Fixes a resizing bug in the Custom Tab Bar

Currently, the MinimumSize of the Toolbar is calculated based on the
PreferredSize of its children. The
CustomTabBarView/CustomTabBarTitleOriginView has a label for the url
of the current site, which is forcing the MinimumSize of the Toolbar
to be the length of the label.

The Fix:
- Set the elide behavior for the labels to be ELIDE_TAIL
- Calculate the MinimumSize of the CustomTabBarTitleOriginView to be
the width of 20 characters of the page title.
- Explicitly calculate the preferred size for the CustomTabBar, based
on its contents.

Bug: 929086, 929600
Change-Id: Ifff8a3f94552e42cab45c42233b63e82b0212284
Commit-Queue: Jay Harris <>
Reviewed-by: Trent Apted <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#631473}
2 files changed