[BRP] Finchify "same slot" mode

In the current implementation, the only difference between "same slot"
and "previous slot" modes is end of which slot we look for ref-count.
This means that when MTE is on, we still bloat up ref_count_size to
the granule size and skip tagging it, even though it is no longer
necessary in the "same slot" mode. In the final code, we will no
longer do that, but we have to make sure that calculating the
ref-count address doesn't lose the tag.

a finch flag, so the coverage should be the same)

Low-Coverage-Reason: OTHER (this merely converts a buildflag into
Bug: 1511221, 1445816
Change-Id: I92efd626c0f57f9ae34166e229433a476cbe2d0d
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5180030
Reviewed-by: Keishi Hattori <keishi@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Bartek Nowierski <bartekn@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1247929}
GitOrigin-RevId: 89ad25d1d82b660bc36caa14319ff65696b65580
1 file changed
tree: 3248313a88f88abbfba1777169b0c5a450519658
  1. angle.gni
  2. build.gni
  3. dawn.gni
  4. glslang.gni
  5. gtest.gni
  6. ipcz.gni
  8. partition_alloc.gni
  9. pdfium.gni
  10. README.md
  11. spirv_tools.gni
  12. swiftshader.gni
  13. tint.gni
  14. vulkan_common.gni
  15. vulkan_headers.gni
  16. vulkan_loader.gni
  17. vulkan_tools.gni
  18. vulkan_utility_libraries.gni
  19. vulkan_validation_layers.gni
  20. wayland.gni

Build overrides in GN

This directory is used to allow different products to customize settings for repos that are DEPS'ed in or shared.

For example: V8 could be built on its own (in a “standalone” configuration), and it could be built as part of Chromium. V8 might define a top-level target, //v8:d8 (a simple executable), that should only be built in the standalone configuration. To figure out whether or not it should be in a standalone configuration, v8 can create a file, build_overrides/v8.gni, that contains a variable, build_standalone_d8 = true. and import it (as import(“//build_overrides/v8.gni”) from its top-level BUILD.gn file.

Chromium, on the other hand, might not need to build d8, and so it would create its own build_overrides/v8.gni file, and in it set build_standalone_d8 = false.

The two files should define the same set of variables, but the values can vary as appropriate to the needs of the two different builds.

The build.gni file provides a way for projects to override defaults for variables used in //build itself (which we want to be shareable between projects).

TODO(crbug.com/588513): Ideally //build_overrides and, in particular, //build_overrides/build.gni should go away completely in favor of some mechanism that can re-use other required files like //.gn, so that we don't have to keep requiring projects to create a bunch of different files to use GN.