Remove value packing and custom style building for text-underline-position.

The user of this property (currently only computeUnderlineOffset) is
oblivious to the fact that RenderStyle::textUnderlinePosition may be a
packed value. (It looks like we'll ASSERT_NOT_REACHED if we actually pack
values during style building).

This was probably done in anticipation of the currently missing left|right
values defined by CSS3 Text Decoration.

I suggest that we remove the custom behavior until support for the
properties are added. When/if support for left|right is added, it should
probably go through StyleBuilderConverter anyway.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
4 files changed
tree: fc021c5b9a83d55aea8fa8e4cccc3d020919442e
  1. third_party/