Roll src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk/ b1269813e..1a637088a (287 commits)

In order to get the chromeos buidls to pass (broken by this CL due to
libassistant), we need to first submit this CL so libassistant can pick
up buildtools, revert this CL, and then resubmit once libassistant has
been updated.

Additionally, reenable libc++ debug mode with ThinLTO since this is
resolved by

Additional changes to get this to build:
* Regenerate absl
* Regenerate gvr shims
* Update #pragma clang_max_tokens as necessary

$ git log b1269813e..1a637088a --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2022-06-12 koraq [libc++][NFC] Use concepts in <bit>.
2022-06-12 koraq [libc++] Removes unneeded includes.
2022-06-12 koraq [libc++] Removes a GCC bug work-around.
2022-06-12 koraq [libc++][test] Remove support old compiler support.
2022-05-26 ldionne.2 [libc++] Do not yield from __sp_mut::lock()
2022-06-13 nikolasklauser [libc++] Fix std::lower_bound with C++20-hostile iterators
2022-03-28 phosek [CMake][libcxx] Use target_include_directories for libc++ headers
2022-06-11 nikolasklauser [libc++] Use unsigned char in basic_string::__short again
2022-06-11 joeloser93 [libc++][test] Add tuple trivial destructor test
2022-05-28 joeloser93 [libc++][test] Refactor SmallBasicString uses in range.lazy.split tests
2022-06-11 nikolasklauser [libc++][NFC] Update ranges algorithms status page
2021-10-02 koraq [libc++][format] Implement format-string.
2022-06-10 nikolasklauser [libc++] Use the same implementation of invoke for C++03 and C++11
2022-06-10 nikolasklauser [libc++] Granularize <iterator> includes
2022-06-10 nikolasklauser [libc++] Simplify type_traits and use more builtins
2022-06-10 ldionne.2 [libc++] Make sure we install the modulemap file with install-cxx-headers
2022-06-10 nikolasklauser [libc++] Remove uses of __two in type_traits
2022-06-10 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Fix indentation of some #if directives
2022-06-10 nikolasklauser [libc++] Granularize even more of type_traits
2022-06-07 nikolasklauser [libc++] Implement ranges::replace{, _if}
2022-06-09 koraq [libc++] Fixes CI after Jammy update.
2022-06-09 ldionne.2 [libc++] Mark GDB pretty printers as unsupported on GCC 11.2 to make CI green
2022-06-06 martin [libcxx] [doc] Add a release note for distributors about MinGW builds and dllimport
2022-06-06 nikolasklauser [libc++] Granularize __string
2022-06-09 fmayer [NFC] change error message wording.
2022-06-07 fmayer [libcxx] improve LIBCXX_ABI_NAMESPACE error message
2022-05-30 koraq [libc++][CI] Updates Docker image.
2021-06-08 ldionne.2 [libc++] Towards a simpler extern template story in libc++
2022-05-23 ldionne.2 [libc++] Fix modules builds when features are removed
2022-06-08 koraq Revert "[libc++][CI] Updates Docker image."
2022-06-08 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Add missing 'return 0'
2022-06-07 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Simplify enable_if for std::copy optimization
2022-06-08 ldionne.2 [libc++] Make sure we add /llvm to the list of safe directories
2022-06-08 nikolasklauser [libc++] Implement ranges::adjacent_find
2022-06-07 joeloser93 Revert "[libc++][test] Mark ranges.transform.pass.cpp UNSUPPORTED for AIX"
2022-04-01 ldionne.2 [libc++] Make the Debug mode a configuration-time only option
2022-05-31 koraq [libc++] Removes _LIBCPP_AVAILABILITY_TO_CHARS.
2022-05-30 koraq [libc++][CI] Updates Docker image.
2022-06-02 koraq [libc++] Don't use static constexpr in headers.
2022-06-07 ldionne.2 [libc++] Forgot to bump the CI timeout everywhere
2022-06-07 ldionne.2 [libc++] Bump timeout to avoid spurious failures on AIX
2022-06-06 nikolasklauser [libc++] Implement ranges::find_first_of
2022-04-10 martin [libcxx] Omit dllimport in public headers in MinGW mode
2022-04-11 martin [libcxx] [test] Don't use header defines for detecting linking against a DLL
2022-06-06 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Move span tests under views.span
2022-06-06 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Fix outdated comment in span test
2022-06-06 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Add missing includes
2022-05-05 ldionne.2 [libc++] Avoid creating temporaries in unary expressions involving valarray
2022-06-03 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove a bunch of conditionals on _LIBCPP_DEBUG_LEVEL
2022-06-05 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Implement ranges::binary_search and ranges::{lower, upper}_bound
2022-04-05 aeubanks [libcxx] Add flag to disable __builtin_assume in _LIBCPP_ASSERT
2022-04-04 ldionne.2 [libc++] Add back-deployment testing on arm64 macs
2022-04-07 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Implement ranges::count{, _if}
2022-04-06 nikolasklauser [libc++] Remove redundant __invoke_constexpr functions
2022-04-07 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Add implicit conversion to bool test for ranges::find{, if, if_not}
2022-02-25 martin [libcxx] [test] Stop defining LIBCXX-WINDOWS-FIXME
2022-04-05 koraq [libc++] Use cpp20_output_iterator in tests.
2022-04-03 koraq [NFC][libc++] Modularize chrono's calendar.
2021-10-26 ldionne.2 [libc++] Support arrays in make_shared and allocate_shared (P0674R1)
2022-03-10 martin [libcxx] [test] Remove UNSUPPORTED markings for mingw issues that no longer are present in CI
2022-04-05 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove error about _LIBCPP_ALTERNATE_STRING_LAYOUT not being supported anymore
2022-04-05 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Remove stray whitespace in comment
2022-01-20 martin [libcxx] [test] Fix the locale ctype widen tests on Windows
2022-04-05 hui.xie1990 [libc++] add global variable template std::views::empty
2022-03-19 koraq [libc++][test] Adds an cpp20_output_iterator.
2022-04-04 ldionne.2 [libc++] Tidy up tests for deduction guides and other compile-time failing properties in std::string
2022-04-05 ldionne.2 [libc++] Silence new deprecation warnings for C functions in tests
2022-04-05 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Implement ranges::transform
2022-03-25 ldionne.2 [libc++] Implement tests for private headers using the new generator
2022-03-23 martin [libcxx] Stop recommending setting LIBCXX_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API in the MinGW builds
2022-03-31 ldionne.2 [libc++] Fix std::is_array<T[0]> and add tests
2022-04-04 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Rename to
2022-03-25 ldionne.2 [libc++] Implement all public header tests using the new generator
2022-04-03 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove unused <iosfwd> include from <__debug>
2022-04-03 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Fix weird indentation in test
2022-04-03 nikolasklauser [libc++][ranges] Implement ranges::max
2022-03-31 nikolasklauser [libc++] Canonicalize the ranges results and their tests
2022-03-30 martin [libcxx] [test] Avoid spurious test breakage in clang-cl-dll configs with newer CMake
2022-03-31 martin [libcxx] [ci] Enable -Werror for libcxxabi and libunwind too
2022-03-31 koraq [libc++] Fixes calendar function visibility.
2022-03-30 koraq [libc++][ci] Installs Japanese locale in Docker.
2022-03-27 koraq [libc++][doc] Update formatting status.
2022-03-31 ldionne.2 [libc++] Install psutil on the macOS nodes
2022-03-23 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove the __libcpp_version file
2022-03-02 ldionne.2 [libc++] Add a CI job running MSAN
2022-03-30 martin [libcxx] [doc] Update Windows build instructions after deprecating the legacy standalone builds
2022-03-25 ldionne.2 [libc++] Ensure that all public C++ headers include <__assert>
2022-03-04 ldionne.2 [libunwind] Add a _LIBUNWIND_VERSION macro
2022-03-24 ldionne.2 [libc++] Use __builtin_expect and __builtin_assume in _LIBCPP_ASSERT
2022-03-29 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Fix typo in comment
2022-03-28 ldionne.2 [libc++][libc++abi] Serialize the enable_assertions Lit parameter in the generated config
2022-03-28 brad [libcxx] random_device, specify optimal entropy properties for all OS's using arc4random()
2022-03-27 koraq [libc++][doc] Update format implementation status.
2021-09-04 koraq [libc++][format][2/6] Adds a __output_iterator.
2022-03-23 ldionne.2 [libc++] Remove the _LIBCPP_BOOL_CONSTANT macro
2022-03-18 nikolasklauser [libc++] Rename __identity to __type_identity
2022-03-24 ldionne.2 [libc++] Audit all uses of _LIBCPP_ASSERT and _LIBCPP_DEBUG_ASSERT
2022-03-24 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Refactor the ABI changelog
2022-03-24 ldionne.2 [libc++][NFC] Update ABI changelog to account for new assertion handler
2022-03-03 ldionne.2 [libc++] Add a lightweight overridable assertion handler

Created with:
  roll-dep src/buildtools/third_party/libc++/trunk

Bug: 1273285
Change-Id: I46b3a6b4b1263bcd9ed4b7ef443a7388e1d52cc3
Commit-Queue: Alan Zhao <>
Owners-Override: Nico Weber <>
Reviewed-by: Nico Weber <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1014777}
GitOrigin-RevId: 49792f173a1be0abefae749285e8590e84889fb2
2 files changed