blob: cb4c36f40c3c89a50b531a0e9f374627635899d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* TestFixture for Invalidations WebUI testing.
* @extends {testing.Test}
* @constructor
function InvalidationsWebUITest() {}
InvalidationsWebUITest.prototype = {
__proto__: testing.Test.prototype,
* Browse to the Invalidations page.
browsePreload: 'chrome://invalidations',
runAccessibilityChecks: false,
accessibilityIssuesAreErrors: false
// Test that registering an invalidations appears properly on the textarea.
TEST_F('InvalidationsWebUITest', 'testRegisteringNewInvalidation', function() {
var invalidationsLog = $('invalidations-log');
var invalidation = [{
isUnknownVersion: 'true',
objectId: {name: 'EXTENSIONS', source: 1004}
invalidationsLog.value = '';
var isContained =
'Received Invalidation with type ' +
'"EXTENSIONS" version "Unknown" with payload "undefined"') != -1;
expectTrue(isContained, 'Actual log is:' + invalidationsLog.value);
// Test that changing the Invalidations Service state appears both in the
// span and in the textarea.
TEST_F('InvalidationsWebUITest', 'testChangingInvalidationsState', function() {
var invalidationsState = $('invalidations-state');
var invalidationsLog = $('invalidations-log');
var isContainedState = invalidationsState.textContent.indexOf(
expectTrue(isContainedState, 'could not change the invalidations text');
invalidationsLog.value = '';
var isContainedState2 = invalidationsState.textContent.indexOf(
expectTrue(isContainedState2, 'could not change the invalidations text');
var isContainedLog =
'Invalidations service state changed to ' +
expectTrue(isContainedLog, 'Actual log is:' + invalidationsLog.value);
// Test that objects ids appear on the table.
TEST_F('InvalidationsWebUITest', 'testRegisteringNewIds', function() {
var newDataType = [
{ name: 'EXTENSIONS', source: 1004, totalCount: 0},
{ name: 'FAVICON_IMAGE', source: 1004, totalCount: 0}
var pattern1 = ['Fake', '1004', 'EXTENSIONS', '0', '0', '', '', ''];
var pattern2 = ['Fake', '1004', 'FAVICON_IMAGE', '0', '0', '', '', ''];
// Register two objects ID with 'Fake' registrar
chrome.invalidations.updateIds('Fake', newDataType);
// Disable the Extensions ObjectId by only sending FAVICON_IMAGE
newDataType = [{name: 'FAVICON_IMAGE', source: 1004}];
chrome.invalidations.updateIds('Fake', newDataType);
// Test that the two patterns are contained in the table.
var oidTable = $('objectsid-table-container');
var foundPattern1 = false;
var foundPattern2 = false;
for (var row = 0; row < oidTable.rows.length; row++) {
var pattern1Test = true;
var pattern2Test = true;
for (var cell = 0; cell < oidTable.rows[row].cells.length; cell++) {
pattern1Test = pattern1Test
&& (pattern1[cell] == oidTable.rows[row].cells[cell].textContent);
pattern2Test = pattern2Test
&& (pattern2[cell] == oidTable.rows[row].cells[cell].textContent);
if (pattern1Test)
expectEquals('greyed', oidTable.rows[row].className);
if (pattern2Test)
expectEquals('content', oidTable.rows[row].className);
foundPattern1 = foundPattern1 || pattern1Test;
foundPattern2 = foundPattern2 || pattern2Test;
if (foundPattern2)
expectTrue(foundPattern1, 'The entries were not ordererd');
expectTrue(foundPattern1 && foundPattern2, "couldn't find both objects ids");
// Test that registering new handlers appear on the website.
TEST_F('InvalidationsWebUITest', 'testUpdatingRegisteredHandlers', function() {
function text() { return $('registered-handlers').textContent; }
chrome.invalidations.updateHandlers(['FakeApi', 'FakeClient']);
expectNotEquals(text().indexOf('FakeApi'), -1);
expectNotEquals(text().indexOf('FakeClient'), -1);
expectEquals(text().indexOf('FakeApi'), -1);
expectNotEquals(text().indexOf('FakeClient'), -1);
// Test that an object showing internal state is correctly displayed.
TEST_F('InvalidationsWebUITest', 'testUpdatingInternalDisplay', function() {
var newDetailedStatus = {MessagesSent: 1};
expectEquals( $('internal-display').value, '{\n \"MessagesSent\": 1\n}');