tree: 6292055317373357d58c20c269ac8162c431329f [path history] [tgz]
  1. android/
  2. content/
  3. core/
  4. ios/
  6. DEPS


Autofill is a layered component. It has the following structure:

  • core/: Code shared by content/ and ios/.
    • browser/: Browser process code.
    • common/: Code shared by the browser and the renderer.
  • content/: Driver using the //content layer (all platforms except iOS).
  • ios/: Driver using //ios (as opposed to //content).
  • android/: Java code for Android.

High-level architecture

The following architecture diagram shows instances of Autofill's core objects. For simplicity, we only consider the case of Chrome Autofill on non-iOS platforms. The diagram is best read bottom-up because every Autofill flow starts with AutofillAgent extracting a form from the DOM.

│PersonalDataManager ├────────┬──────────────────┐
│1 per BrowserContext│  owns N│            owns N│
└─▲──────────────────┘      ┌─▼─────────────┐  ┌─▼────────┐
  │                         │AutofillProfile│  │CreditCard│
  │weak ref                 └───────────────┘  └──────────┘
│FormDataImporter ◄─────────────────────┐
│1 per WebContents│               events│
└─▲───────────────┘                     │
  │                                     │
  │ ┌────────────────────────┐        ┌─┴────────────────────┐
  │ │AutofillExternalDelegate◄────────┤BrowserAutofillManager├───────┐     ┌───────────────┐
  │ │1 per RenderFrameHost   │  owns 1│1 per RenderFrameHost │  votes│     │Autofill server│
  │ └──────────────────────┬─┘        └─▲──────────────────┬─┘       │     └─────────────▲─┘
  │                  events│            │            events│         │               HTTP│
  │                        │            │                  │       ┌─▼───────────────────▼─┐
  │                        │            │                  │       │1 per WebContents      │
  │                        │            │                  │       └─────────────────────▲─┘
  │                        │            │                  │                             │
  │                        │            │                  │    ┌──────────────┐         │
  │                        │            │                  │    │FormStructure │         │
  │                        │            │                  │    │1 per FormData│         │
  │                        │            │                  └──┐ └─▲────────────┘         │
  │owns 1                  │            │events               │   │sets types            │
┌─┴──────────────────┐     │          ┌─┴───────────────────┐ │   │owns N         queries│
│ChromeAutofillClient◄─────┼──────────┤AutofillManager      ├─┼───┴──────────────────────┘
│1 per WebContents   │     │  weak ref│1 per RenderFrameHost│ │
└────────────────────┘     │          └─▲─────────────────┬─┘ │
                           │            │           events│   │
                                        │                 │
                           │owns 1      │events           │            │
                           │            │owns 1           │            │
┌──────────────────────────┴─┐        ┌─┴─────────────────▼─┐        ┌─▼───────────────────┐
│1 per WebContents           │owns N  │1 per RenderFrameHost│ events │1 per WebContents    │
└────────────────────────────┘        └─▲─────────┬─────────┘        └─────────────────────┘
                                        │         │fill form and
Browser                                 │         │other events
1 process                               │         │
Renderer                                │         │
N processes           events, often with│         │
                      FormData objects  │         │
                                      ┌─┴─────────▼─────┐       ┌─────────────────────┐
                                      │AutofillAgent    ├───────►│
                                      │1 per RenderFrame│calls  └─────────────────────┘

To edit the diagram, copy-paste it to

A WebContents corresponds to a tab. A RenderFrameHost roughly corresponds to a frame or a document (but to neither exactly; they differ in whether or not they survive navigations; details are here and here). A BrowserContext corresponds to a Profile.

Differences among platforms and embedders

  • Desktop vs Android: Android has different UI, which mostly lives in //chrome.
  • non-iOS vs iOS: iOS also uses AutofillManager and everything north of it, but AutofillDriverIOS* instead of ContentAutofill*, and a different but identically named AutofillAgent.
  • Chrome vs WebView: WebView also uses AutofillManager and everything south of it, but AwAutofillClient instead of ChromeAutofillClient, and AndroidAutofillManager instead of BrowserAutofillManager.

Links to files

Related directories

There are some closely related directories in //chrome:

Autofill cheatsheet

This is a cheatsheet to navigate Autofill. It is not necessarily exhaustive and may sacrifice a little bit of correctness in favor of simplicity.

What are the main classes that orchestrate Autofill?

  • Renderer:
    • AutofillAgent
      • One instance per RenderFrame (frame).
      • Responsibilities:
        • Observes forms in a frame and notifies the browser about changes.
        • Executes preview and filling requests.
      • Implements blink::WebAutofillClient to communicate with Blink.
  • Browser:
    • ContentAutofillDriver
      • One instance per RenderFrameHost (frame), owned by ContentAutofillDriverFactory
      • Responsibilities:
        • Facilitates communication between the browser and the renderer logic.
      • Implements interfaces AutofillDriver and mojom::AutofillDriver
      • Has sibling AutofillDriverIOS for iOS
    • ContentAutofillDriverFactory
      • One instance per WebContents (tab)
      • Responsibilities:
        • Manages life-cycle of ContentAutofillDriver and ensures that there is one Driver instance per renderer frame.
      • Has sibling AutofillDriverIOSFactory for iOS
    • AutofillManager and BrowserAutofillManager
      • One instance per RenderFrameHost (frame), owned by AutofillDriver.
      • Responsibilities:
        • Main orchestrator for Autofill logic.
      • BrowserAutofillManager extends the AutofillManager base class.
      • BrowserAutofillManager has sibling AndroidAutofillManager which is responsible for Android Autofill for WebViews.
    • ChromeAutofillClient
      • One instance per WebContents (tab)
      • Responsibilities:
        • Serves as bridge from platform aganostic BrowserAutofillManager to the OS specific logic.
      • Implements AutofillClient interface.
      • Has siblings AwAutofillClient, ChromeAutofillClientIOS and WebViewAutofillClientIOS.

What's the difference between Autofill and Autocomplete?

  • Autofill is about structured and typed information (addresses, credit card data, ...)
  • Autocomplete is about single-field, untyped information. Values are tied to a field identifier. Autocomplete is largely implemented by the AutocompleteHistoryManager.

What are the representations for Forms and Fields?

  • Between Renderer and Browser, we mostly exchange structural information
    • FormData
      • HTML attributes of a form
      • Contains a list of fields (FormFieldData).
      • 1:1 correspondence to a blink::WebFormElement
    • FormFieldData
      • HTML attributes of a field
      • current value (or value that should be filled)
      • global_id() gives a globally unique and non-changing identifier of a field in the renderer process.
      • 1:1 correspondence to a blink::WebFormControlElement
  • On the Browser side, we have augmented information:
    • FormStructure - corresponds to a FormData
      • Container for a series of FormFieldData objects
    • AutofillField - corresponds to a FormFieldData
      • Inherits from FormFieldData and extends it by
        • Field type classifications
        • Other Autofill metadata

How are forms and fields identified?

  • Per page load, in particular for distinguishing DOM elements:
    • FormGlobalId is a pair of a LocalFrameToken and a FormRendererId, which uniquely identify the frame and the form element in that frame.
    • FieldGlobalId is a pair of a LocalFrameToken and a FieldRendererId.
  • Across page loads, in particular for crowdsourcing:
    • FormSignature is a 64 bit hash value of the form URL (target URL or location of the embedding website as a fallback) and normalized field names.
    • FieldSignature is a 32 bit hash value of the field name (name attribute, falling back to id attribute of the form control) and type (text, search, password, tel, ...)

How are field classified?

  • Local heuristics
    • See components/autofill/core/browser/form_parsing/.
    • FormField::ParseFormFields is the global entry point for parsing fields with heuristics.
    • Local heuristics are only applied if a form has at least 3 fields and at least 3 fields are classified (after launching AutofillMin3FieldTypesForLocalHeuristics, we require 3 different field types). There are exceptions for a few field types (email addresses, promo codes, IBANs, CVV fields).
    • We perform local heuristics even for smaller forms but only for promo codes and IBANs (see ParseSingleFieldForms).
    • Regular expressions for parsing are provided via components/autofill/core/common/autofill_regex_constants.h or components/autofill/core/browser/form_parsing/regex_patterns.h if features::kAutofillParsingPatternProvider is enabled.
  • Crowd sourcing
    • AutofillDownloadManager is responsible for downloading field classifications.
    • Crowd sourcing is applied (for lookups and voting) for forms of any size but the server can handle small forms differently, see http://cs/IsSmallForm%20file:autofill.
    • Crowd sourcing trumps local heuristics.
  • Autocomplete attribute
    • The autocomplete attribute is parsed in ParseAutocompleteAttribute.
    • The autocomplete attribute trumps local heuristics and crowd sourcing (except for off).
  • Rationalization
    • Rationalization is the process of looking at the output of the previous classification steps and doing a post processing for certain field combinations that don't make sense (street-address followed by address-line1).

How is data represented internally?

  • See components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/
    • For addresses, see components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_structured_address.h and components/autofill/core/browser/data_model/autofill_structured_address_name.h.
    • Parsing = breaking a bigger concept (e.g. street address) into smaller concepts (e.g. street name and house number). See AddressComponent::ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponents().
      • Parsing goes through a chain until one method succeeds:
        • Via ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByMethod()
        • Via ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByRegularExpressions()
        • Finally ParseValueAndAssignSubcomponentsByFallbackMethod()
      • This is driven by the implementations of GetParseRegularExpressionsByRelevance().
    • Formatting = combining the smaller concepts (e.g. street name and house number) into a bigger one (street address). See AddressComponent::FormatValueFromSubcomponents().
      • This is driven by the implementations of GetBestFormatString(), in particular StreetAddress::GetBestFormatString().
    • Invariance: The children of a node cannot contain more information than the parent node, or more more formally: every string in a node must be present in its parent (at least in a normalized form). If a subtree contains too much data, it is discarded via AddressComponent::WipeInvalidStructure().

Where is Autofill data persisted?