blob: 74ce4547147b26c17eba99da08d6fe8c2c168483 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @fileoverview Tests for the Material Design downloads page. */
// Polymer BrowserTest fixture.
* @constructor
* @extends {PolymerTest}
function DownloadsTest() {}
DownloadsTest.prototype = {
__proto__: PolymerTest.prototype,
/** @override */
setUp: function() {;
this.accessibilityAuditConfig.ignoreSelectors('humanLangMissing', 'html');
/** @override */
loaderFile: 'subpage_loader.html',
// The name of the custom element under test. Should be overridden by
// subclasses that are loading the URL of a non-element.
get customElementName() {
const r = /chrome\:\/\/downloads\/([a-zA-Z-_]+)\.html/;
const result = r.exec(this.browsePreload);
if (!result || result.length < 1) {
// Loading the main page, so wait for downloads manager.
return 'downloads-manager';
return 'downloads-' + result[1].replace(/_/gi, '-');
/** @override */
runAccessibilityChecks: true,
* @constructor
* @extends {DownloadsTest}
function DownloadsItemTest() {}
DownloadsItemTest.prototype = {
__proto__: DownloadsTest.prototype,
/** @override */
browsePreload: 'chrome://downloads/item.html',
/** @override */
extraLibraries: DownloadsTest.prototype.extraLibraries.concat([
TEST_F('DownloadsItemTest', 'All', function() {;
* @constructor
* @extends {DownloadsTest}
function DownloadsManagerTest() {}
DownloadsManagerTest.prototype = {
__proto__: DownloadsTest.prototype,
/** @override */
browsePreload: 'chrome://downloads/',
/** @override */
extraLibraries: DownloadsTest.prototype.extraLibraries.concat([
TEST_F('DownloadsManagerTest', 'All', function() {;
* @constructor
* @extends {DownloadsTest}
function DownloadsToolbarTest() {}
DownloadsToolbarTest.prototype = {
__proto__: DownloadsTest.prototype,
/** @override */
browsePreload: 'chrome://downloads/toolbar.html',
/** @override */
extraLibraries: DownloadsTest.prototype.extraLibraries.concat([
TEST_F('DownloadsToolbarTest', 'All', function() {;
* @constructor
* @extends {DownloadsTest}
function DownloadsUrlTest() {}
DownloadsUrlTest.prototype = {
__proto__: DownloadsTest.prototype,
/** @override */
browsePreload: 'chrome://downloads/a/b/',
/** @override */
loaderFile: '',
/** @override */
get customElementName() {
return null;
TEST_F('DownloadsUrlTest', 'All', function() {
suite('loading a nonexistent URL of /a/b/', function() {
test('should load main page with no console errors', function() {
return customElements.whenDefined('downloads-manager').then(() => {
assertEquals('chrome://downloads/', location.href);