[PA] Add partition_alloc_optimized_debug to partition_alloc.gni.

Add partition_alloc_optimized_debug to PartitionAlloc to enable
PartitionAlloc-Everywhere on Linux debug build. This is the same way
as v8 does, i.e. v8_optimized_debug.

Bug: 1151236, 1449923, 1429450

Change-Id: I6abfbdb3d0ef11104ec7ccf9edcaef4e21ddb1f4
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/4599609
Reviewed-by: Bartek Nowierski <bartekn@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Takashi Sakamoto <tasak@google.com>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1158006}
GitOrigin-RevId: 4ef79b5f8468216bf85da0588c78850bf8688fd8
1 file changed
tree: a2314531df4cb84d6f46f760cc629c96e784eb05
  1. angle.gni
  2. build.gni
  3. dawn.gni
  4. glslang.gni
  5. gtest.gni
  6. ipcz.gni
  8. partition_alloc.gni
  9. pdfium.gni
  10. README.md
  11. spirv_tools.gni
  12. swiftshader.gni
  13. tint.gni
  14. vulkan_common.gni
  15. vulkan_headers.gni
  16. vulkan_loader.gni
  17. vulkan_tools.gni
  18. vulkan_validation_layers.gni
  19. wayland.gni

Build overrides in GN

This directory is used to allow different products to customize settings for repos that are DEPS'ed in or shared.

For example: V8 could be built on its own (in a “standalone” configuration), and it could be built as part of Chromium. V8 might define a top-level target, //v8:d8 (a simple executable), that should only be built in the standalone configuration. To figure out whether or not it should be in a standalone configuration, v8 can create a file, build_overrides/v8.gni, that contains a variable, build_standalone_d8 = true. and import it (as import(“//build_overrides/v8.gni”) from its top-level BUILD.gn file.

Chromium, on the other hand, might not need to build d8, and so it would create its own build_overrides/v8.gni file, and in it set build_standalone_d8 = false.

The two files should define the same set of variables, but the values can vary as appropriate to the needs of the two different builds.

The build.gni file provides a way for projects to override defaults for variables used in //build itself (which we want to be shareable between projects).

TODO(crbug.com/588513): Ideally //build_overrides and, in particular, //build_overrides/build.gni should go away completely in favor of some mechanism that can re-use other required files like //.gn, so that we don't have to keep requiring projects to create a bunch of different files to use GN.