Clean up around text track display state updates

Several minor oddities are changed to be hopefully less odd:

 * CueTimeline need not check activeSetChanged due to an earlier
   |if (!activeSetChanged) return|.
 * Move one-time setup of m_displayTree and m_cueBackgroundBox to where
   they are created.
 * ASSERT the preconditions guaranteed in VTTCue::updateDisplay() and
   getDisplayTree(), guaranteed by TextTrackContainer::updateDisplay.
 * Never remove and m_cueBackgroundBox from m_displayTree, just leave it
   there and assert that it is so.
 * Document where m_cueBackgroundBox is actually populated.
 * Remove a bunch of spec comments where the code doesn't resemble the
   shape of the spec and FIXMEs that aren't anywhere close to where they
   would actually be fixed. A link to remains in


Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// bbb929c8-8fbe-4397-9dbb-9b2b20218538
3 files changed
tree: 9614bdfcdc29cfd5be7d35a76c252f5e90a38008
  1. third_party/