[M120 branch 6099] UrlBar: do not compute scroll position if text layout is unavailable.

At the core, the change marks scroll position as "Pending" if Layout
is not available.  This is done by enhancing the condition in
scrollDisplayText() with a getLayout() == null check.

The condition itself was the only condition in scrollDisplayText(),
otherwise the call was just a simple proxy to
scrollDisplayTextInternal(). The two methods have been collapsed by
relocating the check.

We permit calculation of the offset even if the current scroll type is
NO_SCROLL. This is because the method may still fall back to
SCROLL_TO_BEGINNING if the text is empty; evaluation of the scroll
position seems appropriate in that context and shouldn't depend on
whether current measure/layout pass has completed.

Lastly, the method pushes the resolution of the scoll directon until
*after* the layout() pass has completed (previously was: until after
onLayout() has completed), because this is the only time when the
layout is truly resolved and isLayoutRequested() will return false,
unblocking the pending scrollDisplayText fulfilment. The pushed method
deduplicates mPreviousScrolledViewWidth and mPreviousWidth which both
closely tracked the same underlying thing.

Note: the proper fix here calls for usage of getHintLayout(), however
this call is TextView private. Added lots of tests.

(cherry picked from commit 318071b4c02bf32b5fde4feda8b85e8bbd225674)

Fixed: 1499060
Change-Id: Id51de0d49fe99280bb95e29b1d7eb75ff1795e15
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5031350
Reviewed-by: Fred Mello <fredmello@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Tomasz Wiszkowski <ender@google.com>
Code-Coverage: findit-for-me@appspot.gserviceaccount.com <findit-for-me@appspot.gserviceaccount.com>
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1225050}
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5111661
Reviewed-by: Krishna Govind <govind@chromium.org>
Owners-Override: Krishna Govind <govind@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Ted Choc <tedchoc@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Ted Choc <tedchoc@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/6099@{#1483}
Cr-Branched-From: e6ee4500f7d6549a9ac1354f8d056da49ef406be-refs/heads/main@{#1217362}
2 files changed
tree: 7c4ec4e609a3f85b6a7503c1ae5aa8778d30ec69
  1. android_webview/
  2. apps/
  3. ash/
  4. base/
  5. build/
  6. build_overrides/
  7. buildtools/
  8. cc/
  9. chrome/
  10. chromecast/
  11. chromeos/
  12. codelabs/
  13. components/
  14. content/
  15. courgette/
  16. crypto/
  17. dbus/
  18. device/
  19. docs/
  20. extensions/
  21. fuchsia_web/
  22. gin/
  23. google_apis/
  24. google_update/
  25. gpu/
  26. headless/
  27. infra/
  28. ios/
  29. ipc/
  30. media/
  31. mojo/
  32. native_client_sdk/
  33. net/
  34. pdf/
  35. ppapi/
  36. printing/
  37. remoting/
  38. rlz/
  39. sandbox/
  40. services/
  41. skia/
  42. sql/
  43. storage/
  44. styleguide/
  45. testing/
  46. third_party/
  47. tools/
  48. ui/
  49. url/
  50. webkit/
  51. .clang-format
  52. .clang-tidy
  53. .eslintrc.js
  54. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  55. .gitattributes
  56. .gitignore
  57. .gitmodules
  58. .gn
  59. .mailmap
  60. .rustfmt.toml
  61. .vpython3
  62. .yapfignore
  65. BUILD.gn
  67. codereview.settings
  68. DEPS
  71. LICENSE.chromium_os
  72. OWNERS
  73. PRESUBMIT.py
  74. PRESUBMIT_test.py
  75. PRESUBMIT_test_mocks.py
  76. README.md

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