 163}]);
// window.setTimeout(function() {
// client.getSelectedText(
// chrome.test.callbackPass(function(selectedText) {
// chrome.test.assertEq('some', selectedText);
// })
// );
// chrome.test.succeed();
// // 10k is the value for the action_timeout_ms_ in Chrome
// }, 10000);
// }
var scriptingAPI = new PDFScriptingAPI(window, window);
scriptingAPI.setLoadCallback(function() {