blob: 9d0e3ffe7fcce6db0df17dc44fcbf4de69cae9bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {PostMessageAPIClient} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/post_message_api/post_message_api_client.js';
import {RequestHandler} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/post_message_api/post_message_api_request_handler.js';
import {ProjectorBrowserProxy, ProjectorBrowserProxyImpl} from './projector_browser_proxy.js';
const TARGET_URL = 'chrome-untrusted://projector/';
// A PostMessageAPIClient that sends messages to chrome-untrusted://projector.
export class UntrustedAppClient extends PostMessageAPIClient {
* @param {!Window} targetWindow
constructor(targetWindow) {
super(TARGET_URL, targetWindow);
* Notifies the untrusted context when a new video file is available.
* @param {string} videoFileId the Drive item id of the video file.
* @param {?File} videoFile to provide to the untrusted context.
* @param {?DOMException} error if retrieving the video file failed.
onFileLoaded(videoFileId, videoFile, error) {
return this.callApiFn('onFileLoaded', [videoFileId, videoFile, error]);
* Class that implements the RequestHandler inside the Projector trusted scheme
* for the Projector App.
export class TrustedAppRequestHandler extends RequestHandler {
* @param {!Element} iframeElement The <iframe> element to listen to as a
* client.
* @param {ProjectorBrowserProxy} browserProxy The browser proxy that will be
* used to handle the messages.
constructor(iframeElement, browserProxy) {
super(iframeElement, TARGET_URL, TARGET_URL);
this.browserProxy_ = browserProxy;
this.registerMethod('getOAuthTokenForAccount', (args) => {
if (!args || args.length != 1) {
return Promise.reject('Incorrect args for getOAuthTokenForAccount');
return this.browserProxy_.getOAuthTokenForAccount(args[0]);
this.registerMethod('onError', (msg) => {
this.registerMethod('getVideo', (args) => {
if (!args || args.length != 2) {
return Promise.reject('Incorrect args for getVideo');
return this.browserProxy_.getVideo(args[0], args[1]);
* This is a class that is used to setup the duplex communication
* channels between this origin, chrome://projector/* and the iframe embedded
* inside the document.
export class AppTrustedCommFactory {
* Creates the instances of PostMessageAPIClient and RequestHandler.
static maybeCreateInstances() {
if (AppTrustedCommFactory.client_ ||
AppTrustedCommFactory.requestHandler_) {
const iframeElement = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
AppTrustedCommFactory.client_ =
new UntrustedAppClient(iframeElement.contentWindow);
AppTrustedCommFactory.requestHandler_ = new TrustedAppRequestHandler(
iframeElement, ProjectorBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance());
* In order to use this class, please do the following (e.g. to notify the app
* that it can start a new session):
* const success = await AppTrustedCommFactory.
* getPostMessageAPIClient().onCanStartNewSession(true);
* @return {!UntrustedAppClient}
static getPostMessageAPIClient() {
// AnnotatorUntrustedCommFactory.client_ should be available. However to be
// on the cautious side create an instance here if getPostMessageAPIClient
// is triggered before the page finishes loading.
return AppTrustedCommFactory.client_;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
// Create instances of the singletons (PostMessageAPIClient and
// RequestHandler) when the document has finished loading.