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  1. b89a459 Revert "[ios] Fix email not pre-filled on re-signin flow" by Noémie St-Onge · 12 hours ago main master
  2. 6529c06 Migrate TODOs referencing old crbug IDs to the new issue tracker IDs by Alison Gale · 13 hours ago
  3. 6c64f48 [iOSKAUpgrade] Set accessibility label of 3-dot menu button by Noémie St-Onge · 13 hours ago
  4. 23d8c06 [iOS] Create Async and Sync Url Checker When Async Is Enabled by Joemer Ramos · 14 hours ago
  5. 1df51ac Revert "[CPE] Improve Favicon Fetching Logic" by Tommy Martino · 14 hours ago

This directory holds code related to Chrome for iOS. See this document for a description of the structure underneath this directory.